Sunday, January 23, 2011

Silent Sunday: Lighthearted Homage to Bleubeard

24 thoughtful remarks:

Linda Gibbons said... 1

Elizabeth, these are great! I especially love the stamp.

Unknown said... 2

I love this post. Bleubeard has such a great face. I love how cats seem to say so much with their looks and eyes. My buddy, Jonas is sitting with me now (on my table..) and his eyes are saying not sure why we are up this early. I guess it is cold and he would rather be back in bed under the covers. I love the two creations you made with the stamp and puzzle. Very fun.

Teresa aka Tess said... 3

Wonderful creations. The puzzle is really unique. Bluebeard is such a gorgeous feline.

Karen said... 4

Oh goodness me my heart sank when I saw the title of your post!!! But the dear boy is alright :D Love what you have done with him XXX

Tammy Freiborg said... 5

What a great poser - so photogenic! I like the cancellation mark!

She Who Doodles said... 6

i'd have to agree with linda, i especially love the stamp. how have you had time to do this post with all that has been going on at your house this week? or was this your little break of sanity?

Esther said... 7

I like Karen felt slightly wobbly at first glance of your post tile unitll I realised it was just you ahving a bit of fun with some software obviously...I love the jigsaw! Sorry to hear about your water trouble (Oh err)and hope you are getting straight..i've been so busu with work haven't been in blog land much myself this year yet..take care of you..Esther xx

Sue said... 8

Hi ya hun
oh how gorgeous, luv them all hun, such a beautiful pussy cat,sue,x

Unknown said... 9

He's beautiful! Real GQ!

Kat W said... 10

Excellent. Makes me want some using my kitten Alfie. What software did you use to do these?

Kat X

Nancy said... 11

Bluebeard's pose is perfect for these... the "intense" look. What a guy!

Maggie said... 12

Bleubeard is one handsome fellow! And I'm sure he knows it, posing like that to be on a postage stamp! Very dignified.

~*~Patty S said... 13

Really Fun...just a few words for Mr B
Why So Serious LOL :)

jude said... 14

These are gorgeous just love em and ohhh how cute!Looks so sweet just sat there.
please pop over my blog i have something for you.
hugs judex

Donna: said... 15

Bluebeard is always first class and a very handsome cat!! LOVE what you did with his portrait. - Donna

Anonymous said... 16

He's So. Darn. Cute.
I love him and want him, please.
You must brush the heck out of him. Or feed him lotsa fish oil, because he's a healthy handsome dude.

voodoo vixen said... 17

Oh what a lovely postage stamp Bleubeard makes!! Such a handsome chap, glad you are managing some 'you' time among the chaos!!

Dianne said... 18

Quite a handsome feline! fun post...hope you are getting back to some semblance of normal there. It's good to get a cuddle from a furry friend when life gets complicated...

donnalouiserodgers said... 19

Gosh he is a cat of distinction,


DebsArt said... 20

I have a lovely ginger tabby Max who is my constant companion and have just travelled back to NZ with me. He has been with me in my studio since he was a kitten.

Unknown said... 21

So SWEET- I love it when you post pictures of Bleubeard!

Unknown said... 22

So SWEET- I love it when you post pictures of Bleubeard!

Halle said... 23

So cute...

I am starting to worry a bit now as you have not posted today. I'm a day late in visiting... Been dealing with some funky virus around here. Passing it around the house...

Karen said... 24

Hugs for you my lovely! and a big thank you from me too! XXX