Sunday, January 9, 2011

Silent Sunday: Christmas in the counrty (part 1)

15 thoughtful remarks:

~*~Patty S said... 1

ooo and what lovely country it is!
Love the moo cows...the soft clouds in the sky and the warm glow of that lovely Christmas tree
Happy Sunday!

Lynn Cohen said... 2

Happy Sunday!!!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said... 3

Happy Sunday. You do live in a beautiful place, no wonder you are so creative.

Caterina Giglio said... 4

: )

Anonymous said... 5

Is that your tree :)
Take that mofo down.
Actually, I'm just jealous because I didn't have a tree at my home this year - we blew town for the holiday.

Lorraine said... 6

great photos Kansas looks a lovely peaceful place with good light. Thanks for your great comment on my blog today

voodoo vixen said... 7

The first few photos had me thinking snow was soon to arrive, then the sky went lovely blue and the fields with the cows could be spring!! Lovely scenery you have on your doorstep Elizabeth!

Unknown said... 8

It looks very serene in the country. I bet you enjoy it.

Maggie said... 9

All that land that is so flat looks like it just goes on forever! It's so different than the hilly place where I live. Makes me want to travel somewhere :) Your tree is lovely!

Seth said... 10

Love the vistas and the Christmas tree!

Carola Bartz said... 11


Zue said... 12

Beautiful that you home?
Thanks for showing!
Sue xx

Vicki B in OP NY said... 13

What a beautiful place to live - and a peaceful Christmas tree. Love your desk, your art and your surroundings.
Vicki, A little inkling

Unknown said... 14

SO beautiful!

Halle said... 15

It sure is flat there...but the farm in the country looks like it was a nice place to visit.