Tuesday, September 25, 2012

WOYWW 173: the rocking horse and mail art edition

Julia at Stamping Ground, our fearless hostess, den mother, and keeper of the links, asks us to keep it short.  Today was NOT one of those days.  I have too many things to talk about. 

First are the rocking horses.  I've auditioned all these in hopes of finding the perfect image for a pop-up.  Yep, BJ, I'm "working on" working on a pop-up!

From two different areas of the world come two very awesome mail art packages, both of which I just received today.  What an awesome surprise and joy to get REAL mail.  And look!  They both have postage stamps from their countries.  What an added bonus.

Tertia sent me all these goodies from South Africa.  I was beyond impressed.  Not only did she send this over the top card, something I could NEVER make, she also sent me a bag of goodies so I can make my own card OR use in my altered books.  But, the real jewel is the rocking horse, which Tertia said she had to send me when she saw it.  It is definitely ONE OF A KIND.  I've decided to use it on the cover of my Rocking Horse altered book to honor Tertia.  I hope she doesn't mind.  I have a way of attaching it without gluing it to the book cover.

Next came this lovely package from Australia that took forever to open.  And who do YOU know in Australia?  Why Shaz of course.   From one Oz to another Oz.  Hey Shaz (and all you other WOYWWers not from the States), in case you didn't know, Kansas is often called Oz because the Wizard of Oz was depicted as being from Kansas USA.

Back on task, I finally got the envelope open and all these beauties were inside.  What a lovely gift, as well as this beautiful hand made card with Shaz's famous handwriting inside!

I've taken up enough of your time, so all I ask is you please leave your number if you're playing in WOYWW.  And have a super ROCKING (horse) week.


59 thoughtful remarks:

Rita said...

Isn't it fantastic to get gifts in the mail!! These were both filled with treasures. Congrats!! :)

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah you did have great fun Elizabeth and thank you so very much for showing me them at the other end (funny thing was had forgotten what they were) - and adore that rocking horse from Tertia (and her VERY lovely card!
- and of course the wee rocking horse cards at the top they must be very old indeed either that or they are done in vintage way? thanks so much for popping over. I had scheduled my post. No link yet as Julia has not posted, God bless, Shaz in Oz.x
PS yes the WOYWW frame has been there for about a year now - was in dining room before craft room :D

Joynana said...

Wow, you are really a lucky lady, two wonderful packages and one time. Both of them are awesome. Happy WOYWW. #10

Halle said...

Lovely gifts from far and wide!

Anonymous said...

Looks like we both got happy mail this week, it is lovely to get real mail, I agree. Never cottoned on to the Oz alliteration before, I like it! I swear No1 was a fluke this week!! I was going to wash hair dye out of my hair and it was 8:27 EST, I though I'd hang on to 8:30 just to see!!

Brenda 1

Maria said...

So love getting happy mail I love your assorted goodies on your work space, I hope find the time to get creative.....

Maria #16

famfa said...

Enjoy your gifts.
Famfa 13

Deb said...

oh how lucky! these are all gorgeous!

Nikki said...

look at all those beautiful gifts :) and new rocking horses for your wonderful collection !!! enjoy em
hugs Nikki #15

Lisa said...

Beautiful. Love all your wonderful gifts. Certainly are some wonderful ladies out there that like to share!

sandra de said...

Welcome back and lovely to see such beautiful goodies form Oz and SA. Enjoy
Sandra @23

BJ said...

Oh you'll never guess, I'm working on pop-ups too!! Rocking horse heaven there I see - BJ #42

BJ said...

Oh and thanks for the mention - LOL

Tertia said...

I am so happy that the little fella made it to you in one piece! I would indeed be honoured if you used him on or in your book, just hope he doesn't get a big head.
Those cards from Shaz are incredible! Now that is something I could never do. Dp glad to hear you liked your foodies and my card, all sent with love and truly deserved after the ordeal you went through yo get them. It sounds a bit like the postal service in South Africa. I had to smile at your story, because I always believed that things like that happen only in Africa. Have a great week.
Hugs and a happy WOYWW!
Tertia @43

SandeeNC said...

I thought of the other day as I was "treasure hunting" in a thrift shop and they had huge childern's rocking horses, they were beautiful! I wish I had my camera with me to have taken a picture for you! But it looks like you have a lot of treasure on your own with all those goodies! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

jill said...

Its so much to recieve happy mail. Happy crafting jill #28

Bridget Larsen said...

Well arent you a lucky duck err woywwer to get those happy mail from afair
Bridget #3

Helen said...

Lovely treasures - worth the effort of opening! Have a great day. Helen, 35

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oooh, how lovely to receive those thoughtful gifts - I have been a very fortunate gal myself this week too, the generosity of crafters is wonderful, isn't it? The little rocking horse is really sweet - it'll be great on the front of the book :)
Hugs, LLJ #59 xx

Annie said...

Wow. How special....and so lovely of you to share it all with us.
A x #64

Neil said...

Hiya, great looking creative space this week, Looks like you've been having a lot of fun. Happy mail is always lovely. Hope the rest of your week is good too.
Neil #71

Redanne said...

Oh what beautiful treasures you have received, crafters really are the nicest people! Love the rocking horse and all your cards are beautiful. Have a happy WOYWW, Anne x #65

okienurse said...

I love snail mail when they bring such awesome surprises! Love the rocking horses and Tertias card. OMG! Shaz did you good! Beautiful art cards! Thanks for sharing. vickie #87

Neet said...

What a lot of lovely post you got! Are those cards from Oz hand made - the scenes? Incredible if they are.
Are you asking which image to use for a pop up? I would say either the black and white one or the one with the teddy bear on it. No reason just would be my choice.

