For those of you not here this morning, this is what my front yard looked like at about 9:00 am.

This is what it looked like at 6:30 pm. What? You can't see anything?

This is what happened when I lightened it in Photoshop. It didn't help much, but you might be able to see the wind blowing at about 30 mph and feel the wind chill of -30 F (~-34C).

Here it is at 7:15 pm. With the aid of the porch light, I was able to show the drifts, but not the snow as it continued to fall. And I decided it was too cold to step out on my snow packed porch to take another photo until it warmed a bit.
Is this your first Wednesday visit? Are you wondering about this workdesk nonsense? If so, and you are curious, hop on over to
Julia's Stamping Ground. She'll explain the details. Her place is in England, but you will be as welcome as she made me feel these many months ago. And so will the rest of the WOYWW gang, whom I have come to know and love.

The only thing on my table this week is a project I'm working on, and it's a bit difficult to cover up. If you don't like that reasoning, you can always blame it on the weather. So instead of showing a table I'd have to cover, I thought I would show you where I keep my paints. At one time, they were all in order, but as I returned them, sometimes they didn't go back in their correct spots. Why, you ask? Because I was standing on a foot stool in order to take this photo. If the stool is elsewhere, I might put the paint back in an empty spot if I can't reach where it should be. (Click to enlarge).

After awhile, I got tired of not being able to reach anything without dragging a three-step step stool (say that fast three times) upstairs, so I bought one of these handy dandy things to help get the items off the top two shelves. That's why most are standing, not lying flat.

Now I know you came to see the rocking horses. I think almost everyone does. Did you see the little gal (this one is so sweet, she has to be a gal) who lives on the ledge above the paper in the first photo? If not, here she is up close and personal. She is ceramic. I think she came from the baby department, but I love her, regardless. And yes, there are plenty more of my nearly 450 rocking horses to show.
As of 11 pm, we had around 7 inches of snow and it hasn't stopped since it started about this time yesterday. The local weather reporter said on the evening news that it was "just getting started" in the Wichita area. Believe it or not, Wichita was actually mentioned on the national weather scene earlier today, too. Stay warm, stay safe, and stay excited about your art. And let's do a bit of snooping today.
75 thoughtful remarks:
Still snowing eh? We are certainly getting a fair dose of the white stuff this year!! I love your handy tool for getting stuff of the top shelf... being 5'2" means most stuff is out of my reach without a step stool!! Love your sweet little gal rocking horse, such a lovely face!!
Hi ya hun
oh dear lots snow, hope doesnt stay long, fab collection of paints, you go careful standin on stools!! cute little face he has,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(11)
What a sweet rocking horse!
Sounds like you might get a snow day tomorrow. More time to visit your fave sites and play with the paints!
What a fab paint collection. Stay warm
Oh not again??? I thought that groundhog made his presence known! Should be about 5 more weeks right? At least the rocking horses look happy ;)
Sorry to hear you are having such a show of snow - do you get cheesed off with it? I guess the consolation is that you can justify staying in, warm and cosy and crafting. Hope you do. How does Bleubeard find this weather and does it afect his habits at all? Just wondering as I love cats. #22
MM looks very cold over there indeed love snow but not the cold...and such cute horses! I have one of those handy helping hands too as am also vertically challenged, and so nice to be organised! (me? yet to attain such lofty heights!)
thanks for sharing off to peek at others!!
Shaz in oz.x
Sorry to hear youve still got th cold bad weather.Just gonna have to stay home keep warm and crfat.Love all your paints.What a lovely aray of colours.Happy wednesdya to you hunni.
hugs judex:) 16
I am so sorry about all the snow.
My son lives in Kansas and I know Kansas is getting hammered.
WE have had 30 - 40 mph wind gusts and the last time I checked it was 7 degrees and it is still snowing with snow drifts. This has been the most snow we had received in a winter for a long time...Sunday it is suppose to be up to 55 degrees...crazy isn't it. But we are suppose to receive 6 - 8 inches of snow this round maybe more.
