Second, I appreciate that big UGLY deformed mug of coffee that is keeping me warm and safe from any detritus that could fall into a mug with no lid (and yes, that's my final alma mater).
Third, I appreciate my forethought in creating a list that helped me remember what I needed to bring to the basement studio. And of course, I'm appreciative that there was a rocking horse in plain view, so I didn't have to go searching for one.

Please leave your number when you visit. It's much easier to find you, because I didn't get to everyone who visited last week until Monday night, my time. I found a couple of G+ blogs I can't leave comments on. The reason is the blog owner has set it up so I must join G+ if I want to leave a comment. And G+ wants my date of birth. Only the IRS is allowed that information. Shame on you GOOGLE +.
Now let's stop by Julia's for the links, then go snooping.
52 thoughtful remarks:
Nice and toasty is what everyone wants to be and showing a box that is full stash is just teasing :)
LOL Google Plus wants your age just make one up as long as your over 21 I don't think it matters
hugs Nikki No # yet
I am glad you have one warm spot to craft away in, nothing worse than being cold and not being able to do the stuff you want. I think you know an overlocker as a Serger? It sort of finishes off the edges of things? They are a flippin' nightmare to thread, let me tell you! LOL
It's nice to be able to visit again!
What a great idea using an old cd I'm sure I have a bunch around here and they also can double as a coaster too lol
Glad you have a bit of heat! I have G + and am not impressed. Looking forward to what is in the box! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #4
Hmmmm you have gotten my curiosity up as to what is in that box hehe. Wow to have 2 studios to work in I am jealous! While you want to get warm in your part of the world..I am trying to stay cool under the air conditioner hehe! Happy WOYWW.
Janene #9
Now that's not nice Elizabeth..you little teaser!I see Modge Podge on your shelf.I'm off this afternoon to get some, and some Gesso (white), for a project I saw on You tube...it's on my blog.
Judy #12
Well congrats.. I guess its a game or something to get number 1 slot. Good deal. Also glad to see Im not the only one that is happy my space heater is working and don't have a ton of pretties on my desk..lol Ok have a good one. Roberta #18
Now who is not playing fair...we all need to know what's in the box...happy crafting
DeDe #17
No 1 again ! congrats. What a tease you are this week, sharing but not sharing. Looks like I will be back to find out what is in the box.
Hugs Eliza & Yoda 14
Love the rocking horse. My craft room is in my basement, too. Fortunately my husband insulated fairly well and I have a heater than keeps it warm. April #20
Hopefully this won't be a double post. The rocking horse is too cute. I too craft in my basement. I have a heater that I use even though my husband did insulate it well. April #20
Yeah!!! someone else is using a heater for their crafty purposes @!Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell my hubby don't know but it's cold around here. Snowing now, but we had no wind and sunshine for another funeral this AM. So was thankful. Hoping to see your goodies. And I am glad I have electricity, last week we didn't I've been ordering ONLINE and packages are arriving...just can't travel too far away. And I live in RURAL IOWA. it's a jaunt to the city. Enjoy the week I think I'm #24 as of now !!
Wishing I could lift that lid from here and take a peek! #35
Peggy xx #37
that is a very interesting box there! and you're such a pro at getting the number 1 spot! I am #28!
I feel for you shivering in your basement craft room when i'm all toasty and warm.. hope it warms up soon. Well done on top spot (again!!) don't know how you do it. Look forward to the tutorial with that box of mystery ingredients. Helen 5
Oooh, a box of goodies... you tease :)
Thanks for visiting - can I let you into a secret, the calligraphy (however it's spelled!) is torn from a calendar - sshhhh, don't tell... :D
Happy WOYWW!
no. 33
Elizabeth that box is a tease!
What is in it??????? I need to know!
Try and keep warm in your cold weather, we have seen the sunshine during the last couple of days in the uk, so fingers crossed for a little warmer weather
Jackie 36
Hi Elizabeth, thanks for your visit, and I'd say you must appreciate your basement craft room, fancy having two workdesks. Hello rockinghorse and mmmm goodies to unpack. Cheers and have a super week RobynO#30
Hi Elizabeth, thanks for your visit, and I'd say you must appreciate your basement craft room, fancy having two workdesks. Hello rockinghorse and mmmm goodies to unpack. Cheers and have a super week RobynO#30
What a lot you've got to be thankful for this week....and rightly so :-)
Hope you have a warmer week ahead.
