Tuesday, March 20, 2012

WOYWW # 147

First, I want to thank our fearless leader Julia (of Stamping Ground) for linking me last week. Thanks go to her for her thoughtfulness AND the badge I received in the mail. What a generous person she is!!

I wanted to mention that only Shoshi recognized this picture was wallpaper, rather than a screen saver. My screen saver is just BLACK and BLANK. There are six different artists represented in the picture.

Now lets head to my other work spaces.

On my main floor desk this week, I'm working in my AB for the class I am teaching. I have the left side nearly finished, but have barely started on the right side. The theme of this one is "Houses." The tiny sign reads "House 4 Wrent"

Also on the desk is a set of stamps my dear friend Annette (you know her as Voodoo Vixen) sent me last year for my birthday. I am just now getting around to using them. Have I mentioned I'm not much of a stamper?

I know I have a horrible camera and I had to move the roll-around table closer to the desk in order to get everything in this overall shot of my basement craft room.

Did you see the rocking horses on the hanger on the shelf? I had forgotten I put them there till I saw the photo.

On the left part of the desk, I am working on a different type of altered book, made from a journal. I have notes underneath it that will remind me what I'm working on, in the event I forget.

On the right is a picture of Mona Lisa that I'm trying to flatten, after it got a bit bent. I should have grabbed a big book, but these were handy and quick!

Moving on, I can't forget to show my trash bin. I finally broke down and threw the rest of the shower curtain away that had graced my main floor craft room for several years. I used part of it in an assemblage recently. The rest was just not worth keeping. Even I throw a few things away!

On my roll around table are two projects I'm in the process of starting. In front is an assemblage I intend to make and in the back are bits and bobs for a painting. I even put on my "big girl pants" and brought this cutting mat to the basement. It was just taking up space in the other craft space, because the table isn't big enough.

Thanks for taking the time to visit this week. I've had all kinds of Blogger problems, but really tried to reach many of you, although it was mostly over the weekend.

67 thoughtful remarks:

voodoo vixen said...

Your AB is looking lovely, I really like the bird house page... and those stamps were to help you make your monthly journal... but they obviously didn't!! LOL You have to leave yourslef notes too? Thank goodness for that... I thought it was just me... especially the really good ideas that come in the dark of the night... if I don't sit up and scribble them down they disappear like the morning mist...

voodoo vixen said...

Psssst... please could you link me up when you do? I am just out the door to go to a 5 year olds birthday dinner... so will miss the link up time.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your bird houses, great page, lovely to see your whole room again and great that you're using it again. Getting adventurous I see, using stamps now, whatever next lol!! For some reason Wordpress spammed both your comments until I approved them, it does that randomly and for no apparent reason either!


Anonymous said...

What this???? The Bluebeard and Elizabeth Show?? Girl you're taking over my blog!!!

B x

505whimsygirl said...

Hee hee = house for wrent! I love your finished journal page and what you've done so far on the next page. I did a bit of gessoing (for the first time) in a book I picked up at the local library for free. I smoothed it out using my fingers. It was so delightful!!


RosA said...

Ooh I love that bird cage page! (I've done a bit on my book too.) And I love your bear glue container! I think we used to have peanut butter in containers like that a hundred years ago? RosA # 25

Danielle said...

I am loving your basement space. Your altered book is coming along great. Love the little wrent saying. Dani32

Anonymous said...

You have a comfortable and stimulating space to work it.Love your altered book.

Bubbles said...

Ooh, I had trouble encouraging blogger to get me here this morning!
Three attempts now... hope this one works :)
I love your pages... "...wrent"... so cute!
I daren't show my whole craftroom as it is right now - the kitten got into the bin - (my fault for leaving a MothersDay Muffin wrapper in there) - and trashed the floor! Then she rummaged through my stash of empty boxes, and then jumped into my bag full of carrier bags. She had so much fun! Not so much fun for me looking at the mess :)
Happy WOYWW!
aka Sheleen at Patchwork Apples

(you've already been to visit me )

May said...

I came to you from your comment on my blog as blogger would not let me connect to you from Julia's!! lOVE, lOVE, lOVE your workdesk your basement is fab!! love your AD book and your art work is stunning!! I am so glad you think Bluebeard would like to get to know Princess LULU (the boss) a bit more, It would make a good story!!!! I'm sure she would fall for him too as he's so handsome! Have a great week, Hugs May x x x No9

Dandelion and Daisy said...

Nice craftroom! So, organized and tidy...I can relate to "project piles", I have them all over my room. By the time I finish one project, I have added two more!

Lynn Cohen said...

color me green...so much well organized and used space to create. Bright Green

Dianne said...

It's always a pleasure to visit your studio...the bird house page is fun and lovely! Six artists represented on the (computer)wallpaper? Let's see, Van Gogh, Seurat, Leonardo da Vinci, an Egyptian sculptor-is that Queen Nefertiti? Michelangelo, and ummm...Monet? not sure who painted that little girl. A very fun wallpaper!