Have A Sugar Sweet Day
Angel Hugs
Simply Debbie
Your paint shelf looks great - it´s a piece of art itself :)
We also got more snow yesterday and now the weather is getting colder.
Have a nice week!
Oh my goodness was dreadful weather you are experiencing, best stay indoors and craft all day and night! Very nifty gadget to reach your paints, I like that and super cute rocking horse too.
I love the little thingy to reach things on a top shelf. Great invention. Thanks for sharing your area!
Sorry to hear you now have to cope with heavy snow!
Your grabby thing is a great idea for reaching things - I could use one of those to grab stuff from the other side of the room so I don't have to move..... or is that just VERY lazy, rofl!
Nice paints. Are those colored papers in the cubby holes under the paints?! We just got more snow here in Chicago, too. Thanks for sharing and Happy WOYWW!
Would love for you to stop by my blog when you have a moment or 2!
Hi Elizabeth,
You crack me up! hehe, you always make me smile. I can almost hear your voice...You are so right about your awesome collection of Rocking Horses. I went thrift store shopping today and I actually thought of you when I spotted a rocking horse.
Great little thing-a-magig. Have a great WOYWW. Thanks for the peek and sharing. Hugs from Lucky # 2 Marjo
Lordy that snow. Stay inside, stay safe and warm. I love your proper 'grabber' thingy - I use the long barbecue tongs being a willowy 5'3" myself.Your paint and paper shelves are a wondrous display of colour...it's what continually attracts me to craft..the potential of all the colours. MMM.
Wow snow, my girls would love that!!! Love your idea for reaching those top shelves, and another cute rocking horse.
Cathy xx
I have a helping hand tool and to be honest I use it every day....being 5 foot nothing and having arthritis it is always close by :-)
A x
Josh I can empathize with you. It is snowing like crazy right now and I am hoping it will hurry up and quit! Being snowed in for 4 days last week was enough. Vickie
We've had loads of snow in the UK this winter, but it seems the US has had it really bad. I worry about the thaw. Keep warm and thanks for the peep.
Joanne (29) xx
Stay warm and stay safe, eh?
Love the paint stash - plenty of colours to inspire you - and a good call on the grabber.
Oooh, love the shelves of paint! How very crafty! I hope that you can stay indoors and craft to your hearts content while all that snow is out there!
Happy WOYWW!
xoxo Karen (#49)
ooh nasty weather, love the horses head, stay inside
BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR stay safe and warm!!! I love your shelves so full of stuff! lol I know bad to confess to something like playing mario,maybe now my secret is out I will be able to complete it haha. Joey xx
I don't know about you , but I'm just about over having Winter weather! The thing that caught my eye in your snow pictures was your sweet garden "bed" is that where your tulips are? I can't remember.....
BTW, I love the way your paints look all stacked and colorful, so pretty! I can't wait till my studio is finished and I can do pretty organizing with my supplies!
Happy Wednesday!
O ACK - are you tiring of the snow E? It does look pretty...but easy for me to say living in south FL. We're having heavenly 60ish weather which is perfect after being in the 80's again...Love the organization as always - that would last about 2 minutes here and have to marvel at your collection of rocking horses every week. Happy WOYWW!
Brrrrr! Here in the Philippines, it's a little cooler than usual but not much that we need sweaters. What a lot of paints you have! And does that thingamagig really work? I think I'd be afraid the paints would roll! Patsy from
stay indoors I say. Lovely looking paints :)
Like your paint organizer. Keeps everything out where you can see it.
I can't believe the snow you are getting. I never think of your area having that amount of snowfall and I guess it usually doesn't if it is making the news.
hehe handy dandy reach tool! I use the other half for that since he towers over me!
Not joining in to woyww today as I am not very well with my IBS and don't feel like getting the camera out, my little kitty knows when i'm sick and sits where it hurts to make me feel better, it works! think its something to do with her body heat on my tummy.
Fab collection of paints :) I hope you manage to stay warm and safe in your snowy weather conditions.
Have a great WOYWW,
Karen #58
The snow has skirted by us the last two times, but temps are in the teens. Perfect weather for crafting.
