According to
Seth Apter at
The Altered Page, today is the day we unveil, unearth, and unleash our paper stacks onto the world: artwork, altered books, journals, or even stacks of miscellaneous papers. In return, Seth will post a link of all the participating artists, myself included, who are part of this collaborative.
I leave you with words of wisdom from
Seth himself:
"This is one time when the higher your stacks of stuff, the better."
44 thoughtful remarks:
LOL... reminds me of that old scrappers saying: 'she with most stash wins'.... where as you would be saying: ' she with biggest stack wins'!! Would love to be able to sit and have a touchy feely time with that pile...
Argghhghg it fell over - I have paper ALL OVER MY FLOOR>>>>
Oh--if I made a stack of things here--I don't think that I could fit it in the photo--way too much here in my room!!
Nice stacks..what a great mix of things...Thanks for sharing..!
VERY cool- I hope you're pleased with yourself- I wish I were there to thumb through it all in real life!
A beautiful stack to the sky. I love the fact that the top journal looks like it might slide off at any moment.
Wish I could get my hands on that stack! I'd be there all day flipping through the pages.
I think I'll have to 'make' a few stacks from all the mess!!! Love your pic!
Love my file piles! It's a sign of an artistic mind!
Great stacks - of paper that is! I'll have to go check out the others..... it was too much bother to collect mine all in one place, but it's fun to see how much paper others have.
Living dangerously, I see...those candles seem perilously close to your stack! a lovely stack of journals, paper and books; and I'll bet there's more! beautiful...
Your candlelit stack is especially inviting looking E...Love it!
awesome stack
hi Elizabeth, they are staedtler triplus fine liners - very colour intense but water soluble, they blend like a watercolour if you apply any water or solvent based liquid over them, but they are 0.3mm nib so fantastic for journaling on final layer...and for such a fine nib very very well priced.
made in germany but available in Costco...
If I would have known how my craft pile would grow when I decided paper looked fun...well...I still would have given it a try. I am sitting here with two giant tubs of supplies to make seventeen post cards. Well, at least I have found some fun soulmates who live in messes!
Great pile, Elizabeth! Love your "touch of elegance." praying for your paper :-)
Most elegantly displayed... candles and all.
love your very tall stack
love the photo of your stack-as long as it doesn't get to close to the fire :)
Oh, how many of us could find a high stash of paper, card, etc!!? Or should I ask about the few who couldn't?
We had a great day today with Neet and visited a local stately home so watch out for pics from me and from Neet over next day or two.
Love joZarty x
Perfect stack....it does look like it could escape at any time! Love it.
great stacks E! have you finally gotten some cooler temps? I hope so! x
Great stacks! Very, very wonderful!!!
Wasn't this fun to do? Love your stack!
Fantastic stack of art work. Your blog is so inspirational.
Thanks for the comment on my stack.
Great job balancing all the creative goodness in those books!
Well I could have swore I left you a comment yesterday but apparently I looked and moved on. Scatter brain. Love your stack...it is amazingly well balanced. I love your furnature! Sorry was peeking in the background as well. :)
Well hello!!!
Lovely stack of goodness, makes me wish I could just have a look see at everything those books hold. Keep smiling and creating
Thanks for visiting, I have seen you too and not stopped in. Now I will. Love this stack, want to dive into those painted pages and see what's there. xox Corrine
Nice and tall! Great pile of books!
Great, candle-lit stack!
Nice stacks! I am surprised Bluebeard is not on top!
Wonderful stack of intriguing looking journals and artwork! Just hope they don't catch fire being next to those elegant looking candle sticks!! Thanks for visiting my post as well!
It has something of an altar with the candles!
Btw: Is there a connection betwenn altar and altered? I often wonder...An altar of altered books, I like the thought. :)
Thanks for stopping by at my blog today - Seth's list is so long, I still haven't visit all the participants myself... but I headed over to your blog and OHMY... I love your stack!!! I sure with I could sit at your table with the candles burning, a nice cup of tea (eventhough it isn't Tuesday yet) and touch your books, flip through the pages and admire the art in it!
Thanks for your lovely comment on my stacks. Your stack is impressive but not just the stacks... read some of your posts... amazingly creative and a treasure trove of ideas and techniques that you generously offer to your readers. Thanks again.
Thanks for commenting on my stacks over at Art Camp for Women. Since doing this exercise I am see my stacks everywhere - and most are not as lovely as the journal stacks or in your case the altered books and journals stacks. Fun reading your blog up to this point. Lori W at Art Camp for Women
What a beautiful stack! It shows a true artist at work!
Thanks for stopping by Elizabeth, at last look, you have quite a few blogs to visit in your quest, but what a fun thing to do. I have been so astonished at the world of multimediers/altering/papercrazy artists out there! It's like a whole 'nother universe to me. Beautiful day here in NORTH CENTRAL Kansas...hope yours is peaceful and mild as well!
Journals and books are my favourite kind of stacks, love yours.
you have an interesting blog, stack looks good too. thanks for visiting our blog.
Great stacks, and I like the variety. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my stacks!
I love the look of that big stack of a book atop your stack. Only wish I could have a closer look and turn a few pages. Like you blog too. Thanks for visiting me, a great way to meet new people and see new blogs.
love the burning candles next to it. makes it feel dangerous!
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