At 2:00 am your time (and mine, too) be sure to head back in time. At least head to your clocks and set them back one hour because that's when daylight savings time ends in the US.

If you have lots of clocks that are set or linked to a world clock, like my computer or this one, you won't have any trouble. It will be done for you.
However, if most of yours are like mine,

and battery powered only,

you'll have to manually adjust them like I do! NOTE: Please click to enlarge to see the entire photo.

Experts suggest to set your clocks back before you head to bed tonight. They also suggest you change all the batteries in your clocks and your smoke alarms, too. This is Day 3 of
AEDM, so if you live in the US, don't be late, just head back in time.
28 thoughtful remarks:
Cool clocks!!
I tried to respond to your comment on my blog, but it bounced back to me, so I'll put my reply here:
Thank you for the sweet words!
You brought back memories of how important that "half" used to be to me too. I can't remember when it stopped being important either! :-)
oh shoot!
thanks for the reminder . . . i almost forgot . . really!
I love clocks, too.We have one at out local community house, in the kitchen, made from knives and forks!
Fab clocks! Since I make clocks, I now have eleven to reset & change batteries in, so I start early in the evening. Have a wonderful Sunday!
I enjoyed your pictures of clocks. I turned back my clocks last night - I just wish I could have slept in but my internal clock never changes.
Elizabeth, I LOVE this post and your AWESOME clocks!! Guess what hubby and I forgot about this last night, we never forget. So I was up extra early to post and visit everyone, YAY!!!
I love that clock of the pan especially, so fun. I hope to have a wall with clocks on it one day. We have 5 clocks to change back, Rich does them for me since they are up high.
Have a wonderful day, hoping to join with Mandala and a surprise tomorrow. HUGS!
I don't know whick "time" I like best. My "body" clock will take some time to adjust! LOL
Don't have to worry about daylight savings here because Queensland doesn't participate in it. :)
Btw, nice clocks!
I'm posting this reply here just in case you don't go back and check out the comments on my blog. Re. Blogger blogs taking you directly to their Google+ profile instead - It shouldn't do that unless they put the link into the Linky for their Google+ profile but it's weird that it's doing that regardless. If you do get taken directly to a Google+ page, check out the tabs at the top and choose About. The info in the About tab should give you a blog address if they have one.
Loved this creative post! We all need reminding….
Clocks are done, like you a battery one and the stovetop....that's it. Hate that it will be dark at 4:30 though.....xox
Perfect post for going back in time :) xxoo
Clocks--two down and two to go. I love your colorful clock and lovely things on your wall.
Changing of the clocks is always a little disruptive. (They went back last week over here.) You have such interesting clocks though, so maybe that makes it more fun!
Thanks so much for participating in AEDM and your generosity in encouraging everyone else. I very much appreciated your thoughtful comment.
Love your cool clocks, especially the frying pan!
I'm surprised that Typepad asked for such detailed information. I agree - that is too much info to give out.
hello again, coming back to reply to your comment.
You made me laugh soooo hard reading about your adventures in sewing. Guess who else did horrible in home-ec??? I was such tomboy and hated that class and didn't want to go. My mom talked to the teacher and they said I could take half the class and the other half in wood shop which is what I wanted. YAY!! They never let us girls do that back then but my mom fights so hard for me. I loved wood shop so much and made cool things in it. My pants from home-ec not so good, they didn't even look like pants. Funny thing is my mom and her mom and my grandma that I take of now are all HUGE sewers and quilters. They amaze me with their talents but I never wanted to learn till recently with my art journaling. Hope I will get there one day. My mom actually made my sisters and I and the bridemaids dresses for all our weddings and for homecoming/proms. She sewed a lot of my baby clothes and jackets too. Too bad it didn't work out that way for us but this way we can enjoy seeing what those talented people can do and share.
Thank you for all the Praise about Renee and her sewing. She was crying that first week and didn't want to go back but she did so well after that and her teacher told her too. YAY!!
Sorry for writing a book here, if you had email I would have sent it to you that way.
One more thing I forgot, you mentioned about your heart collection. Please share it one day when you can, even just a few pieces would be nice to see. I love seeing when people find hearts in the weirdest places.
I laughed about your comment on my reader doing AEDM this month too. She usually inspires me to try new things an I even got her and Susan and Tracey on the Project Life wagon too. I'm so blessed to have found such awesome blog friends, your are included in this. One day when I win the big lottery my dream is to have all my blog friends meet in one place with me and hang out for a long weekend. Now if only I would win it already.
Thanks Elizabeth for making me smile each time you visit. HUGS!
Twice a year I'm reminded how many dang clocks we have in our house. What a pain!
There's a saying going around on Facebook about daylight savings - When told the reason for Daylight Savings the Old Indian said, "Only the government would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket".
Btw, I've noticed that a lot of Google+ users don't think to add their website or blog links to their Google+ profile About tab. I have no idea why because it makes it harder for people to find them elsewhere online. Tell your friend that she can easily switch back to a Blogger profile by going to the Overview page and clicking the little 'gear/cog' icon on the right hand side under her profile picture. She then needs to select Revert to Blogger Profile option. Very easy to do.
Ha! We slept in this morning and didn't even think about the time until after noon! I am in love with that clock with the bottlecaps. Hope you've had a fun weekend! xo, janice
It is always a bit difficult when changing the time. In the UK we changed at the end of October and now it gets dark so very early :_(
I saw a funny Facebook post about turning back our clocks - to when we were twenty - lol. You certainly do have lots of time to change!
I love your clocks!! They are all so cool. I especially like the clock on the back of the pan.
I am sorry your convoluted message got eaten by my blog. I hate it when that happens.
I had to wander all over my place, too, checking for clocks that needed assistance. I have never understood the need for daylight savings time in the first place.
Hope you had a good Sunday. :)
I love that I don't have to change my alarm clock because it changes itself. I love it so much that if I unplug it and then plug it back in, no matter how much time has elapsed, it'll always go to the proper time. I have only one clock which I have to do manually, now.
I like that one really funky clock of yours! Did you make that yourself? It's so cool!
Love your clocks, so much fun
You must have been busy changing those clocks. I think DLS is outdated, useless and annoying!
Cute clocks and a great post for reminding! Enjoy the extra hour now for it will be taken away in Spring :)
Oooooh! I love all your copper! Especially the measuring cup scoops!
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