From the doorway of my main floor craft space, you can see my desk this week. I hadn't planned to join in, because I have nothing, and I mean NOTHING art wise to show.

However, when I got home a few minutes ago, I had three lovely packages in my mailbox. One was from our fearless leader,
Julia at
Stamping Ground. Since I'm prodding her to work on her altered book, she

is prodding me to use more rubber stamps. I bet it was a sublime birthday gift, encouraged by Bleubeard (grin). I also received a card from my art friends Norma (who doesn't have a blog) and
Patty S. at
Magpie's Nest.
I know you came to see the rocking horses, but I apologize. You have seen this one before. I promise to get it painted soon, and get it off my table.

Since I got home in time to read Julia's wonderful tutorial on ATCs, and since some people had no idea what they were, I thought I would drag out a couple of my 3 ring binders I keep my ATCs in. Yes, they are pure fun, are measured in INCHES for us lazy Americans, and I can't wait for WOYWW 156, which, if I counted correctly is the last Wednesday in May.
Once again, I'm asking you to PLEASE leave your number so I can return your visit if I haven't been to your place already. Thanks because it makes it SO MUCH easier to find you that way. Have a lovely Wednesday, no matter what time zone you're in!
82 thoughtful remarks:
very nice...i keep my ATCs in 2 rings and 3 rings binder as well just like yours and it is so fun to see and look at every ATCs that I have and so many techniques to learn from.
i would love to take a peek at your ATC collection! my cards are also in a 3 three ring binder and i love going over them (although i haven't been trading a lot recently). i love getting snail mail! happy WOYWW, Elizabeth!
I've never made an ATC, even though I am fascinated by them. Maybe, we should organize a swap!
I like today's rocking horse! Don't forget to come Inspire Us on Mondays (or whatever day it's convenient!)
#14 on the list
Create With Joy
I'd love to browse your folders too. Parcels are always fun to receive! You could have opened them for us to peek inside- what a tease!!hehe.
Judy #15
Great binders with ATC's. I love to browse and see which ones you've collected. They are great to make and collect. So it's time to start creating them for WOYWW 156 :-)
Have a happy WOYWW. Bye, Franka #9
So nice to do ATC swaps cos it gives you a reason to be excited to go to your mailbox instead of just getting bills...
I rarely do ATC's but am looking forward to the WOYWW ATC as it will be such fun. Love your binders full of them!! I ended up at 22 but you've already stopped by...thank you!
Oh for the numbers game to take off - it makes life so much easier.
Thanks for sharing what you have in the atc line - what a lot you have!!
Lovely getting parcels isn't it, I keep ordering things just for the postie to ring the bell and hand over - tee hee!
Keep smiling, love to Bleubeard - Hugs, Neet #3 xx
We must all be thinking along the same lines this week as I blogged about ATC's on Monday. Perhaps someone out there is telling us something.
Lynn 31
One I Made Earlier Today
I collected ATC's for years and have given them up, but when I did I put them into 3 ring binders similar to yours. I still have them, thousands of them. I might come out or retirement to join in the swap, just this once.
Eliza #26
Lovely ATC binders! I have only one - and a lot of cards lying here and there... :) Waiting for the swap, too!
Happy WOYWW!
Tuire #40
I'm looking forward to making my very first ATC for the big event :-)
A x #38
Wow and I thought I had a lot at 700, now if only I could squeeze open yours and peak inside
Bridget #1
Oh Elizabeth, I keep things on my desk in an attempt to make me do something with them. They get moved around so much..eventually I stop seeing them!
Your ATC collection is fab...I must admit to not looking through mine for yonks..and was surprised to see how far back it goes - 2005 and I've got some from people that have become 'names' which totally surprised me! I have no idea why I stopped making them!!
I have a folder of ATCs to but not as many as yours! Haven't been exchanging recently but I'd love to trade with you! :^)patsy #4
Goodness that's a lot of ATCs!! I would like to join in the swap but can't see me making anything fabric in such a small size...I'm just not meticulous enough and I have fat fingers. We'll see... maybe I can bend the rules a wee bit. I'll ask Julia, see if she'll let me!
Glad you're ok after all the weather upheaval!
Hugs, LLJ # 33 xx
WOW you have some amazing ATC's there, what a fab collection!
Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx #75
A lovely collection of ATCs - thought I had a lot but you beat me hands down Elizabeth. I love the look back on my collection (only one ring-binder for me) and admire all the mini works of art.
Ann B
What a wonderful collection of ATCs! Thanks for sharing them!
Happy WOYWW #34
You certainly have a lot of ATC's, would love to sit down with your binders for a look. Would you believe I cannot find a proper book for the Altered Book! I have been all over town looking for one. Today I broke down and went to the local library to see if they had any. The ladies looked at me like I had two heads when I said sown (is that a word). So I guess they were asleep in college that day of the lesson, or else our librarians do not have to have a degree in library science. So keeping all instructios ad will continue to search. Have a good week. #58
I was one of people who didn't know what ATC's were and now I love the idea. You have so many and they look fabulous. I'll have to chase up my old imperial ruler to get inches and make a template. Aren't you lucky getting three parcels. Have a great week.
