Sunday, August 28, 2011

Silent Sunday: Museum of World Treasures' American Pop Culture Gallery

4 thoughtful remarks:

Steph said... 1

Happy Sunday E!!! Thanks for sharing these photos!! I remembered Lucille Ball but then I was little...ha ha...

Suz said... 2

So many interesting things. First of all, congratulations on being included on what looks like a phenomenal book! I think your Sharpie and alcohol idea looks just wonderful. I am going to have to try this!!!

Lynn Cohen said... 3

Shush....I liked seeing these flashes to the past.

Priti Lisa said... 4

It was fun to catch up on your blog...
I can't believe all of the work you have been getting done in your studio...that is fantastic!
I enjoyed the sharpie tutorial have some of the most different ideas.
Plus neighborhood clean-up and friends...I am exhausted just reading about it all!