These photos are nearly two weeks old, but this was the first opportunity I had to post them. In fact, this is a scheduled post because I am nowhere near my computer today. Please indulge me, because this post is all about Bleubeard. He is SO happy to be outside, because I have not allowed him out all winter or even so far this spring. (As an aside, can you see the sage in the distant background that has already taken over the pot this spring?)

I have not allowed him outside because I've been worried about him for various reasons, not the least of which seems to be the new tick scare that has hit our area.

But on this day, he was content to be outside with me, while I was planting herbs and veggies in the garden.

Most all my herbs were already planted in pots, so it was a great day

for a photo shoot. After all, he seldom sits still.

As I planted bell peppers and eggplant, he became restless. At first I thought he had lost interest. His attention span is about on par with

But, no, it was soon evident he was content to oversee the planting process,

and contemplate the universe in his own cat brain way.

I'm SO glad he let me take all these shots, because he normally runs when I pull out the camera.

But running away didn't happen this day, as he watched me plant tomatoes, eggplant, and one lonely bell pepper.

I wish he'd help me weed. I could use a good hand (or even a paw) with that!

Gosh, that mulch must be incredibly hard to stand on. I know I had trouble kneeling on it, since I don't own a knee holder thingy (technical term for a big knee pad).

OK, I admit it. This photo is for me. It is a photo of Heirloom Summer Savory, which I planted in the pot. I'm fairly certain you can see at least a part of the pot of sage, now.
I need to learn how to make those sage wands people light and use to cleanse a room. I have finally found a site that showed me how to make what they call "smudge wands." I have cut my sage and now have a few of these wands drying.

Back to reality.

I'm just rejoicing in the many faces,





and positions he manages

to get into. Thanks ever so much for indulging me and thanks to those of you who enjoy seeing Bleubeard and some of his antics. Today was a real Bleubeard photo op day!! Sorry I won't be here to thank you on your blog, but I promise we'll both be back soon.
20 thoughtful remarks:
I enjoyed seeing these photos - Bleubeard is a very hadnsome cat - I love the colour of his fur! Hope you are having a good day.
Awe, I just adore Bluebeard! Thank you so so much for this post. You can see that he is scanning his territory and sniffing the smells. Bless Him. Am very interested in your sage wands my lovely xxx
Lovely to see Bluebeard in profile. Sandra
He looks so like Spunky who is just getting over a skin condition and not happy to see that Tripper is getting canned food, due to a dramatic weight loss. Spunky has never met a bowl of food he does not like. I hope all your herbs grow and you enjoy them.
Life outdoors is good. Glad Bluebeard had his time.
You must be awfully pleased to have such a good project manager. I think he must be a firm but fair taskmaster!
Happy to share these fun photos of Bluebeard and hear about your garden progress! I'm still in the some seeds have sprouted, waiting for others stage. Hope you are enjoying your company. Looking forward to Monday morning!
Thanks, Elizabeth. He does seem rathter photogenic! lol
a distinguished gentleman is your cat...cute photos. enjoy your time away from the computer, and have fun with your guests!
Always good to see Bleubeard in action - or should I say, in repose - in pose? Well, it's good to see him - such a handsome & distinguished looking fellow! It was good of him to let you take so many pictures!
Lovely photos of bleubeard and all the lovely pots in your garden. He is a really handsome pussycat. Anne x
He's gorgeous, and such a natural in front of the camera! Great pics :)
indulged to the full,
my black tabby lays flat on her back and holds her paws in a tucked under chin betty boop pose that I have never yet caught on camera and never will, she does this pose only for me and just when I m first home, it is a special relationship we have,
as do you and Bleu,
well I missed tea and I will miss it next week, so I was happy to indulge you with BB, he is pretty adorable! got most of my garden in but will get the rest planted when I return from Chicago! ciao, bella!
I think those of us who are Cat Lovers are a breed apart- just like cats.I love how cats can be so different minute by minute.Angels, one minute, Devils the next!You dear Bluebeard!!What a sweetie!!Bet he loved being out!
LOL, it doesn't seem to me that Bluebeard was all that impressed with being outside, he looks pretty bored to me! I was surprised he got into the dirt at all, in the one picture I see he did get his paws onto the mulch, but I think he is way too dignified to help out with the weeding! ;) waving hi from the beautiful hills of North Carolina :)
He is a handsome little devil.
Such a nice looking cat. I do the same thing when my cat is outside gardening with me. Don't some cats have the most amazing poses and facial expressions?
I read every word and adored every photo swoon at Bleubeard and extra hugs and cuddles for him please. Dawn xx
Ya see, he must have known you wanted company, because after a winter inside, a selfish cat would've been off in a jif!
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