Von #65
Wow, an amazing lot of ATC's there! I have never done one before so looking forward to Julia's WOYWW. Isn't it lovely to get three lovely parcels instead of bills! Anne #61
You certainly have a lot of ATC's! I've only made one in my life time so I'm looking forward to doing this! Have a wonderful rest of the week!
Glenda #103
Ohhh how I would love to flick through your ATC binders looks like you have a wonderful collection. Don't forget to email you address and I will send off those skeleton leaves. Sandra #17
I was a very young child when the uk converted to metric - I was first taught in imperial measures, and then learned metric measures, I still confuse the two
I once measured in metric and bought in imperial and obtained enough wood to build a new house... I thought it was an expensive purchase at the time...
dx @108
Wow, that's a lot of ATC's!! I don't have any and have never made one so I'm really looking forward to the end of May!
Laura 111
Love your collection of ATCs - I am looking forward to the 156 WOYWW ATC swap too! Lucky you getting all those packages!
Have a lovely week!
Lots of hugs,
PS. I am at nr. 108 - Donna thinks she is on 108 but she is not! Ha, ha....
Ooh! What I wouldn't give to have a browse through those folders!
Happy Wednesday!
Zoe #49
WOW! That's a great collection of ATCs! I lost all mine when we moved 2 years ago :( -Mari #114
Love the books of ATCs - must be very inspiring! I spent sometime last week sorting out an old book to use to follow your altered book tutorial, but after fiddling about with very flimsy pages whilst finding the middle of all the sections I ended up with a headache - I guess it was a very dusty old book! so I have given up - I want to try doing some art journalling pages (mainly the artwork at the moment rather than the journalling) so am going to resort to using a plain notebook instead - just to say though thanks for the tutorial it - although I only read the first three parts - was very informative! Sunshine Girl No. 20
Wow!!! a lot of ATC's would love a closer look, looking foward to the swap... I have never made one... But a kind blogger sent me one to get me started, its on my post today... Hugs May x x x No10
Hello Elizabeth, lots of art stuff on view even though you personally have no art to share. Great collection of mini art pieces in your ATCs and I'm looking forward to the WOYWW birthday swap.
I bought a fabulous book to alter via your course, whilst I was away on holiday. All geared to start last night and I then realised it wasn't a stitched book. Doh! That will teach me to plan ahead more carefully. Back to the charity shops when I can.
JoZarty x
How much fun that you are nudging each other to try different things! Those are the best kinds of art friends to have! Those ATC books are just spilling over with goodness!
Super ATC's, I've never made one, so think the 156 swap will be my first, though I confess I don't really know what or how I'm doing! Am sure I'll work it out! Am using my WOYWW snooping as an excuse to munch my way through a bag of mini eggs! Take care Zo xx 77
Sorry... I'm No7
joZarty x
I love collecting and trading atc´s too! :)
Great collection.
from Susan nr 92
Wonderful way to display and enjoy your ATCs E!
My little card to you must have taken the slow boat!
Hope you are still celebrating!
Thank you for sharing the ATC binders! Wow-- that is fantastic!
Happy WOYWW!
Nadia 117
Oh!, I just got a good look to the left and top at your gray cat--- look EXACTLY like our furry family member, Feather! :)
Super way to keep your ATC's safe too. I hope to join in with 156 too. Hugs from Scotland. Rita 67. xx
WOW!! Your ATC binders are awesome. I would love to see more of your work. I can't wait for the ATC swap on the 156. dani138
Fun to see them all in one place like that.
Lovely ATC folders... yep, I am still alive... just completely exhausted!! Had no pc for a couple of days because the entire house was boxed up for the new flooring... now on day 3 and hopefully the final day!! Tom-Tom and Pandy are in the cattery and want to come home...
I missed your birthday... I am so sorry!! I promise to make it up to you!!
Hi Elizabeth,
Don't you just love getting snail mail. You certainly have a lot of ATCs! Since I've only recently started making them I have maybe 30 or so. It's fun to see all the different things you can do on a small space.
I hope you are doing well. Happy belated birthday!
Oh my goodness, so many ATC's! I ;ove them, but have only taken part in one swap so far. The WOYWW one will be my 2nd.
Tertia 32
I didn't participate this week, not because I didn't make anything or mess up my desk, but because I was too lazy to take photos :) Just stopping in to say hi and see what you were up to - ATCs, huh? I've never made one, but know they're a major swap/collection item.
Elizabeth, you can't ever not join in!! There's no such thing as nothing to show, as today has proved! That's an amazing ATC collection! Looking forward to having a go at one!
Brenda 118
Goodies! Lucky you. And beautiful ones as well, even better. I hope you enjoy them.
wow, that's a lot of ATC's you have there! Would love for you to pick out a favorite or two and show a closer view of them. I really have no idea what to do for mine :( waving hi from the hills of North Carolina #139
Hello, this is my first week in WOYWW and this is so much fun. So inspirational to peek. I have to go and read Julia's post on the upcoming ATC swap and your binders are really inspiring me to participate. Thank you for sharing!
