Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What's on your workdesk this 84th Wednesday?

YAH!!! I made it to everyone's desk last week. Some wouldn't let me leave comments, but I visited and tried, just the same. As for this week, my workdesk is a bit busy tonight even though I've just finished one round robin obligation which is now in the mail.

I'm also sewing more pages for my scrappy journals. On my guillotine cutter I've just cut a decorated background to size.

There's a rumor, possibly started by Doone, and maybe egged on by Amy, that I would be showing my gun tonight on my desk. Yes, I own two legally registered handguns, but they don't look like the outline of the one left after I removed the sticker.

Sorry, Doone. I don't play when it comes to guns. They aren't like the rocking horses that come out at night to play. I won't ever remove my guns from my well concealed lock box unless you enter my home to rob, rape, or murder me. Then I'll be happy to pull one out and show it to you!! Might even take a picture of you as the police carry you away, too!

There IS some metal on my desk, though. I'm sort of playing around with the shape of these old tins and lids that I've prepared for altering. Not sure where I'm going yet, but I'll keep you updated.

If you were here yesterday or today, you know I was without power for nearly 18 hours. So, tonight the obligatory rocking horses are serving a bigger purpose. These torch bearers are holding candles to both light and heat the craft room. I love them because they hold both tapered and larger diameter candles.

While you are snooping around all those desks whose links are found at Julia's Stamping Ground, please take a minute to stop by Patty's at Magpie's Nest for a chance to win the latest issue of Sew Somerset magazine. One of Patty's postcards is featured in the magazine. And while you're at it, please also stop by Steph's at Purple Lotus Art for yet another awesome giveaway. Two winners will receive the latest issue of either Art Journaling or Somerset Studios, along with goodies every altered artist can use. As is my policy when announcing giveaways, both are offered with no strings attached. Simply leave a comment to be entered. And both are open to anyone, anywhere in the world. Yep, that means you, too!

68 thoughtful remarks:

Anonymous said... 1

guillotine cutter.

Somehow this is so much more formidable than a gun.

Did I mention that the Wednesday Whack is also on time?

You don't play around. I KNEW you were hardcore.

P.S. You tip in with double sided tape, no?
I want to go to bed because I probably have lead poisoning and will be going crazy soon, so if Julia will post I will try and race you. Then I am going to sleep.

sandra de said... 2

I have to admit the gun thing is an alien concept for me. I just don't get it but, understand that others do and appreciate your safety measures. Art/craft I do understand and actually can't get enough of, that's why I am hoping to be in for a chance of the giveaway. Love the peek of your art journal.

voodoo vixen said... 3

You have electricity again!! Yay!! And you look like you have been very busy too... lots of lovely bits going on... the tins look interesting, one wonders what you will do with them. So glad the rocking horses have kept you in the light and you aren't a frozen lump in the bed!! :)

Hope and Chances said... 4

No power - awful for you. I'm glad you didn't display the guns - far rather see your rocking horses :-)

jude said... 5

Hope by now your power is restord.I know with not having hot water and heating we take so much for granted.Love the rocking horse candle holders.Well have fab wednesday hun happy crafting as a busy bee you look this week with so many things going on for your journals.Well guns dont go down that road ,but i have one on my desk on show this week..lol
hugs judex3

MadeByKarla said... 6

Hi! I've been MIA from WOYWW forever! I like your attitude about your guns ;) Love those rocking horses, very cute and useful too!

Rhonda said... 7

Your rocking horse candles are so cute! I need a guillotine cutter like that! Glad y our power is back on so you can have a look at everyone's desks! Happy WOYWW! #11

Minxy said... 8

Like the look of those old battered tins, bet you'll have fun however you choose to alter them, and as for no power, that sucks.
Happy Wednesday
Minxy #2

Chrissie said... 9

A thought came to my mind today... how many weeks could you contribute to WOYWW showing a different rocking horse each week? Basically that equates to ...how many do you have? I look forward so much to seeing then each week!
Years ago when we lived in Virginia for a few years, I took my English 'pram' (baby carriage) with me and was nearly always stopped by passers by when out walking with my a baby, to admire my perambulator (pram for short).
This was in the 70's and at that time most Americans just seemed to use strollers.
These days they seem to be like transformers... changing from one place to two, being able to have the car seat attached, being a lie-down or sit-up position, for a tiny baby or a toddler... the list goes on!
Enjoy your week Elizabeth!