VonnyK said...

I love the houses for wrent, so cute. Loving the bright colours.
You are so lucky having all that space to play in. Still love that wallpaper.
Have a great week, between all those crafty rooms
Von :)

HeARTworks said...

Hi Elizabeth, my niece always says the best camera is the one you have! I don't think your camera is horrible- mine is because it stopped working! I always enjoy taking a peek around your many working areas! So many materials just waiting to be used! I'm sorry about all the trouble you've had with Blogger! I know you've been having a hard time commenting too! Patsy from

okienurse said...

great post Elizabeth! I love your workspace and desk. I think you are underestimating your stamping abilities. I love to stamp and anyone can but to make it art takes skill. Love you desktop also. Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing! Vickie #48

Sara S. said...

I love your craft space! It's so open and clean looking!

Happy WOYWW!

Sara S. (#27)

Helen said...

I've been getting some strange messages too with blogs, but second attempts have tended to work... except your link! Anyhow, what a great show and tell you have for us today! I will be doing my AB homework soon....! I really love that you gave us 2 weeks each time.

Neet said...

Hi Elizabeth - your link does not seem to be working. Not to worry, I got here and what a lovely lot of shots of your work area I got to see. Thanks for sharing so much with us all. Love the AB.
Hugs, Neet #4 xx
ps thanks for putting your number, even if it didn't work (through no fault of yours) - makes life so much easier.

Ann B said...

Another one here who couldn't connect via the link but then I have you on my sidebar so I diverted.
I love your bird-house page - beautiful. Have finished lesson three and will link up later.

Ann B

Minxy said...

What a cool space you have, I love the desk and shelves that are built with just the filing cabinets and bricks, nifty idea.
hApPy WoYwWiNg
Minxy #23

Bridget Larsen said...

Have you got a microwave in your craft room? where's the bed then lol. p.s your link is broken at WOYWW
Bridget #64

Tracey FK said...

I liked seeing your room, but where is Bleubeard... thought he might make a cameo... I knew you would be all meat and tidy and organised... loved having a sneaky peak...xx

donnalouiserodgers said...

ha ha ha I have left my desk comment on your tea post, see - not so smart after all!!!!


Artyjen said...

Your space seems very tidy compared to mine! Have a great day ;)
xoxo Sioux

Annie said...

Have enjoyed my snoop today :-)
A x
ps I've acheived my aim and managed to get both babies down for a nap so I'm managing a bit of blog hopping :-)

Jacqui Chimes said...

Gorgeous art space

Tracy said...

What a beautiful workspace! You are one busy busy chica too! Thanks for the peep. :) Happy WOYWW - Tracy #34

Julia Dunnit said...

Aw Im loving the houses..great theme..actually, even though I'm reatively quiet online these days (too many desks!!) I'm LOVING the course. Well done with hte shower curtain...at least you managed to use some of it before giving it the big heave ho. Im surprised that the Coke can was the same too...I wonder what other stuff we're blending into each other's cultures!

CraftygasheadZo said...

What a fab crafty space, love your pages. Thanks for sharing this WOYWW, let the snooping commence! Take care Zo xx 22

SophieNewton said...

Stunning Altered Book, must get round to starting one of those...
Sophie no.88

Joynana said...

What a wonderful space you have. and you are so busy with such an assortment of projects going on or ready to start. Loved the visit. #25

Clare with paint in her hair said...

Love your crafty space so much!

Cardarian said...

Love your AB in the making....all your crafty spaces have so much to show....I just wish the photos would be a bit bigger as my eyesight is not very good - ha, ha what all comes with age - even snooping becomes a problem!
Lots of hugs,

Sarn said...

Great pictures of your craft room and work.

Hugs, Sarn Number 63ish

Redanne said...

Could have sworn I left a comment earlier but was having trouble with your link. Your craft room is amazing - so much lovely space - love it, thanks for the snoop. Regards, Anne #66

Sherry said...

Your basement craft room looks AMAZING Elizabeth, so bright and cheerful and full of great stuff too.

Thanks for your visit and comment on my desk already - I'm number 8 this week x

Rita said...

I tried earlier too, but had no luck. Anyway, I love your craftspace and that table looks just what I need. Your Journal looks brilliant and hopefully we will see the finished creation. Hugs Rita xxxx

Susan ~ Killam Creative said...

"House for wrent"... hee hee. Love this week's page - especially the happy background. :)

Susan #128

Jingle said...

Oh, such fun! You have so many great projects going!

Amy said...

Love your book page. I'm going to try and catch up with your altered book lessons and have a go. Thanks for sharing. x

SandeeNC said...

