Monday, July 11, 2011

What I'm working on

I actually have nothing completed, just a tiny bit of work in progress. This was so blurry, I didn't even bother running it through PS. I somehow doubt you will figure this out, anyway.

This is a completed piece made for a friend whose birthday was in May. My friend knows I'm always late, but this time it's even later. So, just a sneak peek at what she will be receiving in a few weeks.

And I see my followers faces are gone again and this time others notice it, too. Makes it hard to keep your friends close when they are invisible. Thank you, blogger (NOT!).

11 thoughtful remarks:

Healing Woman said... 1

I'm guessing something rusted Elizabeth. So far, so good on the gift to your lucky friend.

Darla said... 2

I'm curious but have no idea where this is headed. Like the collaged bit you show tho.


Julia Dunnit said... 3

Argh blogger is really playing tricks again..I haven't been able to leave YOU a comment for a few days...I hope this one takes!
Like the stitched papers for your friend..looks like there's alot more to it.

Jo Murray said... 4

Mmmmm, it's a mystery to me.

~*~Patty S said... 5

always fun to see what you are up to E...even if it's a little peek

Cath said... 6

Look forward to seeing what it is.

Quick look your friends are back.........


Pam said... 7

Thank you for the wonderful things your share- your art and art projects are lovely and inspiring

Pam said... 8

Sorry, meant to tyoe: "you" share not YOUR share...ick, I hate typos.

Pam said... 9

now that's ridiculous...type...LOL

voodoo vixen said... 10

LOL... you are not alone... my friends disappeared a couple of days ago and haven't made an appearance since... I thought I had been de-friended big time!!

Halle said... 11

Well your followers are back as well as mine...they have a different name for the gadget now. Whatever...
I'm intrigued by the sneak peek! Can't wait.