Sue said... 10

Hi ya hun
how roamtic craftin by candlelight! very creative with your journal,look forward to seeing what you do with the lids, have good day hun, happy WOYWW, sue,x

Sheila said... 11

No power for 18 hours! Oh my! Love the many uses of the rocking horse.

Hope and Chances said... 12

Thank you for your visit - yes it does make sense, great idea and I think I shall give it a go. My cats would say hi to Bleubeard except they are very moody this morning - pouring with rain and they HATE rain! :-)

Marjo said... 13

Thank goodness for candles and generators! I prefer a baseball bat myself...lol Don't have to clean it and it's cheaper.

That's a pretty big cutter you got there..kinda scary. I don't like using my little one. I am always afraid I might cut something I shouldn't.

Thanks for the peek and sharing, Marjo #23 Happy WOYWW

Unknown said... 14

Lovely pics by candle light...Your rocking horse candles are so cute, thanks for sharing! Jo (34) xxx

Helen said... 15

You have so many different styles of rocking horse, I never knew there were so many available! Sorry to hear about your loss of power, hope all is ok now.
Helen #1 today

donnalouiserodgers said... 16

YAY - I know lots of people with licensed locked away guns and that they have very much thought through Why they Have Them.

I believe in very sensible gun licensing laws. I think it is a Good Thing to Know how to use one Properly if you Are HGoing to Have One.

I think our world is too violent and not respectful enough.

As previously stated I own a set of very sharp knives. I have probably hurt myself and others with them far more than you ever have with your locked away gun. You should see me with a craft knife bearing a new blade (much bleeding)

I will not ever enter your house or your private parts without permission. I am greatly honoured that you indulge my shameless teasing.

If I did anything to offend I would deserve to be assaulted/insulted back.


Kirsty.A said... 17

Glad you are not still crafting by candlelight

Morti said... 18

And the sad part is that when you said that Doone and Amy were suggesting you show your gun this week, my first thought was a tape gun!

karen said... 19

You have lots of projects on the go there! Your rocking horse candle holders are beautiful and useful too! I'm glad you have your power back so that you could post WOYWW!
xoxo Karen (#52)

Kim Dellow said... 20

Crafting by candlelight, well that will add some interesting atmosphere to the makes! Kim

Cath said... 21

Great to see you are still doing your journal, Love the horses.


Pam said... 22

Nice candle holders, look forward to seeing next weeks rocking horse. Hugs Pam x

sandra de said... 23

If more people had your respectful attitude to guns we wouldn't see such tragedies. To give you a sense of the size of the floods in Queensland DH says it would cover an area larger than Texas and is growing daily. Love the lighted rocking horses. Sandra xx

Darla said... 24

Those tins look so tempting. As you know I'm playing with a couple of tins right now myself. Fun isn't it?

Glad your power is back on


Spyder said... 25

Yes me too, although I could only comment on about half, I gave the comment thingy a 10 seconds what-knot to open and then was gone! Moys, no, couldn't be donkeyed to open Internet X coz it's so slow...
Love those little rocking horses and quite right, about the gun thing..over here of course,we don't have guns..unless you're a farmer or a poacher or a thief or a bank robber or a ... Happy WOYWW!!
((Lyn)) #57 I think...

okienurse said... 26

No power!!! I think that would get old really quick. I pro-gun ownership and like you I own a couple but they are safely locked away and I have attended all the classes. Keeps me feeling safe?

Deborah Frings said... 27

Sweet rocking horses!! Great desk - love the scrap pages!

Theresa Plas said... 28

Always fun visiting your workdesk E! Someday, I'd like to experiment with the sewing layer.

