I thought since my back wouldn't allow me to work in the basement, I would join
Dawn for Mandala Monday over at
Girl Unwinding. I was hoping for something quick and easy, but that was not the case. The more I got into this mandala, the more I kept moving everything (including myself) around.

With my back still not up to par, there was no way I was going to stand on a chair to photograph this mandala. My short legs wouldn't give me the height I needed, so every photo I took

left something out, or added something like my finger. Assembled on my copper charger, this mandala consists of

Rose of Sharon, Baby's Breath,

Mexican Sage, and wild Sunflowers.

In the center, propped up by a small sunflower is a squash blossom.

How's this for out of focus, and off color? I thought it was really quite artsy, so included it. Since I don't create digital art, I thought someone might actually want to use it in theirs. Feel free to do so.
But, before you do, please visit
Dawn because her mandalas are out of this world!!
13 thoughtful remarks:
OK, I have been out of commission myself and will have to read back to see what you have done to yourself! :( I think this is my favourite mandala of yours so far, it is so pretty and the colours are wonderful.
So glad your here today, LOVE THIS MANDALA!!! Sorry for the hurt back and making it hard to take pictures, I think they are good enough.
Beautiful colors, how nice to have baby breath! I love how it came out, lots of colors! Glad you had enough to use from your gardens too, soon it will be hard for us to make these mandalas.
Thanks so much for the comment. Sam really did enjoy himself, he wasn't so sure about the mayo either. He thought it was going to be like the cheesy bread we get at a local pizza place. It wasn't even close though. I did great getting the pictures, you will seem them in my PL of course.
Thanks for the good wishes for Kristin's trip, what amazing sites she will see. Her gift is painting and photography so we will see which she gets to use on her mission. She has taken 2 small week long ones so this is a BIG one.
Sorry for no link up, need the break and busy with babysitting, church, soccer and my new tv shows start up this week. I'm not much of a tv person, only 3 shows a week.
Take care of your back, it can take a few days to feel right again. Rich just pulled a muscle in his leg by pulling out the corn stalks, now he's been in a bit of pain for a week.
Happy Mandala Monday to you!
Really beautiful Elizabeth!!!
Very nice Elizabeth! Hope your back gets better. Bad backs are draining, I know. Love the Rose of Sharon. I know it's about the last thing to bloom in the season, but it's wonderful to have those blossoms come fall, isn't it? :)
Marvelous Fall blooms. About the only thing still blooming here are wild asters and goldenrod....Love the Rose of Sharon. xox
~~~feel better soon vibes~~~
Delightful mandala, the side photographs are awesome, so lively and interesting.
What a beautiful Mandala! I have nothing as pretty as this blooming in the yard. Love the way you photographed this. Of course I would be the ONE that likes the out of focus one the best! LOL
I am glad to hear your back has not completely knocked you out of the playground, but do take care!
This is my favorite mandala that you have created so far! Sorry to hear your back is still giving you trouble. Yes, stay off the chairs!
Simply BEAUTIFUL! I totally understand trying to take pictures when a part of your body is not cooperating. You did a great job and I like the ones that are a little out of focus. I agree that they look very artsy! Have a great week! Rasz
enjoying your mandalas from nature. I really like the colors here.
love the combination of colors! heal quickly dear!
My Dear Elizabeth ~
So very sorry to hear you hurt your back...
that is no fun at all...
sure hope each day finds you doing better and better!
Your mandala is really gorgeous!!!
No one would ever guess you are under the weather...
take good care and feel better soon...
we are traveling again and I am falling so far behind in visiting friends and corresponding...
Sending healing energy and all good wishes your way!
I made it! sorry so late but here I am:
Your mandala is so fresh and vibrant and colorful, almost scrumptious enough to eat! and it's already plated, lol
I sure hope you get to feeling well again shortly but I am sure honored that you decided to play along and push through any pain or obstacles you needed to, to get it done. I appreciate that Elizabeth. thank you
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