Tuesday, July 9, 2013

WOYWW 214: The one where she has a "new" camera

I didn't play in WOYWW with Julia, our outstanding hostess, last week because I spent more time away from my computer than on it.  Holiday guests, trips to the airport, and a massive yard clean-up were all valid excuses.  And yes, I'm using them, too!

Those of you who were here earlier today for Tea Tuesday saw my new camera.  Right now, I'm using it to take these photos.  On my work table, which really needs a good cleaning, are my "old" camera I've used for many years, along with my until recently, "new" camera, which I will gladly allow to take a back seat to my "really new, slightly used" camera (and its massive reference and instruction book) I got from sandee, another WOYWWer who sent it from the hills of North Carolina (her tag line).  She also sent this cute card and guess what!!

Yep, these awesome rocking horses, everyone knows I will put to good use.  They are so happy to be here among their friends and new family of about 450 rockers.

Speaking of families, here's to the new British heir apparent.  I can't believe the royal couple don't know the gender of this unborn prince or princess.

Please visit Julia for the links, then consider playing along in this highly addictive blog hop that spans the globe.  Please, please leave your number if you are visiting from WOYWW.  It makes it much easier to find you that way.  And don't worry if your number changes.  It's still closer than trying to hunt you down in over 150 names.

57 thoughtful remarks:

Lynn Cohen said... 1

Looks like you are having great fun! Love the monkey's. Enjoy that new camera!!!

peggy aplSEEDS said... 2

Your new camera is taking pretty good pictures, Elizabeth! Happy WOYWW!

Krisha said... 3

Love the card Sandee sent with your new toy! We know you will put it to good use!
Krisha #5

Spyder said... 4

The rocking horses are lovely and you have a new camera. Every week I wonderif mine will last the day, but it's better this week! Have a great crafting week!!
((Lyn)) #11 Atc didn't show, but don't worry, maybe it'll turn up next year! (after all one of mine was a (year) bit late!!

voodoo vixen said... 5

A camera, a card and rocking horses? You made out pretty well there! So glad yor camera woes are over now and you can just play and snap pics when you want!! Annette #7

Judys Lace Creations said... 6

It's fun to play with a new toy.Your old camera looks just like mine.When my husband up grades, I get his old ones.I'm not that fussy re cameras (technophobe), so I don't mind his cast offs.I give him a camera for birthday or whatever when there's a whole new type on the market which comes along every 3-4 years or so.
Judy #12

Unknown said... 7

Have fun with your new camera. Love those rocking horses and that card. Thanks for stopping by. Happy crafting #7

Create With Joy said... 8

Enjoy your new camera - and how cool that you still have rocking horses to show us!

Happy WOYWW to you and your sweet Bleubeard!

Create With Joy #4

Unknown said... 9

I love how you neatly display your projects every week. I really admire you for that. I'm not so neat. I have a niece who's expecting soon, and she doesn't know what she's having either. More and more expectant parents are wanting the babies sex to be a surprise.
What a great gift, I hope you enjoy your new camera. I just bought a new camera last year, I wanted to get sports shots of my daughter dancing. She's a competative Irish dancer. I envisioned getting pictures of her in the air doing leaps or high kicks….I still have NO CLUE!!!! I'm one of the moost techno challenged people I know. Well have fun with your new toy, and have a great week. (((HUGS))) from another part of NC. :D

Nikki said... 10

Have fun with the new camera such a pretty red colour :) hugs Nikki #16

Monica said... 11

it was through you I found WOYWW and here we are posting early!
monica 20

Silvia said... 12

Oh new Camera!!! fun to be had:)
Happy Woyww
Silvia #32

HeARTworks said... 13

Hi Elizabeth! Thanks for the visit and the comment! I started with collage actually. And since you said you wished you could draw, Peggy told me and I have researched this and it is true, - we can learn to draw by tracing. The muscles of our hand will remember. Is there carbon paper available where you live? (Some visitors comment there is no more carbon paper in some parts of the world!!!). You can get a simple picture and trace using carbon paper. I am positive you will surprise yourself!!! Happy WOYWWing! patsy

Nan G said... 14

Isn't that sweet of sandee to send you a new camera and the manual! Love the cute card.have fun! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #22

BJ said... 15

YAY a new camera yippee. From Sandee? Gosh. Oh and btw a "tube" in the UK is a reference to the London Underground Trains (yes I've visted Helen already!) Happy WOYWW BJ#36

Helen said... 16

Thanks BJ, I was going to explain... Hope you get along fine with the new camera, Elizabeth, how kind of Sandee.. Have a great day. Helen, 17

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said... 17

Hi Elizabeth well what great post it kinda warms the cockles of your heart WOYWW and friends, it is so kind of Sandee and thanks for sharing it too WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #35
PS yes pray all goes well for new bub and think these days young couples dont worry about the first one or if they know dont let others know, seems the way over here..

