Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Same rock, same cup, different year

Does this image look familiar? It should if you were here last week. It's the rock and tea cup from my first ever Tea Tuesday post. However, things have changed a bit in two years.

I didn't pick up the ground cover last autumn as I normally do, so the rocks appear to be buried this year. But one of the reasons I didn't remove all those leaves was because it had been such a dry year and I wanted to preserve any moisture we might actually get during the winter.

I'm not sure if that was the case, or if the weather was so unseasonably warm, or if the flowers had been given a chance to propagate, but whatever the reason,

tulips have exploded all over my yard for the first time ever this year.

It's even hard to see the cup for all the greenery and color surrounding it.

This may be a better shot. At least you can tell there is tea in the cup from this angle.

I got thirty tulips one year at the Botanical Gardens when they sold the bulbs after the season had ended. There were no colors left on the bulbs, so you bought a random set of flowers and colors, some of which went well together, some of which did not (like that sole pink one peeking out to the right of center in the photo).

I planted half the flowers when I got home that spring day, and the rest that autumn. Regardless of when I planted them, I've have limited success with them. But this year

they have exploded in color and in numbers. I realize I should have shown them sooner, because some are past their prime, while others have yet to bloom.

As I said, they are everywhere in my yard. I am overjoyed by all the blooms. Enjoying them with tea is a genuine treat this year. Now please join Kimmie and the rest of my Tea Tuesday friends while they share their tea (or other drink) stories today.

14 thoughtful remarks:

elle said... 1

What a lovely, colurful front yard. Did you have to get down really low to take the photo or did Bleubeard have the pleasure of a close up and personal photo opportunity? lol

Dianne said... 2

oh, delightful shots of your tulip abundance! I am not good with gardening myself, so it's a mystery why things do well (or not) but have to wonder if the ground cover was the difference. Enjoy the color, and even the beauty of 'past their prime' blossoms. enjoy your tea, too!

Halle said... 3

Oh I love tulips!!! Every year when I see them in other yards I tell myself I'm going to plant some bulbs in the fall...and then I never do.
Happy Tea Tuesday!

Helen said... 4

They do indeed look fantastic this year. Hopefully they are now well established and bloom every year for you.

~*~Patty S said... 5

Gorgeous tulips and your pretty teacup looks so at home amongst them...thank you for this pretty Spring T post today...your photos are lovely E!

Unknown said... 6

great photos! beautiful tulips! you really do have an explosion! our tulip time is still about 2 weeks away ... they really do signal the true days of spring don't they? ... color abounding!

Happy Tuesday! enjoy!!!

Claire said... 7

a cuppa trippin' through the tulips... just gorgeous!! :)

SandeeNC said... 8

Now you have 2 things to ponder...are they blooming more because of the mild winter?..OR...is it because you left ground cover on them and they were more protected? hmmmm? And, I guess you need to find a small stool for your tea cup if you want to do another photo shoot amongst your tulips! waving hi from the rainy hills of North Carolina :)

Craftymoose Crafts said... 9

Love the beautiful tulips! Being a beaded flower maker, all flowers inspire me, but tulips especially so! The variegated ones are lovely.

Yvonne said... 10

Nice to be missed E! :) I've just had a lot on my plate. Back to normal soon I hope.
Love your photos. The tulips are so pretty. You tea cup sitting in among them is a great shot.
Oh, btw, I did start the AB class but had to stop. Will continue soon. You are giving a wonderful class for everyone E. I will have to check out the others progress. Happy tea day.

voodoo vixen said... 11

I think that is how flowers look their best... as if they have grown wild and what a lovely colour display you have there!

Darla said... 12

Your tulips are beautiful and what a lovely surprise they are for you this year. Our Iris are doing well too, maybe it is just a good year for bulbs.


Linda Manning Findley said... 13

I am going to call this your Tea Cup Garden and it's marvelous ... love all the wonderful tulips and colors ... great changes in those 2 years ...

okienurse said... 14

nice looking start to your calendar. I love all the tulips in your garden. thanks for leaving me a comment today. I am so disgusted by the gas prices right now I want to spit. I noticed on a drive south the other day that pump jacks were working that I hadn't seen going in awhile so me thinks something is up in the gas world. I don't know what is up with my blog but it put the manikin up early and I looked at the date and time and it was correct in the blogger scheduler. Beyond me. Have a great week. Vickie #60