Some of you may have noticed that I didn't post yesterday for the first time in over two years. I was busy with the restoration company, the general contractor for the renovation, and the guys who took measurements and decided what had to go and what they would replace in my basement. It seems it will be a bigger job than first anticipated, since they decided to repair or replace the hallway walls, and paint the bathroom. The entire renovation will take around two months.

So today, while I'm answering phone calls and waiting for the packers to return, I begin the arduous task of the required paperwork that must be filled out along with everything else. Right now, I'm taking a minute to have tea with
Kimmie and all the gals who regularly participate in this weekly fun event.

Today I'm drinking
Yogi Simply Green Tea. This is the perfect tag for today. It reminds me that no matter how many things go wrong in my world, I still have a ton of blogging friends who visit whether I return the favor or not, I have my health, I have a way to get to the basement thanks to a very real life friend, and I know there are others who are in
far worse shape than I. I am really and truly blessed because these are my strengths.

While the tea steeps for the requisite 3 to 5 minutes, I had to laugh at my favorite piece of paper in the entire stack. It is the hastily drawn sketch of the stairs that Scott drew on the back of a receipt last week before we went for supplies.
Click to enlarge.
Add to that, a lovely envelope the tea came in, the tea bag and tea tag, and I will have lots of art fodder (and a bit of compost material) as soon as the tea bag dries. What more could I ask for? After all, it's a beautiful Tea Tuesday with loads of sunshine. These (and YOU) are truly my strengths. Happy Tea Tuesday and bless you for checking in on me.
21 thoughtful remarks:
such a lovely post dear E!
I look forward to the Yogi Tea tags like a little kid and have quite a collection of them too...tea leaves make very nice compost...I just used some old bags already dried out once for some lace dying again last night
hoping your construction goes the big scheme of things two months will fly by...well you may think that after its said and done :)
hang in there and Happy Sweet T to ya!
The nice thing about construction is the end results~ Happy Creative week to you! ~Theresa
Good luck with the renovations. Isn't "more time that orginally thought" almost a given with any project? Even with sewing or hand work.
Just think - the disruption is temporary, but he improvements will be permanent!!! Thanks for your visit AND your sweet comment, Elizabeth. I know that your days have been filled with attending to your basement's reconstruction. Hope things go smoothly for you! Hugs, Terri xoxox
And your tea is in a Christmas mug to boot :)
That only proves to me that Christmas is in our hearts, no mater what daynit is. You are a treasure :)
what would we do without a cup of tea!!! life would grind to a halt, the world would stop turning....... For me Earl Grey is my calm down tea. Life still goes on so - stop and havva cuppa. Hugs xxx
Happy Tea Day to you too. Maybe this forced break from most of your creativity or creative supplies will turn out to be an inspiration for something new - you never know. I like to think of positive outcomes for miserable situations.
Hang in there!
When things look bad, pour a cup of tea and they appear less so, when things look great, pour a cup of tea and celebrate! Where would we be without a cup of tea? OK... I would be lost, it is what keeps me going most days!!
Sorry the timeline has been extended but focus on the finished reno and the happy times you will create in there... hugs Annette
You have exactly the right attitude! Good luck with everything. I know the results will be fabulous!
Elizabeth you are a DELIGHT.....always positive. What a chore you seem to have ahead of you, but but with gentle grace and optimism you keep on task. Enjoy your tea and before too long you will be enjoying your new basement. xx
Happy Tuesday tea day. I'm very happy you're approaching things with a wonderfully positive attitude.
Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. It meant a lot to me. It is wonderful how blogging can enable us to connect with great people thousands of miles away. Wish I could share a cuppa with you in person but meanwhile I raise my mug of cammomile tea to you and your positive post. :-)
Over this side of the pond it is time for bed. Cammomile tea drained, I'm off to cuddle under my nice warm duvet.
Kat X
Happy tea to you dear one, I understand totally the joy and sometimes frustration over owning one of those "old homes"! It can be a challenge, but your strength will bring strength back to the house, and it will always be there for you. Take a breath, live and enjoy the day. Christen
Good luck with the repairs and restoration... Just think... you'll have a brand new studio when it's finished!
and checking on you I will.... :)) the quote, your positive spirit and yes a nice cup of Yogi tea makes this a special T post...Take care my friend and hope all will be abck to normal soon...
I'm certain that Bleubeard and Wendy will be great assistants for you during this period of time. Harley and Rat are willing to come and help the other two and you can just come here and visit me! Hmmm not a bad idea! Hang in there. Hugs
Look at the bright side..maybe you will LOOOOOVE the new look of your home! Seriously, good luck with keeping your cool during this long process of renovation.
I was so glad to hear you were fine...just super busy. We're still dealing with our weird virus around keeps changing and making the rounds again with different symptoms. I'm the latest return casualty.
You have the right idea, to think positively and all your problems will be put into perspective. If we dwell on things they become larger than they really are!!
I like your positive approach.
Lovely tea bag packet, I agree, it will be a lovely addition to your artwork.
Sue xx
it seems you deserve your tea break, what a crazy time you have been having...
Glad to see there is a path and a plan and your optimism. Yogi Tea has the best fortunes on their tags!
yes, I did notice that you hadn't posted and wondered if I should call out the cavalry! but apparently the cavalry was already there, in the form of said contractor. "this too shall pass" so hang on to that and we are sending good vibes your way. love that fun sketch of the inspire me the way you include lots of daily fodder in your work!
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