I almost didn't join WOYWW this week, because I only visited about eight people out of nearly 170 last week who linked to
Julia at Stamping Ground. I had every intention of visiting everyone, but on Wednesday

while packers were moving my basement studio contents to storage,

the stairs going to my basement studio fell. Or possibly I should say, they slid down the wall due to excessive traffic and wet wood. I spent the next few days helping my friend Scott (as best I could) rebuild them since they weren't covered by insurance.

Now Bleubeard and I have only the tiny craft room upstairs to work in, but he doesn't seem to mind. He enjoys cozy environs.

On my work table tonight are the beginnings of some things I hope to have made for the One World One Heart (OWOH) blog hop which begins this Sunday.

Included will be several mixed media birds, although right now these two look more like metal lids than birds.

Of course, I know you came to see the rocking horses! These tiny rocking horses are the only two out of about 450 that are cast iron. Yes, they are quite small, but very heavy.

They are also quite elusive when it comes to photographing them in the harsh night light.
Before I leave, I want to thank each and every one of you who dropped by last week. I swear I would have visited if I'd had even one free minute. I'm very, very grateful to all of you. And please come back on Sunday to see all the goodies I will be offering as gifts just for stopping by the OWOH blog event.
83 thoughtful remarks:
LOL at the metal lids/birds! The backgrounds look beautiful but I will have to pop back for the finished birdies because at the moment they look just like metal lids!! ;) Bleubeard seems to very happy in the cosy space upstairs, and I am so glad you still have somewhere to play whilst the chaos ensues below stairs!!
Wow, I'm glad no one was hurt! I will have to backread for more of the scoop! LOVE seeing Bleubeard and the rocking horses and can't wait to sse your OWOH creation this weekend!
Well, I certainly will pop in to see what those birds look like. I had thought about participating in OWOH and still haven't decided. I am working on little "door prizes" but I have no idea whether they will be done in time... oh well, we'll see. I like your rocking horses - and thank you for the many comments you left on my blog today! I'm glad you're "back"!
Gosh what a time your having hun.Just hope everything gets sorted soon.At least blessing no one was hurt my friend.Sending big (((hugs))
Shoot - if anyone EVER had a reason for not visiting more desks, it is this! Sliding stairs? It sounds rather magical if it weren't so precarious! Glad all is well #10 and the rocking horses are intact! It's almost February, so 11 good months ahead!
Sorry to hear about your stairs and the insurance! Luckly no one was hurt and I am glad you did WOYWW this week as I love checking out your treasures.
Sam # 26
Blimey hun, that sounds baaaad... Bleubeard is looking as handsomely gorgeous as ever.. thank you for sharing another pic of him... Hels #6
Wow, I'd love to see those finished metal birds! So glad no one is hurt. I wish i could take part in the OWOH blog hop. I'll see if I can squeeze it in! thanks for the peek ;)
Oh dear, sorry about the stairs, hope no-one was hurt.
You've just reminded me i need to get a shifty on and finish a piece for the OWOH thing. Look forward to seeing your finished pieces :D
Have a fab Wednesday
Minxy #1 x
Oh I know how hard it is to have fun when you have a wet soggy mess on your hands.
I can't wait to see how those can lids end up looking like birds....
Marianne #21
Bleubeard is very beautiful. Hope your studio is slowy getting sorted out
I am sure that Bleubeard is just happy to be by you, no matter where you are working :) I know that my kitty is just like that! lol
Can't wait to see the finished product of your can lids.
Glad you've got some stairs back to your basement and Bleu looks quiet cozy :)
Hello Elizabeth!
Even though so busy you visited me but I wasn't very communicative so didn't come back - so sorry! Also sorry you had all that trouble with the stairs - but it looks like all is good now! Lovely projects on your desk - and the rocking horses are just so cute! Bluebeard seems to be a good crafting companion!
Lots of hugs,
Those packages look so sad... But Bleubeard is as gorgeous as always :)
Hugs to both of you
Oh my Elizabeth, what a time you've had, I hope your repairs are coming along ok.