RosA said... 18

Hi Elizabeth,
How lovely of Sandee to send you a new camera. Hope you can master it in no time! (Aren't WOYWW people nice?)
Thanks for stopping by. I don't think you get the best results with those pan pastels by using your fingers. In fact, I think you need to go with the theory of "less is more".
RosA #23

Claire said... 19

just love the paint splattered desk, and we know those horses will soon be rockin' in your creations...
happy WOYWW and have a fun week :)
no. 31

Bridget Larsen said... 20

Wow new toy to play with, until it breaks down lol. That was nice of Sandee to send you those lovely goodies
From #1 to # 2 LOL

Lunch Lady Jan said... 21

I think that paint spatters on the desk are like wrinkles on a woman's face...it shows all the history and experiences!! Much better than a neat, clean, Botoxed product...if you know what I mean!!
What a fab, and very kind, present from Sandee :-)
Hugs, LLJ 45 xx

BJ said... 22

But Endeavour, Lewis, Morse and the like is set in OXFORD not LONDON so they don't have tubes there anyway! One of my favourite series. Endeavour is the latest runoff and is about Morse when he first became a cop (policeman) in the 60's. BJ

Julie Lee said... 23

Great to see you back! What a cute little rocking horse this time and it's nice to know he's among friends, lots of friends! As you probably know I just put a big mat down on my dining table to make it into my work bench and I'm beginning to think it's more paint spatter than mat! Hope you and Bluebeard have a lovely creative WOYWW. Julie Ann #55

Belinda Basson said... 24

Enjoying your camera I see. Love those cute rocking horses. Use all the excuses you have, sometimes we need them ALL! #62

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said... 25

Excellent pictures, just what the doctor ordered. I am playing with a different camera too, but this is a slightly older one, but convenient as it is just to hand. Thank you for your visit this morning. The sewer people did not turn up in the end. they obviously cannot navigate without a satnav, and our house does not exist on those (it has only been here since 1947). I love looking at your rocking horses. However many do you have now? Have a great week. xx Maggie #10

BJ said... 26

We saw the Endeavour series earlier this year, it is brilliant. I think there are only 4 episodes and they decided to split each of them over 2 weeks here so we recorded and watched as a whole! I do believe Colin Dexter still takes a cameo role in each and every one too which is great to look out for. BJ

Neil said... 27

Hi there.
Just popping my head around the door to say hi as I haven't been around for a while.
Hope you have a great week.
Neil #39

Bernice said... 28

Great card. Enjoy playing with your new camera!
Bernice #75

JoZart Designs said... 29

How lovely for you to get a new camera and we'll enjoy the results too! (Love the moustache on the monkey).
Neet gave a super class for metals... you should play around and look on the net as I'm sure you'll pick up some ideas to try it out.
I am sure they DO know if the new heir apparent is a girl or a boy and I think they are keeping quiet until after SHE's born because it will cause so much publicity. The constitution has been changed so a girl will now be able to take the throne ahead of any future male heirs.
Thanks for visiting...
Jo x

Karen said... 30

Technology moves on so quickly sometimes! Have fun with the new camera. Love those rocking horses! Of course it goes without saying I love the monkey card too!!! Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 70 x

Cardarian said... 31

Lovely new camera - I hope it will serve you well! Love your new rocking horses too!
Lots of hugs,

Neet said... 32

Great shot of your painterly desk and new camera. Still love the old one.
That's a fun card from Sandee, love the moustached monkey. Not sure that the "tashes" have caught on here as yet.
Will try to remember to post more pictures of places but bet I will forget.
Love to you and Bleubeard as always.
Neet xx 9

Annie Claxton said... 33

Love your gorgeously painty desk and those cute horses! Enjoy playing with your new toy :o) Annie C #68

Julia Dunnit said... 34

That Sandee is the most thoughtful person, am thrilled that your camera 'issues' are over now! Loe the paper rockers and you're right, they're right at home. Am neglecting my desk too - the weather is just too good...gotta make the most, it could turn at any minute.

sandra de said... 35

Have fun with your new camera and the reading matter.
Sandra @84

Anonymous said... 36

Good to see you back Elizabeth. I have one of those little red cameras too, it's my backup one for when Andrew goes to England without me and takes the good camera with him. Not brilliant but better than nothing. Have fun learning the new one, there's so much in them these days!! Wish I could send you some rain, we've had enough to share recently!