Love to Bleubeard, hope he is well. Love to you too and Thanks for sharing, Hugs, Neet #5 xx

Sharon (glitterangel) said...

what lovely packages, thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW! Sharon #79

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oooh! how lovely, lucky you! Chris

Karen McAlpine said...

Amazing happy mail!!
Karen 102

Antonia said...

What a lovely set of snailmail you have lucky lady
Antonia #92

Monica said...

Lovely rocking horse,great presses.

Cardarian said...

Oh you did get some lovely gifts and cards - the rocking horse is really nice and will be a lovely embelishment to your book!
Lots of hugs,

Unknown said...

How awesome! #109

Bernice said...

How exciting to get both of these lovely packages in the post. Happy WOYWW!
Bernice #69

Unknown said...

You've gotten so many exciting, wonderful goodies in the mail! I envy that you know how to do a pop-up. I don't know if I could ever figure that out (without taking a class). By the way, that was a wonderful tip about Julie FF B--I do watch her on a PBS show called Scrapbook Soup, and her art journals are truly amazing and inspirational. Thanks for vising me today dearest! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh at #11

HeARTworks said...

I didn't know Kansas was called OZ!!!! How great is that, to get REAL mail! patsy

Danielle said...

Isn't it lovely to receive goodies in the mail? Enjoy your new treats! dani 123

Julia Dunnit said...

Real real happy mail, I just love it, good for Tertia and Shaz, so glad that they've brightened your day!

Jo Murray said...

You must really look forward to seeing your postie. Glad to see you have another Aussie friend.

Brenda Brown said...

Lots going on here and fabulous mail you have received.
Happy WOYWW, have a creative end to the week.
hugs {brenda} xox

scrappymo! said...

W#hat a delight to get 2 parcels...what fun.
That rocking horse is so you!

You got some gorgeous cards...now you get to sit back and enjoy them!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Elizabeth, isn't it lovely to receive happy mail like that. The rocking horse from Tertia is really sweet and Shaz's creations are beautiful.

We've been having storms here too ... it was that which knocked out our fire alarms and put the wind up the Boss. Happily, the wind has died down and Bonnie has recovered from her very wakeful night - that cat can sleep for Scotland :))

Belated happy WOYWW and have a great week. Elizabeth x #77

Darla said...

Isn't it exciting to get surprises in the mail? A foreign stamp on the envelope is a bonus. Something I am sure you will save. Every thing looks lovely.


Unknown said...

how nice!
now that is what I would call "happy mail!!"

Lindsay Weirich said...

can't wait to see the pop-up! happy woyww! Lindsay #110

Dainty Diva said...

Happy woyww! Happy mail is always good.

Unknown said...

Fantastic gifts - I'm sure you'll have fun with the fun bits and treasure the rest!

I'm a little late but still wishing you a happy WOYWW!


Anonymous said...

Oh what goodness came in the mail for you. I know you will put it all to good use and create some wonderful things because you are creating all the time and thinking about creating all the time and sending us great tutorials of your experiments. xox

Neesie said...

I love to receive post especially if its goodies like these ;D
You are going to have so much fun.
Thanks for popping over to my place earlier...have a great weekend
Happy WOYWW ♥Neesie♥ #7

Rebeca Trevino said...

You have a way of connecting with people from all over the world, don't you? What fun surprises!

Tamika said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tamika said...

YaY! for mail! Shaz you're too sweet! Tamika #34 I swore I was another number but OK!

RosA said...

Oh, you've got some lovely cards from Shaz! Aren't those Stampscape scenes clever!
And yes, I'm very much aware that my reference to the Emerald City usually makes people think of Dorothy, Wizard of Oz, Kansas etc. That was one of my favourite childhood books and I have a lovely edition of it. But The Emerald City is also the name of a play by a famous Australian playwright, the play being set in Sydney, and emerald usually refers to our beautiful harbour. So, it's an obscure reference, but one which takes my fancy, and I don't mind that it is taken as a reference to the Wizard of Oz either. (BTW, one of the best musicals I have ever seen was Wicked, related to the Wizard of Oz.) Oh, and of course, Australia is often referred to as Oz, but not by me :)
Happy late WOYWW and thanks for your kind comments too!

Amy E said...

WOW!!! How exciting getting goodies from across the world!! I'm always hoping to win a blog candy from the UK or Australia since I know it would be stuff I could never find in the States! You lucky girl!!

Amy E. #8

Unknown said...

Hi Elizabeth

How lovely to receive some lovely goodies in the post - and from abroad too. Love that little wooden rocking horse and when ever I see one - wherever that may be, I always think of you.

Take cards

Paula x x x (#127)

Unknown said...

oops - that was supposed to say 'take care' not take cards... I suppose my fingers automatically made me type it... it has nothing to do with my brain because that's out of order already anyway lol.

Paula x x x

Morti said...

Fabulous post - aren't Shaz's cards something else? The best! I'm v familiar with Kansas and Oz - "Guess we're not in Kansas any more, Toto!", not least because Lil Miss B is doing The Wizard of Oz at school this year... and they've suckered me into the pit orchestra! LOL... Happy Happy mail - I'm going to have to look out for a rocking horse for you now - you definitely need MORE!

Morti #54

Dawn said...

Wow Elizabeth you lucky girl. What fantastic gifts. Please may I have your address my lovely?? I have a small 'thank-you' that I would like to send you in the next few weeks before our amazing course finishes (boo hoo, lol will be waiting in anticipation for any more you may do in the future honey).
Huge huggles x x x x

BJ said...

Can I have your address too. Can't believe the course is nearly over. I have just finished my pop-up page for New Year and have blogged it. I am really pleased with the result. I only have 2 double pages left in my book so it will be all filled up soon. I am so pleased I have done the course, I love my book. Thanks BJ

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