Tuesday, July 12, 2011

WOYWW #110

It seems Blogger has been behaving rather badly lately. Now that I have my comment box back, people seem to be having trouble with my blog. But you're not here to cuss and discuss Blogger, you are here because you want to see what's on my work table today, just like lots of people who link with Julia at Stamping Ground.

And of course you want to see a rocking horse, this one a napkin (or serviette) holder from the kitchen.

Also taking up space on my table are the supplies for a tutorial I'm creating. I'll have the tutorial ready tomorrow. And in order to have enough room for all the supplies, I will now need to move the rocking horse. Have a great day and I'll see you sometime this week.

40 thoughtful remarks:

Carola Bartz said... 1

Cute rocking horse!! And it has a good use as well. I wonder what the tutorial will be about? Good luck with it!

Neet said... 2

That really is a lovely rocking horse. Look forward to seeing the tute. Have a great day! Hugs, Neet x #5

HeARTworks said... 3

Oh what a tease you are! Why didn't you tell us what the tutorial will be about! Anyway, looking forward to it! Patsy from

Sue from Oregon said... 4

yes, too funny...I always look for the horsey first...you are going to have to trick us sometime and make us really look for it!!!

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said... 5

I'm looking forward to the tutorial. :) Rocking horse looks awesome.

peggy aplSEEDS said... 6

sorry to hear you're still having problems with blogger. glad the change i made to my blog helped you to leave a comment when you visited me. well, everyone is now wondering what the mysterious tutorial is about!

Spyder said... 7

aw! I'm in this week straight away, although there might be on picture missing, so I will pop back later to check! Loving that rocking horse, and very useful too! Have a great crafty week HaPpY wOyWW!?! ((Lyn))

Minxy said... 8

I think in all the times i've visited i've not seen the same rocking horse twice, you sure do have a lot lol
Have fun getting inky
Happy wednesday
hugs Minxy x

Julia Dunnit said... 9

Oooh! Action! Are you back in and settled then? Hope so. Any tutorial that involves a credit card for non financial reasons is a good tutorial!

Helen said... 10

This is a great rocking horse!

donnalouiserodgers said... 11

ooh, a paperweight type rocking horse, that has good potential for all kinds of paper projects,


Annie said... 12

Love this week's rocking horse :-)
A x

Neil said... 13

Thanks for sharing your space, have a good week!

okienurse said... 14

Thanks for sharing with us today. I love the rocking horse this week. Thanks for sharing it with us. Vickie #52

Dragon said... 15

That's a smashing horsey... I wonder what your tut is going to be about???

Fuchsia said... 16


Kate said... 17

The tutorial looks very interesting and a napkin holding rocking horse - where do you manage to find them all?

** Kate **

Angela Toucan said... 18

those stencils look good, have fun with the tutorial

Lunch Lady Jan said... 19

I'm sorry..... but shaving cream??!! You're going to have to explain to this newbie what that's all about!! There's so much to this crafting lark that I just don't understand *grin* xx

Sarah said... 20

Could be my first black one!!!! Thanks for the peek - all the best with the TUT!

Joey said... 21

the rocking horse holder is fantastic, it amazes me how and where those horses show up! Hope the tutorial goes well :D
Joey x

Theresa Plas said... 22

I'm wondering how you manage to show a new rocking horse every Wednesday - well done! Looking forward to your tutorial...ink & shaving cream = very cool papers:)

Darla said... 23

I think this may be my favorite rocking horse. Can't wait to see the tutorial, sounds interesting.


voodoo vixen said... 24

I have shaving cream and I have some ink... I even have a gift card ready to spread stuff about... so looking forward to the tutorial!!

nerllybird said... 25

You have some interesting stuff on that desk, that I've never seen before. And please don't say serviette, lol, it drives me crazy!
Helen S

angelfish said... 26

I always look for the rocking horse first too! Look forward to seeing what the tutorial is about:)

JoZart Designs said... 27

Hope to see the tutorial and no doubt another rocker too! Great to see you
back, good and proper, sharing your desk,
Love joZarty x

Cathy said... 28

Good luck with the tut .. .and love that rocking horse.
Cathy xx

Halle said... 29

Looking forward to the tutorial...

Dianne said... 30

oh, I see shaving cream there...I am looking forward to your tutorial! intriguing...

Tuire Flemming said... 31

Waiting for your tutorial... looks interesting!
...and the comment box is back :)

Anonymous said... 32

How many horses do you think we've seen so far?? Probably not even a quarter I'm betting! Hope you're not too hot where you are.


Liverpool Lou (Anne) said... 33

Hi Elizabeth, I'm intrigued about the tutorial, must remember to pop by next time I'm in Blogland :-) I love the results of your little tea-dyeing session below
Anne xx

Angie said... 34

Love that rocking horse ...and what are you going to teach?....all sounds fun.

~*~Patty S said... 35

shaving cream and color...should be a fun tut!
can't wait!

Cath said... 36

I was sure I had commented already but cant find it..... Looking forward to the tutorial might have a go for my next pages.


PS I will take the table if we rent and stay on the Island.

Lynn Cohen said... 37

Blogger has it's problems but my internet server just upped my speed by 25% and it's very noticable as I dance from one blog to the next and leave comments.

Healing Woman said... 38

Now THAT is a rocking horse I could live with! So cute. Looking forward to your new tutorial.

Elizabeth said... 39

Ah, that's it, I've had my rocking-horse fix for the week. You don't actually say what the tutorial is about so are you planning to reveal all in a later post. Whatever, I hope the tutorial goes well and have a great week. Elizabeth x #99

akilli melek said... 40

good luck with the tutorial. how cute is that rocking horse, and practical too.