Belinda (#158)
What a great way to journal all of your ATCs--I agree with Sandee--it would be great to focus on some of your favorites
Heaps of ATCs. I've only found out about these recently so will be working on some soon.
How lovely getting the packages...such a wonderful surprise, and yep, I am looking forward to the ATC swap too.
Oh WOW! How many ATC's do you have?.... I haven't done these for a looong time, used to be in a swap a couple of years ago so i don't have many! Loved the challenge of doing something 'smaller', also had a go at 'fatbooks' too :D
Thanks for sharing,
Jackie x #53
I have a bazillion ATCs in binders as well. Like you, I counted to the last Wednesday in May for the big WOYWW ATC exchange. I'm looking forward to it. I'm absolutely sure I'll need to buy new supplies for it. :-)
Hi Elizabeth, that's an impressive collection of ATCs and sure puts my total of three to shame ... I just never seem to find time to make any. Brilliant for you to come home to happy mail too. Hope you have a lovely and creative week. Elizabeth x #113
I've got some bulging folders of ATCs like that that I've collected in swaps over the years - love them! Glad Julia's inspiring you with the stamping. - (Hazel, #173) x
but you have a space and we all like to peek.
Well first of all I love your cat!!!! And what is on your desk - is that an altered book. Next to cats, I think I love altered books best of all but I have never made one!!!! Yep we all like to peek alright!!
Comment #2 - I don't know what the books are on your desk but I think I am in love!!
Impressive collection of ATC's! Have a great WOYWW!
I don't have too many ATCs, but do have some, and they are ....wait for it....... in a box. What good is that? h..... mmmmmm
Great lot of ATCS! Artie #143
Ohhh think I will have to look into these ATCs everyone is talking about :) You look you have organised them all very well so I will know what to do with them now when I make or receive one :)
Running a bit behind on my visits. loved seeing your sneek peek of your ATC I enjoyed making those a long time back but got away from them maybe I'll play along next month Have a great WOYWW!
You have so many ATC's, I've only recently started trading and have just a handful. I'm going to try to figure out where to find Julia's tutorial you mentioned.
Hi Elizabeth, thanks for sharing your ATC storage. I pinched on of my son's Dr Who trading card folders for mine - really need another one now. Think I only have ONE ATC from someone else the rest are my own - LOL I put a couple in my AB and perhaps I shall pop a few more in before it is finished.
BJ #51
That's a lot of atc's dear E! and your desk is a lot cleaner than mine. Enjoy your B-day goodies!
Hi Elizabeth, Thanks for your comment on my saints page. It was my first outing with acrylic paints and I think the cheap ones I bought are rather transluscent like my gesso! I'll try leaving the top off the latter sometime! I did the page soon after you published the lesson as it had been in my head for ages, I have absolutely NO plan for next lesson - although April Showers springs to mind as we are having it BIG TIME here in the UK at present (ever since Easter really). Nope no dominent feature but one is brewing for next time now............I'm getting used to the the new blogger interface, keeps the brain going to try new things, my husband recently upgraded my laptop to Windows 7 and the mail software too - it is all go here! Thanks for the advice, I will look out for it anyways. Finally - yep I LOVE the Queen, she is VERY special and I'll be able to save stuff for my London AB this year which is what I intend to do after we finish the course you are so kindly doing for us - you are a star. Love BJ
Fabulous collection of ATC's Elizabeth! I have quite a few of other peoples, (SWAPS) but not many of my own, only a few I never swapped, some are in a box while others are in an ATC clear booklet,yours looks very touchable and textile! Love it! Thanks for my snoop! Have a great crafty week. HaPpY WoYwW!
((Lyn)) feeling very old at #102!
Awesome ATC collection. I bought more ATC sleeves the other day but now need another notebook...argh!!! I have a lot of stamps and use them with all sorts of stuff ie ink, paint, gesso, wall plaster etc. They can be fun! Take care more storms on the agenda the next weekend! Vickie #41
I love the picture of your cat, it is virtually identical to my cat, and I just wanna stroke him. I'd love to have a peek in those ring binders, I bet they're wonderful. Michelle x
Sorry I forgot, I was number 82 on WOYWW. x
Looks so neat, lol, lucky you to get some happy mail, always nice!! But my eyes were drawn to the ATC's, love them, and funny enough, i was just going through my binder this morning, such a pleasure to look at all the art !!
lotsa luv from #192
Oh my look at your ATC's!! I love your book! swoon! Mx
my long post this week was to make up for not having one last week LOL
Bridget #1
wow such an interesting desk love all the projects you have on the go
sorry I am late I am catching up with all the people I didn't get chance to visit on wednesday x
vicky #104
Great desk. Had a peek at the hats too. Lovely collection of ATC's
So many ATC's. I have only made a few and traded none. Can't wait to get started. #121
Oh my..full books of ATC's! You have a wonderful collection!
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