I love seeing your basement room, what big shelves you have Elizabeth! Ok, Little red Riding Hood just took over my body for a moment there, HA! Working on mt AB is lots of fun, thanks so much for all your instruction! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog, Elizabeth, and also for linking me on yours! Much appreciated. Blogger can be a total pain sometimes. A couple of weeks ago I simply gave up trying to comment because it was taking up to 20 attempts even to access someone's blog, let alone comment on it. Why can't they sort it out????? Makes me SICK.

No more tidying today because I'm totally exhausted after a day out with my hubby and parents. Trying to catch up with all the lovely comments now and visiting all the blogs.

Shoshi #14

Twiglet said...

Thanks for sharing your craft room with us all - it looks so inviting.

Margaret said...

Love your workspace and if you keep things long enough (stamps) they'll get you in the end! ha!

I also throw things away sometimes, not often, but every now and then there's stuff that really just needs to go!

BTW yes cad (Bagsy) is an apt descrition¨ Mx

fairy thoughts said...

great desks with lots going o as usual. i tried to go back to the link but gave up, it is apain sometimes. Anyway, yes the AB is progressing slowly, jusy hope I can keep up
janet #13

Fuchsia said...

Very creative space I love your work
have a happy week xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Yay to a lovely altered book - though without its festoon of bulldog clips this week :) Your roll around table looks a lot like my ping pong table - now there's an under rated game. We love playing pingpong outdoors in the summer - a gusty wind can add interest to the game :) As can large gins and tonic!!
Hugs, LLJ ]#68 xx

Neesie said...

Ah Ha! It works I can finally access your blog. Not sure what the problem was yesterday but thankfully the Gremlins seem to have gone elsewhere to play!
You have so much stuff ~ I can see I've got such a lot to get and learn about.
Thanks for letting me take a peek :D Neesie # 37

Craftychris said...

Love your book and your space - so much to look at! Have a good week xx

Serendipity Stamping said...

Your book is looking wonderful. Love the bird houses. I am so far behind you, can't get my hands on a proper book. Hoping to find one by the weekend. I am not linked this week.

fairyrocks said...

Thanks for the peeps, I just emptied the trash and recycle paper bin from my room. It is hard to just toss things most days. Love Love your Little bird house pages.
Keep smiling and creating .

Samantha said...

love all your spaces and it is great to see you coming to the dark side (stamping) lol Happy Woyww! #47

karen said...

Your "House for Wrent" page is fabulous! Love the colours and of course the birdhouses! Your space looks great and very crafty and creative like stuff really get done here! Strangely enough, I did a room tour this week as well!
xoxo Karen #169

Polly Polkadot said...

Lovely to have a good nose, I like your table with wheels on, I need one! #85

Hettie said...

Oh Elizabeth, I am sooo sorry to hear of your pain my lovely Girl! I hope you heal very fast. I am of course talking of the pain of throwing something away!!
Brilliant views of your crafting world. I feel I could settle in very well as I already know the place well!
I promise that on Sunday evening I will come back and absorb everything you have done so far with the altered book tutorial. I have been distracted as I have a craft fair on Sunday for which I have very little completed due to being on holiday and poorly, though not at the same time thankfully!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Well done for managing to throw something away. It is so hard to do that, isn't it. Your altered books are really taking over the world. You must have a huge class for it, creating some wonderful work. Thank you for your visit this week and your kind comment on our new atamp. Hope my comment gets through to you. Have a great week. xx Maggie #5

Terrie said...

You must be beyond frustrated with the blogger issues that just won't go away! Thanks for a peek at your projects - you've always got so many irons in the fire! I'm busily working away on my AB project too.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I like your house themed AB. For Wrent, too funny! The birdhouses are totally cool. You have a nice workspace tucked away in the basement there. I love boards and bricks for shelves but somewhere along the line I was forced to "grow up" and get real furniture. It's not as fun and much harder to move.

Kyla said...

Great space, and I have been loving your AB class.

Kyla #58

Darla said...

The honey bear full of gesso cracks me up. You find ause for EVERYthing.

Love it!


Beachstudio said...

Wonderful craft area! Love the way you are organizing ....such a fun place!

Jacqueline said...

Absolutley fantastic 'class'!! I just wish I had a wee bit more supplies but sadly I will just have to work with what I DO have!

Thanks for organising this wonderful playtime! :D

Take care

Jackie x

Sarah said...

That's a great tour of your arty zone! Loving those journal pages too - loving houses too! Thanks for sharing your desk and a bit of your life! sarah (a late WOYWWer at no.1)

Elizabeth said...

Fascinating tour of your craft spaces and interesting to read of all the projects you are working on - you're quite a multi-tasker :) I'm even more late than Sarah - and this is your 67th comment, that's an awful lot of reading. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Elizabeth x #73

sandra de said...

Your work space looks so well organised and to think what you had to go through ... but not it all looks so wonderful. Could you please send me you address as I have some skeleton leaves to pop in the post. Sandra

ID cards said...

I like your wallpaper! Very creative.