Love seeing your work in progress! M
Sorry to hear about your apples and pears woes sweetie.
Big him to lovely Bleubeard.
Hope you get that basement sorted soon, what a dreadful thing to happen. Lovely to see you here today though.
Hi Elizabeth,
Glad to see you are on blog about this week. Hopefully all the troubles are behind you. Gorgeous rocking horses. Wonderful work in progress. My little digital image is Kenny G's Funkmeister...lol
Thanks for the peek and sharing. Hugs, Marjo #7, Happy WOYWW.
Thanks so much for popping by and yes we were spared from the floods, praise God! but thinking and praying for those who were not..love Mr Bluebeard he adorable.. sorry about your stair woes but hope all is right and tight now!
Shaz In Oz.x :D
Oh wow Elizabeth! How awful tosee your 'stairs' slide away like that but how lucky no one was hurt or trapped down there, looking forward to seeing your craftiness back in it's right place over the next few weeks. Rocking horse's are fab and Bleubeard really does look happy!
Happy WOYWW~miles late today #68
I didnt join in this week but thought I'd drop by a few ....OMG ...I really dont know how you are coping and still crafting ...Hugs xx
Oh bless you. Just when you think things are bad they suddenly get worse eh? I really do hope things start to improve very soon for you.
A x
You seem to be remarkably cheerful at such a devastating time, so I take my hat off to you.
Looking forward to the 'metal lid' birds emerging as they join your menagerie of metal creatures aka rocking horses, which, by-the-way are adorable.
Keep smiling
Sue xxx 40
Morning Elizabeth, what a lovely picture of Bleubeard, so handsome. Sorry to hear your misfortune regarding your stairs, hope it soon gets repaired. Love your rocking horses. Cannot wait to see your little birds made up. Have a lovely day. Big Hugs JO.xxx *48*
Hi ya hun
aww i have been thinkin bout ya, do hope you are all soon straight, well done for still gettin crafty hun,Bluebeard looks most content, fab looking projects, gorgeous horses,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (30)
Oh Elizabeth, I just read your post about the basement & stairs disaster. You poor thing, what a nightmare. And thank goodness your friend Scott was able to help you out like that. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon. I did like the photos with Bleubeard supervising the making of the new stairs!
Wow Elizabeth I am so glad nobody got hurtwith those stairs, Bless your friend for helping you. I do hope the basement is sorted soon. Joey xx
Morning..well it is here anyway! not sure where your day is at...glad you are finding some room to craft and keeping positive. Beautiful horses and look forward to seeing those birds when they stop being round metal tin lids! WOYWW is supposed to be fun and we do waht we can - I dont manage to visit anywhere near the numbers you have been doing so I shouldn't worry one jot about a little lapse - under the circumstances I should think everyone understands...Esther xx
Sorry to hear about your step issue. I can so relate! Sounds like everyone has had issues this week Thanks for sharing your work desk with us. Vickie #59
Oh my goodness, what a mess you have to deal with. I'm sure Bleubeard will be happy snuggled up with you in your small craft room though. He is a handsome kitty :-)
Sounds like a real disaster with the stairs! These things do get in the way of other stuff! Did Bluebeard not want to lend you a hand?
xoxo Sioux
Lids to birds? I can't wait to see the finished work. Glad you are still posting even in your unsettled circumstances.
Just glad you didn't cave in!!! Good that you still have a litlle oasis during all the busy days...Thanks for all the visits - few or many!
Oh my! What a disaster! I can"t imagine even thinking about blog visiting if something like that happened to me, and of course we would LOOK for you if your name didn't appear on the WOYWW list! And oh yes, I've got my OWOH giveaway ready for next week! :^) Patsy from
It's good you have your art to give you the "good" to balance with the "unfortunate".
I cannot tell you what happens when I get to the recycling center in the story. There are 26 more pages to the journal so just pour a morning cup of tea and visit me daily! Considerate it your 5 minute soap opera dose every day....lol.
Happy Woyww...
Oh my word, talk about your worst nightmares! Good for your for bearing up and getting on with it, not easy but better than going under. HOpe you are all sorted soon xxx