Annie # 49
Google + is all over everything and I loathe it. Shame on them. Meanwhile, happy that you're more comfortable to craft in, and very happy to see a box of goodies waiting to be worked on..how exciting!
It has been miserable horrible weather again this week. I thought that it was all over for the year and here it is again! I am glad your basement craft area stays warm enough for you to work. I am not a big fan of Google+ either and wish that they would make it more user friendly. Have a great week. Vickie #52
Congrats on No. 1 and lovely to see your clean and tidy desk. Your workspace sounds very cosy.
Sandra @61
Oooh a mystery box! what fun. And no, just to follow up a previous discussion, they simply do not sell file folders like we Yanks know as manilla at all in the UK - they have other folders, made from different stuff, not as heavy and perfect for making pages and tags. BUT we had a massive re-org of our US files and I robbed the cabinets of every single manilla folder I could find - the rubbish UK version are fine for paperwork, just not for art LOL!
back online but slow :(
Mary Anne (29)
#1 is getting a bit of a habit with you now isn't it? Oh go on what is in the box you big tease. And YES I have the same issue with G+ as I don't wish to register either bit it isn't an age thing with me. BJ#67
I'm so happy you have a warm space! I look forward to seeing what's in the box :) xo
There used to be a TV programme here in Britain - erm, many years ago - and the audience catch phrase was "Open the box".... Can we all shout it, too?? What an exciting looking box it is - it's HUGE!!!!! Glad the coffee and heater are keeping you warm. we finally have a little Spring warmth here - the heating has gone down a degree or two - drastic action!
Thanks for already visiting - if perchance you do win, we will sort out something re emails and addresses etc:-)
Margaret #13
Now I am really curious! Thanks for dropping by. Sorry I've had no power today and I was a bit behind on reading blogs before that! I'm glad you are keeping warm. I like you coffee with lid, I don't know how many times I have gone to take a sip of tea to find little paint specks in it and have to throw it out! lol
Hi Elizabeth, glad you have some warmth there while your having fun. Its really nice and spring like here now. You are teasing us with whats in the box, let us know soon.
Gill x 46
Hi Elizabeth, glad you've found somewhere warm to craft today and that package is so intriguing - looking forward to seeing the contents. By coincidence we've had a surveyor crawling around our loft this morning ... measuring up for the new insulation to make our home even more cosy and economical to heat ... and doing our bit for the planet. Bonnie sends regards to Bleubeard :) Elizabeth x #76
Hi Elizabeth,
I'm so glad that your basement studio is nice and warm for you. I find when my hands are cold it's hard to function properly - and we can't have that! Can't wait to see what's in the package.
I am not participating this week - nothing new to show and I was lazy last night.....
I'm so eager to know what you are going to share. Have a creative day
Well, you are on a roll at getting that #1 spot. How much to pay Julia to give you that spot? LOL (your know I'm kidding)
I changed my right to left, I had changed it during an edit, but blogger just didn't see it my way.
So the elephant (box) on your desk is full of what?
Thanks for always visiting and leaving such wonderful comments. Some day we must meet face to face.
Krisha #32
Hello Elizabeth, yes it has been too long since I last visited you also, glad I'm back now though. Aha, you have two crafting areas - I'm glad one at least is nice and warm for you :) Your forthcoming tutorial sounds intriguing. One day I will finish my altered book that I started using your wonderful tutorial - every now and again I have guilt twinges about it.
Thanks for already coming to visit me (I was number 88 last time I looked) xx
Hi again Elizabeth, just a quick reply to your comment. You can tell Bleubeard that Bonnie hasn't lost her outdoors snooze quarters - heaven forbid! Instead, we've treated ourselves to a brand new cold frame and a mini-green house too. Far be it for us to evict The Boss from her favourite outdoor space :) Elizabeth xx
Hi Elizabeth, oh pray tell that I've finally figured out this whole Google+ and blogger comment thingy! I've been way too long not being able to comment on yours - especially given that our cats, Bleubeard and Guinness are doppelgangers! Happy WOYWW!
