Last week, during Tea Tuesday, the brainchild of
Kimmie at
Art In Red Wagons, some visitors suggested I was drinking wimpy tea. I assure you, my tea is
NEVER wimpy.

Once again this week, I am enjoying the same tea I drank last week, English Breakfast Tea sent to me by
Annette. It was part of a three pack set, one of which was this lovely British phone box.

Although the light in my dining room this morning isn't all that good, I decided to show the tea in a glass so you could see my tea is never, ever wimpy.

I've now removed the tea leaves (in the strainer) and added the half and half.

You can see I don't use milk, so the rich cream I pour with abundance makes it look more like a glass of milk, instead of full bodied tea. I fear the predominantly white mug I used last week made the tea look less bold than it really was. But, I assure you, there is NEVER anything wimpy about my Tuesday tea, no matter what type I make.
Now show us what
you are drinking today, which is also tax day in the US (the final day to file your 2011 taxes)!
23 thoughtful remarks:
I will drink coffee with half and half and sugar. Love it. I like your little tea pot tea bag holder. Really cute.
Taxes....done awhile back, yeah!!!!
Happy tea day.
oh ... taxes done long ago... wimpy tea? now who would think that??? love heavy cream in my cream teas, mint and cinnamon especially... happy t day E!
Coffee, creamy and strong like your tea LOL. xox
Tea in a glass is pretty isn't it? I have a couple of etched but otherwise clear glass mugs and I often have my tea in one of those. No milk or cream for me tho.
It DOES look like a glass of moo ;)
fun seeing the before and after...proof positive there IS tea in there E!
I was happy to hear you made it through the storms safely...must admit we were all over the place this past weekend and had a mini news break...seems we missed quite a lot
Take care and Happy T on Tuesday to you!
I think it was the half and half that masked the look of your tea last week and made it look weak. The tea certainly is strong looking in the before pic! Still love the little tin...
Yuck! ... sorry but tea is not meant to be creamy. I'm a tea drinker but take it with a small amount of skimmed milk as other milks are too creamy for tea, real afficionados (sp) don't put milk in at all. Yours apears to be tea flavoured cream but if you like it that way that's all that matters.
Lynn x
english breakfast tea is meant to be served with a little cream. it's not wimpy. stand strong. your tea is as good as theirs, don't let their words hurt you. enjoy.
Obviously Lynn has never had chai in India where it is always served with evaporated milk and is absolutely delicious. I mostly drink green tea with no sweetener. But if I do have regular tea, I like it with evaporated milk (we can even get one here that is flavored with cardamom - Yum! -- or with maramiya (Arabic for sage). I have the London bus tin that was filled with tea, of course long gone now, but still have the tin as a reminder. Wishing you a great rest of the week. Tammy
LOL..they got you quite up in arms accusing you of drinking wimpy tea, which I think is a hoot that, thats an issue at all, but then I am over on the "other" side of the pond, drinking cold sweeten tea, yum! lol I've actually added a splash of pineapple juice in it too! Sounds like a tough tea drinking group to me! ::giggling::...and waving hi from the hills of North Carolina where my taxes have been 'done and filed'! :)
It is a sad day when you have to defend your beverage of choice! haha. I feel like I have to apologize for drinking black tea all of the time. heehee. I like my coffe simple and my tea the same.
Pass the cream and honey, please!
My taxes are filed and mailed...and I drank water today. Not a fan of milk in tea. But I say you are intitled todrink yours any way you choose. You are definitely NOT a wimp!
You do love your half and half!! The only tea I like it in is red roobios tea...although I've only had black tea once and it made my heart feel weird like it was palpitating... Haven't ventured to try it again. But I'm pretty sure if I did ever get brave enough, I'd use cream.
Have a wonderful day!
So funny! Of course it's not wimpy tea! And now that you've explained it, I would say you have a nice mug of "mouse trotter" tea as Sue from Jabberwocky says. She said that mouse trotter tea is so strong, a mouse can walk across it :)
Happy Tuesday!
LOL... I can see the strength of the tea in the glass... it must be the cream that makes it appear a bit wishy washy!! I have to admit, cream is not something I would normally add to tea but I loved the boiled milk with teabags in it I had at a friends house... very creamy.
Nothing beats a nice strong cuppa, and the stronger the better in my book... dear Sinus is like you and loves to add milk, and it always looks like he is drinking weak tea, so I understand that under that half and half you are a committed tea drinker... for me it is strong black tea all the way... have a great tea week...xx
Always gonna be coffee for me, but I do really enjoy seeing you experiment with various teas and I LOVE the beautiful compositions you create around them!
You had a tornado? Ooooeeeer... hope you and Bleubeard are alright! Did you get much damage? We really should get you some awesome red sparkly shoes and call you Dorothy!!
I like your theory about the packing... just one minor detail... when you pack a shipment for overseas you have people in to do it and they don't like you packing your own boxes as they are not insured and you might be smuggling stuff.... so all my hard work is in vain because I will have to unpack them all again... and nope, this is not the final destination... one more two year assignment to go before we pack once more to sit in our rocking chairs and stay in one place as Chris will have done 40 years then. Do I look that old? Do I need to get some work of the plastic variety done? LOL I'll enjoy my 3 months at home though... it will be nice to have a chance to get some jobs done!! ;)
I too am a strong tea drinker! Eng. Breakfast, and Lapsang Sushong are my faves! Elizabrth- i miss your voice on ABC so much. Love your tutorial! Thanks. Also- Your house is so pretty- great job with the front porch!. xxoo
Missed you on WOYWW but have just seen Julia's post today and your comment on WOYWW with her, about you being caught in the storms - I hope you are sorted now. It must be terrifying. Love, Helen
OOOOh, creamy tea...crikey, what with that and the strength of the tea, you could almost melt a spoon in it! Was relieved to see you on the blog yesterday, truly awesome storms that made our national news. At times like this, I wish I lived closer; the clearing up must be hard work....but I truly thank the stars that you're unscathed.
How are you doing today Bluebeard? Did the tornados frighten you? I am sure that Elizabeth took good care of and is very busy with clean up detail, please tell her we miss her and hope she can provide us with some pictures of what happened! Till then, stay warm my friend! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
Hi. Interesting views on tea and how to drink it so thought I'd add mine as well. In Australia tea is usually taken quite strong either with milk or without. Have never heard of anyone putting cream in tea, only coffee but usually it's just milk. I'm assuming half and half is a modified milk type? We don't have it in Australia. My grandfather and two best friends all like heaps of milk and a little bit of weak tea. I almost feel sick when i make it for them...I say, "Here is your milk with a touch of tea", and we all laugh.
Little things like how we like our tea and what sort of washing powder we use always bring about plenty of personal viewpoints. Thanks for posting.
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