I've got two areas to show today, so I'd better get started. All my friends who show up from
Julia's Stamping Ground want to see the workspace, then be on their way. So lets begin.

What happens when you don't push your sewing chair under the sewing table? It gets in the way, of course.

I'm still making those scrappy journal pages and now have enough for about six more journals. I also laid out a piece of tissue I'm playing with. More on that later.

It's been so hot, we've had temperatures at least 100F (38C) and higher every day in July except one. As a result, I can only sew about an hour each morning, and I do that right after

I water my veggies and herbs. Today I've picked what I'll be eating for lunch the next two days. I love eggplant. And I'm still trying to get the wrinkles out of this block of wood I covered with various papers. Now it's time to head to the cooler basement.

Most of the boxes are still in place, just like they were last week and the week before.

This time the shelves without the poles have been moved out of the way, along with the corner shelf, and I have replaced them with new shelves. These new shelves are deeper, but not as wide as the ones I'm replacing, so I'm replacing with three units in place of two. I'm leaving the top shelf off the one that sits under the shutoff valve and heat tape receptacle cubby.

As soon as you have seen these shelves, I'll get some sleep, then start unloading some of the boxes. The shelving unit that used to sit in the corner will have to find a new home.
My plan is to unload about five or six boxes a day for the next two weeks or so. I'm not going to try to rush this. Instead, I want to do it right the first time, since all that new shelving will cause lots of changes and rearranging. Plus, I have art obligations that must be met.