No fun being without power. Last week the fridge died followed by the microwave...hoping there is not a 3rd in the near future.

Healing Woman said... 29

I love those mosaic looking rocking horses. Your workdesk looks busy and fun as usual.

I'm glad you would never show your gun. When I was in the UK over last summer, people were telling me that they didn't even know anyone who owned a gun over there. We are perceived as a very dangerous country because of the guns we all seem to own..and some use!

Thanks for the link to all the great sites you provide. Very generous of you to take the time to do this Elizabeth.

Bluefairy4U said... 30

Morning Elizabeth. Love your rocking horses with the candles. I also, am glad you are not going to show your guns. It's not a thing I like in fact I am afraid of them. But I do understand you have to have one where you live. Love your workdesk and it looks like your journal is coming along nicely.
Have fun. Love JO.xx **19**

Julia Dunnit said... 31

Doone made me laugh out loud..what a wordsmith! No electricity - man now that is inconvenient! Candle holders are gorgeous. Love that you're still sewing - some mojo flowing huh?

Scrapcat 1 said... 32

love the rocking horse candle holders, hope the power is back to normal now

Clare with paint in her hair said... 33

Fab desk, glad you got through no power safely too!

Cardarian said... 34

Busy as always! So you own 2 guns? Wow! In ex Yugoslavia ( that is when we were one country with the whole of the Balkan's) shooting (at a target) was obligatory in high school - we were even graded! He, he I shooted only once and ended up with a very sore arm - after that the boys shooted for me (when the professor was not looking) and I did their English homework! Good trade aye???
PS Love the rocking horse candle holders!

Unknown said... 35

I love all the variety of pieces you're working on- and those tins look intriguing. I can't wait to see what you with them. Great post!

Annie said... 36

Your rocking horse candle holders are so lovely :-)
A x

minnie_mac said... 37

Love the colours on your journal. They brighten our cold January. I should have guessed your candle holders would be rocking horses ! They're great.


Wiccababe said... 38

Hi there,
nice to meet you, those are some super cute rocking horses

SueH said... 39

Those tin lids look a bit of a challenge Elizabeth, I wouldn’t have a clue where to start with them. But then again, not having power for all that time would give me time to loose them somewhere before I had to tackle them Lol!
I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with now you have your power back.

Loving this weeks rocking horses…useful little creatures aren’t they.

Tertia said... 40

WOW! So much happening there. I must say that I agree that guns are not to be toyed with. I live in South Africa where guns are everywhere and that really scares me.
Those rocking horses are super cute.

Twiglet said... 41

The candle holders look lovely but its not much fun being power-less is it!

Sherry said... 42

Oh Elizabeth, how lovely that your little rocking horses are useful as well as decorative! So glad you have your power back and hope you're nice and warm too.

Thanks for the links, I'll go and check them out now.

Sherry (103)

JoZart Designs said... 43

Aaaawwwhh! Poor you freezing in the dark Winter. The only asset is that we get to see those rocking candles lit up. Hope you are all sorted now and warm and well.
Thanks for your lovely comments, I'm really touched and moved by all you said.
joZarty x

Stressed Stamper said... 44

Ooooh not seen those horses before....off to light the fire in a mo - still freezing...
Sarah - Stressed Stamper #28

Yvonne said... 45

So happy your elec is on again. Looks like you are busy too. Love the little candleholders. :)

Halle said... 46

Hope you and your pipes are warming up!

Maarit at Violets Corner said... 47

Hm, the only gun I would love to have in my house is a glue gun. My late fathers brother was shoot by accident.
Keep them guns safe and stay warm!


Pam said... 48

Very interesting posty here Elizabeth! Glad you have power. That old Cary Grant diddy kept running through my head - "you remind me of a man (what man?)Oh the man with the power (what power?)..."

