Recently, Bleubeard and I sat down for a talk. No, not THAT talk. He's too old for THAT talk.
Instead, he wanted to tell me how much he has enjoyed and still enjoys being the face of our blog. But he wasn't sure he could keep this up much longer, because he was getting a bit too old to do all the running and jumping and playing in the sun. He and I agreed that we should get a new "Bleubeard in training." We would have a spare, just like the King or Queen of England.
As a bit of a back story, I had put out feelers to all my friends to see if they had a kitten they needed to find a good home for. The criteria included it must be a male, and the person must know the day the kitten was born.
Now I love my friend Sally, but she always wants me to spend money I don't have. She wanted me to go to the Humane Society and buy a kitten for $99.00 (US). I wouldn't spend that much money on a kitten, especially when there are SO many unloved and unwanted ones in the world. She got her two there, and said in the end, you save money because they are neutered or spayed, and get their first shots. Still, I wasn't going to pay that much for a kitten.

Those of you who are long time readers of my blog, know I've wanted a TV for over a year. Mine quit about a year ago and I used my old 14 inch TV in my office for a year. So one day in October, I stopped into Best Buy and checked on computers. The guys in the computer department acted like I was gum caught under their shoe. They were rude, rude, RUDE, and didn't want to even talk to me, since I was more interested in getting prices and other information than I was in pulling out my checkbook. However, in the TV department, I didn't care if they were rude (which they were), because I found the exact TV I was looking for. Yep, this is the box it came in. No whistles, no bells, just a TV. Just what I was looking for. Remember, I'm the low maintenance gal.

Since I was so close to the Humane Society, I thought I would drop in and see what they had in the way of kittens, because Sally told me they were running a special on kittens, but she wasn't sure how long the "special" lasted.

After filling out an application, I had a look around and saw three kittens, although I wasn't sure any of them was what I was looking for. They (Humane Society staff) left me in a room with three males, and the one that was the scraggliest and most timid appealed to me. He was also the only one they knew the date of his birth.

For a total of $9.00 (US), I brought home a kitten that had been neutered, has a chip in his neck so he'll never get lost, has all his shots through the first six months, was sandbox trained, and has been given pills to make sure he has no worms and fleas. They also gave me a cardboard cat carrier. I saved $90.00 and got all the shots and such he needed to start out his life as "Bleubeard in training."
Granted, neither Bleubeard nor I wanted to call him "Bleubeard in training," so we had to come up with a name for him. It took over a month for me to decide on a name for Bleubeard, so I wanted to get this one a name soon.
BTW, that blue collar I gave him, lasted about two weeks before he chewed it off. Once he got home, learned the lay of the land, and felt safe, all that timidness went away. Unfortunately, he and Bleubeard have not bonded as I had hoped they would. In fact, they refuse to be in the same room together, unless it's time to sleep.

So today, I give you Squiggles. As of November 25th when these photos were shot, he was three months and 10 days old.

Note that he likes to drop things in the communal water bowl, which infuriates Bleubeard.

That new collar has lasted longer than the first one, at least.