Quit your blathering - you visit more people more often that most of us put together - are you Catholic by any chance - you do Ace Guilt Trips - please resend your address - I have a towel I want to send you to help you dry off....Amy says you do a round robin group thingy - must investigate - however I do seem to be a bit of a kiss of death to groups...you may wish to deny me membership....I Do Not Play Well With Others....
Cant wait to see your finished projects!
Oh my, Elizabeth! Poor you hun! I can't believe the stairs weren't covered on the insurance - that's just daft! Hoping it all gets sorted out soonest....
Fab desk, looks like you've good things going on. Hopoe you get the stairs sorted.
Cathy xx
Sliding stairs - sounds a bit like Hogwarts. Seems funny till you are the one involved. Hope no-one was hurt, and that you managed to recover all your stash from its watery grave. With all that going on, how did you find time to visit anyone? Hope things start to improve for you.
Sorry to hear of your stairs sliding/collapsing. Good for you for helping to rebuild them though. Bleubeard looks just as handsome as ever and quite content just to be wherever you are.
I am curious to see how you will make birds out of the metal lids!
xoxo Karen (#117)
O my gosh Elizabeth! What a mess! Hope it all gets back to normal soon. Looking forward to your "heart" Sunday post.
Hello to you both- Bleubeard looking as gorgeous as always- your bird project looks intriguing- I shall be back to see how they turn out.
Their not tin lids. Their eggs waiting to hatch out into birds. Can't wait for the hatching!
Mrs A. #97
great you could make it with all thats going on.... cant wait to see the tin 'transformers'. I never seem to get round as many WOYWW folk either...... hey ho. Havva cuppa Elizabeth. Hugs xxx
Gosh I can't believe you're still crafting after all you've been through in the last week or so. I still think you should tell that Insurance Johnny where to stick it! Even if it's just for the personal satisfaction!! Everything went very smoothly this morning, very quickly too and super nice people to deal with, hardly a uniform in sight either, I think they've really picked their socks up in recent years. Guns not needed either!!
Brenda 20 (#20 thanks to Annette!)
Oh hecky pecky what a thing to happen. Still, it will be worth it in the end. Nice to see Bleubeard looking so healthy again - he realy is a beautiful cat. Thanks for the pictures of the rocking horses too.
Love that photo of Bleubeard - adorable
Very interesting birds. Falling stairs? Forgive me but I just LOL at the thought of it. I know, its not funny, but I can't help myself, I laugh when people fall and get hurt - I think its a nervous reaction, but people don't see it that way.
Hope nobody was actually hurt.
Tertia 137
I thought I had it bad when my hoover packed up if my stairs went I would be a nightmare.
Sarah - Stressed Stamper #31
Hopefully, no one was injured when the stairs gave out!!
Interesting birds....will check back to see final results!
Hang in there Elizabeth--I just know things will get better. See you on Sunday!
Crafting in a small space with half your stuff must be a pain but hopefully it won't be for too long.
x Tricia (120)
Hope alls back on track soon Elizabeth. Bleubeard looks real handsome there as do the rocking horses. Thanks for finding time amongst the chaos yo share. Carolxx
Cor you are having lots happening - glad no one was hurt and you and friend were able to sort the stairs. Bluebeard looks very comfy in the small craft room and you still are making some stunning bits even with everything going on ~ Nicky 17
Sometimes real life gets in the way. I also posted last week and didn't make it past 20 or thirty blogs. This week I will keep at it. :)
Sorry about the stairs.
CaroleB #135
I just hate it when the stairs fall down and all the best plans fall apart. So glad it didn't keep you and Bleubeard from creativity.
Vicki - A little inkling 108
Hi Elizabeth,
Jeez, I hate that about your basement. Ick.
Good deal about having a separate studio.
I am going to do OWOH also, but I only have one prize. It's a pretty good one though, so I hope someone groovy like you or Donna wins it.
You're lucky to have a nice guy like Scott to help you out. When my crap falls in, I'll give him a call. Tell him to hook me up.
Amy (a nutter)
Thought you needed a bit of TLC so I sent you an award which is waiting for you on my blog. #11