And so you don't have to look too far for rocking horses today, here are three for you to enjoy. Sorry for the bad lighting, but it was quite dark in my office when I took this photo. The rocking horse on the right is a box that holds beads.
Have a great WOYWW and as cool a day as possible, if you live in the middle of North America.
49 thoughtful remarks:
Oh my, I had not realised how you do loads of your pages ready to make into journals!! I couldn't do that... they would all be the wrong size for what I decided to make!!
So good to see your shelving all in place and ready to be filled!! 6 boxes a day is a good target to work with... I used to do that when I had all the shipment boxes to tackle... any more and you can't remember where you put stuff!!
You have a job ahead of you but it will be so nice and fresh when it is all done. I really need to go in a pull my room apart and put it back together but......I'll have to think about it! We have rain, you have heat...they say it is all about to move off to some other planet, soon....let's hope, and we'll see some summer and you'll be able to breathe again!
Wow - I hope your new place is cool AC wise. Good luck with getting things set up. I can't believe we are still looking at rocking horses (quite the collection!)
I am so looking forward to seeing everything on the shelves.
Your eggplant looks great mine hasn't started yet :-(
Laura 10 x
Gosh you will be so pleased once this is all complete and im sure it will look amazing!As for the temperature over there so different to here in UK we just seem to be making up for the rain we didnt receive the first part of the year.Plus monday was more like winter wet windy cold wind ...i know what id prefer so please feel free to send some hot weatehr our way!..lol
Have fab wednesday and a creative week
hugs jude 8
That space is going to be amazing when it is done, al though all those boxes look a little daunting!!! I was planning to grow our own veg ... but the wet weather has drowned the seedlings :(.
Cathy xx
Hi hun
wow you are havin it hot, send some my way!! like winter here.
Fab sheleveing it will look fantastic when its all done, a lot of hard work for you, lots pof pages ready to go, i wouldnt get them the same size either! lol, nice to spy the rocking horses, happy WOYWW, is blogger any better these days hun?? sue,x
You have lots of projects going on. :) Good luck with that! And wow! It's hot over there and I thought we had it bad. :)
I like the look of that little block of wood, with all the interesting texty papers on it! I have a bit of a thing about fonts, calligraphy and maps, am a sucker for anything that involves 'em! While shopping with Julia yesterday, I found a piece of wrapping paper that has a 1930s New York subway map. It's completely fantastic and I'm going to hang it in my dining room - now that does make me sound weird, but it's fab :) xx Have a productive time unpacking boxes!!
How lovely to see all those journal pages piled up and ready to use. I can't imagine heat like that as I sit here looking at the grey skies outside. As for my tote, yes, I find it very useful. I can keep everything I use a lot within arm's reach and I lose things much less often!
Hot temperatures - wonder what that feels like!! Wow you have been busy with those journals and the shelving is great, truly spacious.
Your basement is going to be so fab - good luck with all the unpacking. I don't envy you the heat at all, especially if you are trying to work. Thanks for stopping by!
Good luck with all that box emptying. I bet you will find lots you'd forgot you had :-)
A x
What a lot of lovely shelving, and what a good idea to do it bit by bit (unpacking) - Good Luck with it all. Will be exciting to see when it is finished.
Hope it is cooler for you soon. Hugs, Neet #3
Ugh eggplant. We don't agree on that one. I know I'm lazy E, but 6 boxes a day sounds horribly ambitious to me...count in all the arranging and then changing because you just opened another box that would be better in the space you just filled etc...but yeah, take your time. ANd only work in the cool. We've got your share of damp and cool just now, I;ll will it over to you. x
wow, that is enough paper for an encyclopedia never mind a book!
good luck with the unpacking
caroline #50
It looks so daunting to see all that anticipated work but you seem to be on top of it all. Wish I could help!
Thanks for your wishes and if you've tie please pop back as I've just thought to add some ancient wedding photos.. .have a larf!
love JoZArty
The veggies look yummy! Some of mine are starting to be ready too I love home grown! hugs Rebekah #60 xx
Can't wait to see your space all set up and finished! Good luck with the organizing!
Woss a heat tape receptacle cubby? Should I have one? I'm worried now...
Your shelves look all shiny and gorgeous - but did I miss something? Last thing I remember you were looking for the upright bits. I must've missed a post! Happy unpacking.
Helen S
I see progress! I do really - it's going to be a haven and dinner is sorted too!
The last time I visited your boxes had just arrived so nice to see the shelving in place.
Kathleen x
What do you make with your egg plants? I love them so would enjoy a new recipe or two!! You will love the little dress I made from the laundry bag - I put the horse applique on the front. x Jo
Fabulous shelves! You will have it done in no time at all, just wish I could come over and help!
Unloading boxes - not exactly a job I fancy but sometimes you have to do what you have to do! We had a heatwave with up to 40 deg C but luckily we have rain today so finally a bit of cool and a good nights sleep! Nice eggplants - we call them "melancani" Love the horsies!
Sounds like you are busy reorganizing too! I love all your rocking horses and all their fun items. It has been so hot here that my garden is not doing well at all. You know we got that storm in June that tore up everything and now the heat is killing off everything else. Stay cool cause it is suppose to be over 100 deg all week again. Vickie
I like looking at the stack of pages all ready to go. I'm curious about the tissue paper too so look forward to seeing what you do with that.
