Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Leftovers and orphans

On Sunday I had a Super Bowl Party. Yesterday I had leftovers. I served them to myself using mismatched serving pieces I call orphans.

For tea, I prepared a loose leaf Pai Mu Tan white tea from China's Fujian Province. I got it last year at the Spice Merchant, our local Coffee, Tea, and Spice Market. It is known for its clear color and smooth flavor. Along with the tea, I took advantage of veggie leftovers and made a veggie rice soup. I added a potato and an onion to the veggies when I cooked them. It was obvious from the leftovers that the broccoli and tomatoes were big hits, while the carrots were hardly touched, or so it seemed when I started adding veggies to the soup.

Of course, my friends brought a few more fattening foods. There was avocado dip and chips, hummus and pita chips, and buffalo wings, which I believe were scarfed down before the game began!

Dessert was in the form of a carrot rolled cake. I didn't make the rolled cake, like I did the pumpkin ones at Thanksgiving two years in a row. This would have been a true vegan meal had it not included the cream cheese in the carrot cake. I was not impressed with the carrot cake, although the bakery assured me the cream cheese icing was hand made. I took the easy way out for the Super Bowl party, which made the leftovers easy to turn into a delicious Tea Tuesday even though I fixed the leftovers on Monday! Now go visit Kimmie and please show us what you are drinking today!

13 thoughtful remarks:

Diane said... 1

This looks delicious, and I'm finally getting my appetite back. I'm getting over an unplanned root canal that I had last Friday--that was a breeze compared to my excrutiating toothache that was going on the day before--but now I'm back to normal and....hungry!

Yvonne said... 2

Sounds good this morning. Your photo is nice with that sunshine coming through. Happy tea day.

voodoo vixen said... 3

It all looks pretty yummy to me... and I love carrots but raw they can be pretty hard going so I can see why the other stuff went first!! ;) It all looks so pretty with the sunlight filtering in through the blinds.

Sue said... 4

Morn hun
sounds good to me, i have lots of orphans in my house, lol, great tutorial below, have good day, hugs, sue,x

Rebeca Trevino said... 5

all of it sounds yummy!
Go Giants!

Unknown said... 6

Yummy, one of the best part about having parties is leftover makeovers! We used some leftovers last night to make Pork Taquitos- big hit in my family!
Have a wonderful sunshiny day!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said... 7

Sounds like a great meal and I love the mismatched look of your dishes. Of course, I am also partial to blue and white. I made soup nearly every day last week. My boys don't like cooked carrots for some reason but will eat raw ones all day long. It's nice to prepare easy stuff for a get-together so you aren't driving yourself crazy trying to get all done. Have a great rest of the week. Tammy

Unknown said... 8

Those are some pretty healthy leftovers! Great idea to make a soup! Glad you got your friends together for the big game ... we usually watch the puppy bowl on animal planet, but since we cut out cable tv, we just skipped it all this year - no big deal though :)

The camera I use is a Nikon Coolpix. It's just a little pocket camera - nothing fancy - but it has a macro (closeup) setting which I use all the time.

Enjoy your day!!

Unknown said... 9

Well *I* would have eaten your carrots! Your spread makes me want to make soup today. I have no leftovers, but that won't stop me! Wait! Just checked the fridge... YES, I DO. Okay, so you kow what I'm aking for dinner. Thanks for the inspiration!

Happy Tea Day!
I'm having tea today with orphans too. :)

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said... 10

Hi Elizabeth, thankfully I can leave comments now :-)
The soup looks yummy as does the carrot roll, even though you didn't like it much.
The lesson on altering books looks very interesting.
Hope you're ok.
We had a little snow over the weekend, only about 2 inches which has mostly cleared up now.
Anne xx

Healing Woman said... 11

The soup looks divine as does the carrot roll. Yum..nothing like leftovers from parties.

Nancy said... 12

Mmmmm :) all the right goodies for a group watching a show or game!
Happy Tuesday :) this afternoon, it's Camomile Lemon tea.

Darla said... 13

What a pretty setting you arraged for yourself. Sorry that cake/roll wasn't great - it sure looked good.