Hi Elizabeth (I'm not in WOYWW, just thought I'd mention it)but popped by to see the snow, brrrrr! and to tell you it's lovely and sunny here and quite mild ;-) Is there a paint colour you don't have? Those papers look interesting. Love the rocking horse :-)
Anne xx
Oh my, the snow simply *must* stop! Love the paint wall and the papers below - it's a lovely rainbow of colors! Happy WOYWW.
Susan #84
We lucked out and only had a big snow before Christmas....so far. Spring is just around the corner. Your pictures make everything look frozen in time!
wow! stay warm & cozy in your little bungalow...really like the photo of your paint storage & how it shows your handmade paper in the little cubbyholes. the colors & textures make an interesting composition!
i can't believe you are still buried in snow - hugs xx
I really hope to send your some warmth from Singapore. Actually for the past 2 weeks, our temperature is very cool for us as we have been used to over 30C at this time of the year.
Hope you keep warm and safe.
Thanks for sharing.
Moy Yin #6
Hi Elizabeth
It seems that other bloggers like Spyder who can never post comments on my blog just like you CAN now post their comments. I have changed my blog background. Maybe that help.
Do come and visit. Moy Yin #6
oooo so glad I don't see that out of my window brrrrr. Love the paint storage, I have paint envy , really need to get myself some more paints. have a great day.x
This lady is a real sweetie.
Thanks for visiting!
sarah at 17
You really do get lots of snow, I don't think this is funny anymore. Although, I have to say it looks beautiful. I hope you can stay inside and be warm with some hot cocoa or tea or whatever you prefer. Lovely rocking horse, yes, definitely a gal.
HOpe your not snowed in!!! Cute horse, definately female!! Hugs Pam x
Love your cute rocking horse! I collect Christmas ornaments for my children. Each one has a different theme. My oldest daughter gets, you guessed it, Rocking Horses (she also has a few hobby horses and carousel horses as rocking horse ornaments aren't always easy to find. If she ever leaves and has her own place (since she's 24, in grad school and still coming home every weekend I have my doubts)she will have a collection of ornaments for her own tree!
Oh, just LOOK at all of your fabulous paints! Love them!!!
Love the picking tool thingy. :) Snow? Love it!
Thank you for sharing.
Maggie #76
What a great excuse the snow is to lock yourself indoors and get creative! Love all your paints. Thanks for sharing and commenting on my blog - I haved missed you too!
I don't envy your snow one bit, we had a month of it here over Christmas and it was bad enought. Happy WOYWW, didn't have time to join in myself this week, but couldn't resist a good nosey around anyway.
Thats pretty darn cold. Guess the fun has worn off now with all that snow. Does this mean you get to stay inside though and do crafty things!!
Love the cute face on this weeks rocking horse.
Stay safe and warm Mrs A.#83
snow...OMG... we have wind in the UK but no snow again.....think it has finished now...yes I love that horse gotta be a girl...
Sarah - Stressed Stamper 26 (I think)
Hello there, its been a few weeks since I last visited. Had a quick look over your posts, so much to see. Lots of lovely white fluffy stuff I see, we are expecting some again here next week. Love that little horse lol, hugs Heidi xx
Oh what a great post to read but so sorry that you are experiencing such inclement weather. It must be hard for you. I hope you are stocked up on essentials and don't have to go out in it all. Thanks for all your messages whilst I was on my CHA/LA/CA/USA adventure. It was so amazing and a different world over there to England. Lots of likes and dislikes but I must admit that I'm happier here for living!
Pleased your little gang of rockers arrived and thanks for the thanks. So sorry I didn't write before but I was paying for connection despite being in a pricey hotel.
Stay warm and keep crafting. Your OWOH gift art pieces are fabulous and so generous.
Hugs JoZarty x
wish I could stack things so high I needed a grabber arm to get to them but I am tall and the ceilings are so low here I can touch them without getting up on tippy toes. Lovely space. Stay warm.
Hi Elizabeth.
I have not heard from you for a while. I hope you are well!