Before I could change the water, he had found something else to drop in it. I'm not sure Squiggles and Bleubeard will ever bond at this rate.
So much for the TALK, Bleubeard. I'm not sure it was a good idea after all, but we'll both learn to love Squiggles over time, I'm sure. I hope you, too, will learn to love, or at least like, Squiggles as much as you all seem to love Bleubeard.
30 thoughtful remarks:
Squiggles is precious! Bleubeard can guide him well : ). I had a water bowl filler too, every bowl in the house would have something in it if she could find things to drop in it lol.
BTW I got two free kittens in 1991 and they cost me $700 for shots and neutering in their first 6 months, so $9 is an extremely good deal : D.
Hello Squiggles:-) xxx
Welcome to Squiggles, I hope Bleubeard trains him to not drop things in the water dish soon. Thanks for the lovely comments you've left today, and I hope you're fully recovered very soon.
Well he's pretty darn cute. Hope they find a way to be friends. And you too. Congrats on the new TV. xox
Oh Squiggles - you have perfected the "Who? Me?" look that all cats of your age have! Bleubeard will surely teach you that it only works if you don't use it too often! Elizabeth, Squiggles looks like the perfect cat for Bleubeard to train and Bleubeard - Good Luck with the water bowl thing - I'm sure you will be patient! Big Hugs to you all, Chrisx
ps Hope you been enjoying your new TV while you have been poorly Elizabeth! X
Oh, you know how I love cats! Squiggles is quite a handsome fellow. You could try moving the water bowl to a spot farther away from the food and see if he still carries the food over a distance. Some will. Some won't. It might work.
It can sometimes take months for cats to get used to each other. I hope they eventually become friends. I'm excited to meet your new furfriend!! :):)
Awww, Hello Squiggles!
He's beautiful Elizabeth. I hope Bleubeard keeps him in check. These youngsters need to learn their manners from their elders and learn respect too.
Hope you are feeling a bitty better today (hugs)
My love to Squiggles, but all my sympathy is with Bleubeard. ;) To Bleubeard: Keep that Squiggles in line, Bleubeard, coz he's just a kitten and needs you to show him what's what :)
Sadly two males seldom bond, Kit-Kat and Lucky never did, it is a dominance thing :( both wanted to be in charge, Lucky is quite happy now being the king of his woman as I'm sure he thinks of Frootloop and Minnie Mouse.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name Squiggles adorable and somehow he looks like a Squiggles. He looks a bit like our Lucky Charms.
I have no doubt that Bluebeard will keep the little guy in line.
Hopefully after a bit they will become friends, just love on them both and maybe they will come around to each other.
I think you might have had better luck with a female. I'm afraid those two males may never bond. But he sure is adorable. Maybe if Squiggles had been a smaller kitten Bleubeard might not feel threatened.... I hope it all works out...One day you might come home and they'll be taking a nap together... Hugs! deb
Welcome Squiggles. Warm gentle hugs for Bleubeard from T. She considers Bleubeard her Beau. It takes awhile E to get used to the ways of a kitten. They seem to like dropping things in the water. :) Hope you're feeling better. Sending our love to Bleubeard, you and squiggles.
Well hello Squiggles! He's looking very un-ragged and not so timid now! what a beauty! Of course you have the talk, and then Bleubeard ins a little out of sorts at the implementation of the back up plan...I get it. They'll rub along together eventually, when Squiggles realises he's not the Alpha!! I must say he was a bargain...although I'm pretty sure a lot more re-homing would happen if it didn't cost 99 bucks each time, blimey.
Aaaw, love the look of Squiggles... he has some serious charm going on there and is similar to Bleubeard with the rounded face...and you gave an animal that needed a forever home a wonderful place to live and all for $9... now that is a serious bargain! I guess you just need to give them a bit of space to work out the new set up and who is going to be boss!!
How would a water bowl each work? LOL
first: he´s sooo cute! love his Color!
i think the choice was good to seek for a male one (at least books are telling so, for better "compatibility"). of course it will take some time, the Young one jumping into the comfort Zone of bluebeard. but i think time will bring acceptance.
a great deal btw, we also had two male kittens for free (in 2006, one vanished over night at the Age of about two, heartbreaking), and the big veterinarian bills came soon, just for the "usual" things...
i had to laugh about "bluebeard in Training" - squiggles is a beautiful Name! i´m sure you will enjoy us with lots of News about your new Family life!
oh, i almost Forget to comment about the rude guys at the shop... it is incredible how condescending some shop assistants can be. impoliteness seems to rule. i wish them pimples on the a**... sorry, but that really gives me a pain! their Karma will be bad.
What a surprise this is, a very cute surprise!! Sorry they haven't made friends yet, it can take awhile, kind of like when mom brings home a new baby. So glad you didn't spend a fortune on him.
My sister's new kitten has warmed up to her now. He greets her at the door when she gets home and follows her everywhere now. So glad he did since she's always wanted one.
Hope you are feeling well by now too. Will see you tomorrow for T Day.
You are off to a great start for the new year! Life is gonna be full of surprises with Squiggles bouncing in and out of camera lens!
Welcome to Squiggles! I have to tell you that before I scrolled down to see which kitten you chose, I studied the photo and tried to guess. Happy to say I was right!He has a very expressive face and seems to like being photographed. I hope in time Bleubeard will feel more accepting!
Glad you found a TV that you liked. Have to admit the employees of the Best Buy we shop in are pretty good. Other than being geeky kids, they seem knowledgeable and polite.
Hope you are feeling better!
Aww Bless. Hello Squiggles. I do hope they get on well. Bleubeard will always be No. 1 though and I am sure they will both settle.
Welcome to Squiggles. You kept him under wraps here for quite a while. Glad to see his adorable face. I hope he and Bleubeard will eventually become friends.
Oh my gosh!! Squiggles is adorable. No offense to Bleubeard, of course, since he is the distinguished gentleman of the house.
Well, at least you had the talk and it may take a while for the youngster to learn his place... or never as the case may be, at least the collar is staying put, and it sounds like he will eventually become a star in bogland! x
Squiggles is a sweetie!!! I live with with 3 male cats. The first two are brothers so have always been together. The 3rd one is my Bengal Leopard Cat that I adopted from the Humane Society. It took over a year for them to bond but they finally did. Hopefully yours will too.
Well there will only ever be one Bleubeard and I can see where he may be hesitant to step down from his throne...
Squiggles is one cute kitty that's for sure!
Maybe with time those two will come to a more comfortable understanding and tolerance of one another.
He is a lucky kitty to be rescued by you E and live in such a caring home!
Welcome sweet Squiggles. A bargain for sure. Time for two water bowls to end the aggravation!
Welcome to Squiggles! I like him already!
What a handsome creature.....tho' Squiggles and Elizabeth doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
I would really miss bluebeard! perhaps what happened to us will happen to you. When we got a new puppy because our dog was very old, he got a new lease on life and lasted another two years
Oh what a fascinating blogpost and I l seriously love Squiggles. I hope Bleubeard comes round to Squiggles soon, although I'm sure Squiggles is not spending a lot of time worrying about it.
Very wise move. He may never bond with Bluebeard. He will with you. It is hard to be # 2.
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