I'm a little late today. Hope you are okay. Glad that Bleubeard likes the accomodations.
how terrible to have those stairs fall! i'm glad no one was hurt though. we missed your comments because they are usually so interesting (WOYWW wouldn't be the same without you) but i'm sure that no one would mind that you weren't able to comment, with all your house concerns. i will join your OWOH giveaway for sure! happy WOYWW!
After what you have been through no need for apologies, wish we could do more than just offer blog sympathy. Glad to hear Bluebeard is enjoying the the cosy accommodation. Can't wait to see the tin lids evolve into birds, I did giggle "tin lids" is australian rhyming slang for kids and I had to reread that post. Will definitely pop by on Sunday to see what you have been doing in your spare time!!
Sandra xox
you dont need to apologise hun, as long as nobody was hurt. Dont think Bluebeard is to upset lol, looks his normal happy self
thanks for the peep
Judie xx 158
Bummer about the stairs. Hang in there.
just a reminder to always be thankful for our blessings. stairs can be rebuilt. i am so happy to hear that no one was hurt in the fire.
Thanks for stopping by and have an art-filled day today.
PS and yes, anything RUSTY is good to me TOO! :)
Glad you weren't hurt when the stairs relocated themselves!!! Repairs are a bother but bones are quite another thing!!! I can see the birdie legs and some bodies coming into being....
Hope you are ok and everything goes ok from now on. Please try and visit me this week Elizabeth, my new blog is right up your street (if I can get it started that is).
Oh the stairs! Oh no! Thank goodness they didn't give under you, and thank goodness for Scott - I was just trying to work out how to get Mr D over to you! I think I can see where you're going with the tin lid birds... I hope I'm right - it gives my mojo hope!
Argh! Glad you managed to get the stairs sorted with Scott.
Ooh I'm so looking forward to seeing the birds Elizabeth, I'm sure they'll be fantastic ;-)
Anne xx
Oh gosh - collapsing stairs and neighbourhood fires - you poor thing - what a week. Take care and keep safe!!
Thank goodness no one was hurt. I will definitely visit back to see the finished project it looks fab so far.
Oh no so sorry about your steps, that is super scary! Hope no one was hurt when they fell? Can't wait to see your completed studio!
Happy be-lated WOYWW and
Thanks for the peek! :D
Love the look of all those boxes...all matching...stacking perfectly. I've never had that experience in moving anything. How much easier that would make it but I'm too cheap to pay for boxes. :)
Sweet Bluebeard photo. It makes me want to snuggle him.
Hope things are calming down around there...
Goodness! Glad no one was hurt. Hope everything is back on track soon. Thanks for visiting and happy [LATE} WOYWW!
Susan xxox 29
I am sad to hear about your stairs.. I hope you get your craft room back soon. nice pic of bleubeard.. Take card of yourself.. and don't worry about getting around to all the desks on woyww.
Shirley #151
Thank goodness no one was hurt! Take care and be safe.
I'm sorry I'm sooooooooo late in getting to you, what a nightmare with the stairs... I hope all goes well now.
We are still awaiting grandchild no. 2, which was due on Saturday. After meeting the new little someone, whenever an appearance is made, I'd quite like to get home to my craft room!
Love the little rockers!
Goodness Elizabeth, when it rains it pours, or in our case in kansas, when it snows, it blizzards. I am ashamed to say I have not been by to visit your blog for many weeks but was happy to have a snow day today and catch up. Your post on your neighbor's house fire really does make a person count their blessings. I loved all your bird creations as well. I love the things that make you stare and consider all the different elements that make it what it is, artwork! Wishing you more good wishes in getting your studio up and running with stairs ;)
Dang, you two have had your fair share of Adventure! You really do have a good friend in Scott. I was wondering why you were packing your craft room, and scuttled backwards, then forwards. Wonderful creations amidst the upheavals. TFS :D
Good luck with the stairs - thank goodness there were no injuries...
Would love for you to stop by my blog when you have a moment or 2.
Fabulous desk. Hope you are ok now.
Silver MLM
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