Those little pick up tools are very handy, just the job!!
Our snow cleared up just after new year but there may be more yet...who knows.
Take care
Sue xx 56
You were right....I've become addicted to woyww
My table is such a cluttered mess I can't do one more thing until I clean it up.
love the rocking horse....
I always love to see your working space and your little rocking horse has such a beautiful face! Can't believe you all are getting more snow. Stay safe. The snow is missing us and headed up toward Pennsylvania. Stay warm! Hugs
I have to store all my paints in something portable for when I need to haul them to other places to paint. I had mine organized too, at one point. Now I'm just happy to have them put away in their storage unit! LOL Star 102
What a cute horse! :) I love that happy face. Stay warm and well with all that snow. I know how it is. We're actually going to go a full week without any snow storms. :) I actually see a patch of grass in the yard! Theresa
Snow. Yucky, yucky. It belongs on mountains which is why I no longer live in that part of the world. Cute rocking horse. Definitely a girl.
Thats a dark and snowy pictures - glad you have all those colourful paints - love the idea for being able to reach the high items ~ Nicky no.9
Elizabeth, hope you and Bleubeard are snuggled up warm and cosy...... I must admit I miss the Michigan snow and so does my dog, Mollie. Am at my sons at the moment and annoying him as we are having new outside doors so left OH to sort it out!!!!! as always thanks. Hugs xxx
It seems colder with your garden bed having a blanket of snow! -30 is just darn cold. Our snow has just inched up on us with not a lot of furious snowing, but we've had about 170" inches since December and it just hasn't melted much. Love the grabby thing, I should look into one as I am vertically challenged. Love the rocking horse :D. TFS
brr.. cold where you are!!
Fab storage unit and great tool to get them down.. lol
Thanks for the peek, Marlene [55]
Wow, thats some snow you're having this week. Has it stopped falling yet. We actual have a bit of Spring here in the UK which, after all the snow in December is wonderful.
Your paints are fantastic-so many!! Thanks for sharing and stay warm and safe.
Hugs Lisa (127)
Hasn't it been a crazy winter Elizabeth? I saw ice draped palm trees in Texas and cars skidding off the roads in Alabama I think it was. We're in the deep freeze at the moment but we're supposed to hit almost 40F next week! Michigan NEVER hits 40 in February.
Love all you paints and you paint picker-upper is fantastic!! What's underneath the paints? Looks like distressed papers or maybe fabric pieces? That's a really cute RH this week too!
Stay warm!
Brenda 89
All those papers and paints look so inviting. All those colours & textures just waiting to be transformed into art - love it!
That weather looks mighty cold. I hope you're snug & warm in your house.
Kat X
We have not had any snow this year...yet...and we usually have several feet...very strange weather year indeed! I thought you had forgotten your horsey, until I reached the end of you post. I peeked at your beeswax creation too. I had never heard of that before! Very interesting!
brrrr !!!! looks FREEZING !! I live in the mediterranean so no snow !! :-) love the storage and the handy gadget :-)
Lols x x x
I am joining in this week too ( 94) :-)
Hi Elizabeth,
I'm sorry I'm so late in visiting, but what with my new grandson and my new challenge blog and other family commitments the week seems to have flown.
I have a grabber too.... jolly useful!
Chrissie #4
ooh - look at all your lovely paints - still got snow - poor you brrr
Snow for you!! 7" sounds like a lot for your neck of the woods.
That's alot of snow, over here we complain if we get 1 inch! Love all those yummeee paints and what a great gadget to get stuff down with. The rocking horse looks definitely girlish as she's so cute.
I was quite convinced I had already left a message for you, but I cannot find it. You certainly seem to be suffering with the weather this year. Maybe, it will be a good summer afterwards.
hello, Elizabeth, i'm taking a break from visiting the OWOH blogs and seeing what the WOYWWers have been up to. wow, it is COLD in your part of the world! brrrr. and to think i already feel cold when the airconditioning is set too low!
It's always good to come by and see what you've been up to. I love seeing the photos of your workspaces, your environment and all those beautiful things you make
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