Oooh what is in the parcel? Glad you managed to keep warm downstairs.
I know what you mean about Google+, it tried to rule everything. I used to put my pictures on Picasa and now it is Google+ and I can't find them. Very annoying
Chris # 56
Technology is way too invasive, I agree. Hope you and Bleubeard are both well. ( It always amuses me that spellchecker tells me I have Bleubeard spelt wrong, lol).Looking forward to seeing what comes out of the box, Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #41 xx
I'm pretty sure I put a fake b-day in my Google+. Seriously, it's none of their business!
Happy creating with whatever is in that box. I'm sure we'll get to see it sometime, right?
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the nice comments.
Happy Woyww,
Sandy #23
Looking forward to seeing what you make. HappyTuesday!
I'm a great list maker! Good idea to have a coffee cup with a lid too! Now, come on - open that box! Love to you both, Chris68
Wowee, what a lot of exciting things you have in your workroom! I want to come and play there - the Books I could make!!!
And a box of stash - for making more books, yes? (Altered Books of course, for you?).
Why haven't I been coming to your blog more often - it looks so exciting. I will be back!
Lizzie (LizzieMade #97). X
Ooo I wander what's in the box Elizabeth..... that's very mysterious of you.... I will just have to keep popping back , wont I hehe
janet #19
Personally, I'd just fib about my date of birth just like I fib about all that personal information that random websites ask for. Shame on them.
I'm glad you basement play place stays warm and cozy. You need someplace to go in the cold weather. I miss basements, we don't do 'em here in this part of the world.
We'll stay tuned and see what the mysterious brown box has to offer! Happy WOYWW! Judy #92
I liked your 248 title today! I play games with numbers the whole time - daft really but it keeps this little brain amused. All 3 cellphone numbers I've had have had 666 in them! Just warning you ;-)
I feel like you do about travelling vicariously... so much world left to see, so little time to do it. Mr LLJ and I were very adventurous travellers before our boys came along, it'll happen again one day!
Hugs, LLJ 44 xx
I simply must know what is in the box, please lift the lid!!!!!
Pleased I'm not the only one that has to make lists lol!
Happy crafting, Angela x63
Okay I'm old and must be blind....a rocker? Where? I see a pig and a butterfly no rocker. Hmmm Now about that box....oooh exciting. Stay warm happy crafting. Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #101 I'm very late today. Hugs from the Girls who are now napping.
Looking forward to seeing what's in the box. Will be back! #73
Ooh, you tease. All the time dangling that box of almost unopened goodies in front of us.
Congrats on being numero uno again, I think Bleubeard keeps an eye out for Julia's post going up and mews loudly to let you know. Give him a love from me.
Hugs, Neet 8 xx
What an amusing take on WOYWW this week, Elizabeth! It made me smile. Yes, despite various difficulties in our lives, we do have a lot to appreciate, don't we!! Hope you are feeling a bit warmer now! Your big parcel looks most intriguing.
Thanks for your visit and your thoughtful comment. I'm sorry you are having problems viewing my videos - if you are in Youtube, have you tried running them at a lower setting? You can click on the little gearwheel and choose HD or not. Anyway, if you see my blog post dated 21st Feb (acrylic film with tea) there's a full description of what I did, including a link to the video that inspired me (you may have more joy with that one). The purpose of the waxed paper is to catch any overflow of gel medium from the acetate sheet, to stop it making a mess on your work surface, so it goes underneath everything, and needs to be bigger than the project. The reason I felt the project would dry more quickly once I'd peeled it off was so that the air could get at the back of it as well as the front - I propped it up on some rubber stamps to facilitate this. Any further questions - don't hesitate to ask! On one of the forums I'm on, one person is always saying "the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!" Lol!
Thanks for your good wishes for the health of both Beatrice and myself! I am a lot better but still coughing, and Beatrice is on the mend, slowly. She seems quite happy, and much more lively than just after the operation. We keep telling her that tree climbing is a no-no, though!
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #83
Open the box, open the box!! Thank you for visiting. Karen #56
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