Oh my gosh, now I'll never get it out of my head! Anyhow, glad you are safe with all the weapons tucked away and the lights burning and the crafts crafting.

xoxo, #16 (we snoozed ;)

Nicky said... 49

love your post - I too was a pistol shooter so understand about guns - I had to give mine up when the English goverment changed the licencing laws. Great things going on and around your desk and those rocking horses to hold candles are beauitful ~ Nicky ~45

Zue said... 50

I really like the colours on those lids. They could be the focus of some really interesting projects. Glad you got your power back, so now you can have lots of cups of tea. Love the rocking horses illuminating your space. Have fun!!!
Sue xx 67

Carola Bartz said... 51

Hey Elizabeht, I'm glad your power is back on. I hate to be in the cold. Those rocking horses are great, and I love your journal page, beautiful background. I wonder what you're going to do with those tins, I would be at a loss.

I like your attitude about guns. The loose gun laws really worried me when I moved to the US (very strict gun laws in Germany) and the NRA scares me. After Tucson even more... Well, this could be a topic for another power-less night and a bottle of good red wine (or tea, if you prefer that).

Diane said... 52

You're getting busy--just love your pages. And no power for 18 hours!! I probably would have gone to a motel--I'm such a wimp.

Joey said... 53


Your rocking horses never fail to amaze me, even better when they are dual purpose lol, GUN I dont think I could ever own one, I wouldbe to frightened knowing it was there lol, but I understand your point of having one or two

Joey xxx

Mrs A. said... 54

2 rocking horses to take a peek at can't be bad.
Hugs mrs a. #98

Caterina Giglio said... 55

so glad you are alright E! and the power back on ... looking forward to seeing what happens to those tins!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said... 56

Glad you have power back again. That is a long time to be off. What does a self respecting crafter do for 18 house with no light and no power for goodies? Your candle holders are so cute though, it is almost worth being without power to have an excuse to use them, and display them further.

Neet said... 57

Love those Rocking horses and what a useful purpose they are serving. Hope things don't get back to having no power for you - nothing worse than light and heat being missing.Love your artwork.
Give Bleubeard a tickle behind the ears from me. 134

~*~Patty S said... 58

There you go again being your thoughtful and generous self...thank you once again dear E

So glad you have power restored...eventho your rocking horse candle holders look so sweet

I was fiddling with some burned tins just today...but did not get very far...can't wait to see what yours turn into

Barbara Mason said... 59

Sweet little rocking horses-good contrast to guns...Love those tins nice and rusty & grungy...looks like your book is coming along...

HarmonySweetpea said... 60

Yikes... 2 guns. Definitely a bit out of place for a craft work space lol

peggy aplSEEDS said... 61

i finally got to post a comment in Moy Yin's blog after she told me to try internet explorer (i usually use mozilla firefox). i thought of visiting everyone but i ran out of time.
i found it funny to read about your guns and the cute little rocking horses in the same blog post, LOL! happy WOYWW, Elizabeth. i'm off to join those giveaways...

Elizabeth said... 62

Hi, I always pop in to see the rocking horses and once again you haven't disappointed. Guns - here in Scotland it's not the custom to own one, let alone two. It's not as if I can't handle one - I learned to use firearms during my spell in the army - but now the only gun I own is a glue gun :) I hope by now you have your power restored and are not still relying on heat from candles to keep your craft room warm. Elizabeth #87

Sunshine Girl said... 63

Oooh I love the idea of your sewn journal pages. Thanks for sharing. No. 29.

Anonymous said... 64

Good to have power back, don't think we realize how much we rely on these modern conveniences! Glad the rocking horses are functional as well as pretty. Last week the spurious paint marks in my bathroom but the happy faces was just were dings or scratches had been filled in and painted over before the whole bathroom was fully painted.

Brenda 99

Sarah said... 65

Glad you got your power back on, those rocking horses are so cute and so useful too

Ali said... 66

Lovely productive-looking desk there. I'm intruiged to see what you do with the tin lids.

Thanks for sharing.

Ali #77

Carmen said... 67

Best place for the gun, I just know if Ihad one I'd end up injhurimg my self in some way. It's why I don't sharpen my kitchen knives. Am always running them across my fingers or dropping them on my toes. Luckily - blunt as anything so all digits still intact!

Anonymous said... 68

"Be the change you want to see in the world" --