Brenda 3

Bea said... 37

Nothing like a NEW camera, although I always keep my older one in the car just in case I forget the new one.
These new cameras do so much for such little things, don't they?
My work table is terrible and yesterday I spilled my dirty brush water while I was working. I threw my rags on it and kept on working. I had to stop when it started to drip down my leg. lolol :)Bea

Caro said... 38

I recently got a new camera too...so much fun to play with! Love the rocking horses. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#71)

Darla said... 39

So happy for you that you have a new camera. It is annoying to try to post pictures when you aren't satisfied with the quality. You have a great friend.


Jan said... 40

Great space! xx Jan (102)

Craftymoose Crafts said... 41

I'm hearing a big sigh of relief as you can now get back to awesome creating, knowing that the photos are going to be awesome, too!

Good Luck finding a new battery charger!

Winnie said... 42

Such a fun filled desk! That monkey with the mustache has me smiling and chuckling! Love it! Enjoy your camera! Waiting to hear about the birth of the princess/prince. Knowing my Jane Austen Group, we will have another tea party like we did for their wedding! Enjoy the week! Winnie#90

Anonymous said... 43

Hope the new camera is working out! Enjoy your rocking horses, I know you will show us what you make with them. xox

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said... 44

Ooh cute rocking horses :o) Thanks for stopping by today x

shazsilverwolf said... 45

Hi Elizabeth, hugs to Bleubeard. Great desk shots, love the new rocking horses.Can't wait to see how you use them. I agree abou instruction books- the one that came with my camera is almost as thick as the camera itself. Right puts you off before you even start, doesn't it?Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz xx #51

Karen Valentine said... 46

I just signed you up for the party Elizabeth. See you Friday. :)

Tertia said... 47

I have really missed you and the rocking horses. I have been MIA for almost a month, but hope to make up for it this week.
Lucky you to get a new camera, enjoy playing with it.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #33

Patti Edmon Artist said... 48

Yay for the new camera!! Always such a bonus. Please tell me that I can send you some flocked wallpaper and that you'd love to use it in one of your projects!

Robin said... 49

Doesn't it feel wonderful to get a great surprise, or should I say surprises, in the mail!! A camera, a card and rocking horses. Have fun! And I wonder if they do know the gender of the baby but aren't telling, hmmmm... Rasz #111

trisha too said... 50

A new camera AND some rocking horses? You've got it ALL going on today, yes?

And those are perfectly valid excuses for being woyww absent!

(The little books were WAY fun to make, and not that difficult.)

Thank you for visiting me this WOYWW, I appreciate your comment!

delighted to be #26 this week, instead of my usual 200--something!

Daniella said... 51

How awesome!! New camera and rocking horses!! Enjoy!

Claire Grantham said... 52

Thanks for swinging by my desk...I agree that getting myself sorted before crafting works best for me. How nice that Sandee sent you the camera and the rocking horse. The thingamajig is fabulous and I cannot find the words to describe it, it is an Aleene's glue dot placer if that helps! Happy WOYWW. Cx #30


Gday Elizabeth. Thanks for dropping my blog for WOYWW. Oh good for you and i hope the new camera lives up to what you want it too. Cute monkey card from Sandee too. Im busy here too with visitors as well.
Annette In Oz # 21

Darnell said... 54

How fun to have a new camera to play with, Elizabeth! Your desk is always a beehive of great creativity! Thanks for visiting me ~ I loved your comment about no longer making lists once you realized the first entry was "make list!" LOL!! Have a great week and Happy WOYWW!! Darnell #24

Monique said... 55

Thank you so much for your heartwarming comment on my SOC post for this week. I'm running way late with my WOYWW visits, but I can see your desk looks very interresting, with a new camera to play with =).
And some lovely rocking horses.

Happy late WOYWW and I wish you a wonderful week.
xx Monique #106

glitterandglue said... 56

Lovely clear pictures with your new camera - well done.
Have a great week trying it out - the only way to learn what it does :D
Margaret #66

Diana Taylor said... 57

How lovely, getting a new camera - and I love your rocking horses - hope you have lots of fun with your new stuff! Thanks for dropping by my desk for WOYWW and SOC - hope you have a great week.