Unpacking those boxes will be quite a job but you'll be so organized when you are finished.
Hope your heat lets up soon.
YUM eggplant- one of mine and my daughter's faves- we love to make eggplant paninis with an artichoke aioli- delicious!
And your shelves look great- Even tho' I know you had a physical reason for it; I do love the visual effect of stacking them that way, can't wait to see the rest! And can't wait to see what those pages look like ;)
Looking forward to your journals and best of luck on unpacking. Eggplant lover here too - stay COOL!
Fab pages and lots too!! Good luck with the unpacking and sorting of said items
hope it all goes quickly too
I think you are right. Slowly but surely is the way to go. Before you know it...Poof! It will be done. Love your tea post from yesterday. Honoring your grandmother by displaying her beautiful treasures is such a lovely thing to do. I particularly love the pitcher.
I look forward to seeing the after shot with all the shelves filled to the brim.
Well the new shelving is looking great Elizabeth and I bet you can’t wait to get all those interesting looking boxes unpacked.
The Aubergines are looking rather tasty too, I love the way home grown ones have such irregular shapes……..enjoy!
Happy Crafting!
Yuk to the heat! I started my post with a caveat that we're still no where near as hot as the middle of America is lol! I couldn't take what you're going through, this prolonged stretch of heat in SE Michigan is breaking a 16 year old record and now we have really high humidity too which we didn't have earlier. The basement is definitely the best idea! Love all the new shelves and take your time and it will be perfect first time! Garden produce looks great, I've got loads to tomatoes coming, at least the heat is good for something! Stay cool.
If you figure out the remove-the-wrinkle thing, I hope you let us know. I have been learning to live with them...!
Thanks for the tip about the spray ...I shall look into that ...sounds just the thing. I hope you manage to get sorted soon ... a few at a time is the only way... take care
Wow Elizabeth, your space will be amazing --- mmmmm don't think I get through six boxes ---I'd get sidtracked with the contents and forget the job in hand lol!
Thanks for sharing again
Anne xxx
What do you do with the Eggplant? I like it, but I don't usually have it at home, as I'm not sure how to prepare it well. The covered box looks interesting!
Good luck with the unpacking and organizing! Just think of all the inspiration you'll come across as you open the boxes! Stay cool...good thing it's a basement and not an attic right!?!
Yoo hoo, sorry to be late, but loving your desk and projects again this week... incredible shelves if rather daunting...fabulous work, as always
Thanks for checking on me! Thanks have been unusually hectic. But I did manage two posts today :D. Your shelves look lovely, and unpacking craft supplies is one of the few unpacking jobs I really relish. It's better than shopping, because it's already been paid for :D. Have a great time and stay cool. We're having a heat index tomorrow of 106-108, thanks to humidity and high dew point. I had salad tonight balanced by two ice cream bars lol.
Hi there Elizabeth, smiled at what you said wasn't first this week cos was walking along at the jetty went to get fish for tea and have my constitutional walk.. but was back at 7 past three in the arvo as that is what time in our day 6am uk time is. Hope shelving sorted soon and of course love the rocking horse, love Shaz in Oz.x
ooh lots of boxes in 100degrees-biy have you got your work cut out!
Thanks for sharing
Great space.... reckon the task will be so rewarding!
how nice to see all those journal pages piled up. and your new shelves look great. how nice to have all that space! i agree, don't rush and get it right the first time, although i must say i am always rearranging things. good luck with your organizing! i'm glad it is cooler down there.
6 boxes a day seems to be a lot of work!
I like the look of your eggplants! And they come from your garden! Wow! I am impressed! Patsy from
Yay! I'm here at last! (That comment box just would not appear!!) Sorry I put my post being late last week, it was on timer..and the clock must've been wrong because it posted at a weird time! I still didn't get to bed til 3 in the morning! Well, I've seen Harry Potter, since last week, saw it in 3D and and and..which is good for me, I didn't talk, My son in law made me promise not to moan at the things they didn't add or did wrong (which was very hard!!) but it was good, although I think seeing it on the telly won't be have as good, and probably a little dark to see what is actually happening!
Look at all your boxes, you are going to be one very busy crafter!! Hope at lease some of them are already sorted! HaPpY vErY LatE LaSt WeEkS WoYwW!! ((Lyn))
Oh I cant stand it...I just lost my comment becuase Blog says....
Your current account (nova1942@comcast.net) does not have access to view this page.
Click here to logout and change accounts.
This is why I dont comment much for people...it is so hard to comment becuase I keep habving to click on the Post Comment butotn so many itmes and sometimes it goes thru and sometimes I get this message.
I am not going to repeat the comment I just made a few minutes ago...suffice to say I posted my image...but wish I could stop the blogger from creating double spacing in my messages!
I am out of here!!!!!!!!!!!
Going to try and comment here using somehting other than GoogleAccount...wish me luck!!!
Well as you can see I managed to post a comment.
I love eggplant too but shouldnt eat due to the seeds...but I found Zuccini can be cooked like eggplant. I only bread and fry.
Love your stack if journal pages!! would love ot watch you put together..if you tape yourself please email me so I can watch it!!!
Have fun with unpacking and organizing!!!
I uploaded the images that I made from the last of the mess on my desk. I think I put blog url here right?
Okay let's see how I make out this time......
Ok still trying...this will be my 3rd time clicking the Post Comment button!!!!!
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