Monday, January 25, 2010

One World One Heart 2010

The day has finally arrived!

It's a day of magic where people from around the world can come together in a spirit of giving, sharing, and mutual respect.

This post will remain on top until this event is concluded. Please scroll down for newer posts.

The magic carpet has been cleared for takeoff, Bleubeard has rubbed the lamp. We're almost ready.

Bleubeard, always eager and willing to help, has your ticket, and I will be passing out your favorite cyber beverage once we get under way. So now it’s time to enjoy the ride to a land where handmade gifts abound.

Before Bleubeard passes out your ticket, there are a few things you have to know in order to qualify. This event is for any and every person who visits my blog. Although I would prefer you have a blog of your own, since this is a worldwide event, I will accept any and all entries this year, but that may not be the case in future years.

This event is open from January 25 through February 15. All you have to do is leave a comment on THIS post to qualify for the giveaway gifts. You are sincerely welcome to leave comments anywhere on my blog, but to be included in the giveaway, you must leave your comment on this post only.

I know that Bleubeard is excited to take off, but there are a few more items we must cover.

This event ends at 10 am CST on February 15.
If you aren’t sure what time zone I’m in, just check the clock on the sidebar of my blog for the current time where I live. Please note this is 10 in the morning. That will give me time to count, verify, and announce my winners.

Once the event has ended, I will post a message on this post and in the comments notifying everyone the event has concluded. Any and all comments that I receive after that will not be considered when I determine the number of eligible entries. I will use the random generator to pick all winners and will announce the winners sometime in the afternoon of February 15, after I have notified each winner.

Please note: If you have a blog, I will notify you on your blog.

If you have a blogger profile,
but no blog, you must leave your e-mail address.

If I can’t find your blog easily from your profile, or you have several blogs, you must leave your e-mail address.

If you don’t have a blog, you must leave your e-mail address.

Once I have notified you as a winner, you will have until Monday, February 22 to send me (via e-mail) your mailing address. If I don’t hear from you by then, I will choose an alternate name. ALL GIFTS will be given away.

Once I have your mailing addr
ess, your gift will be in the mail the following day. As I did last year, I updated the winner post with when I shipped each prize and when the winner received it.

Now that all the formalities are out of the way, Bleubeard and I are anxious for the magic to begin.

Six lucky runners up will receive a handmade 5 ½" X 8 ½" collage. Each collage is on sturdy board, backed with decorative paper, and ready to hang. Some will have ribbon hangers, some wire (my choice). If you win and have a preference, please let me know (which encourages a speedy response from winners). If the piece you want is still available, I will send it to you.

Two lucky winners will receive decorative quiltlets. These are approximately 6" X 10". They are decorated with fabric and vintage paper, have batting, and the same decorative fabric on the back as the hands. Both have tabs for easy hanging from a dowel or tree branch (not included). One has beads that dangle, one does not. The first place winner will receive the one with beads.

Because it's a bit difficult to see the gifts while riding the magic carpet, I have scanned them below. All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

"Home of the stars" (mixed media collage on heavy board)

"Home is where the heart is" (mixed media collage on heavy board)

"The Neighborhood Watch" (mixed media collage on heavy board)

"Cold Fish" (mixed media collage on heavy board)

"The Rising Star" (mixed media collage on heavy board)

"She yearned for color" ((mixed media collage on heavy board)

First and second place winners will receive a handmade ready-to-hang quiltlet.

Second place: "Heartbroken" (fabric and decorated vintage paper)

First place: "My heart is in my hand" (fabric, decorated vintage paper, ribbon, and handmade beads)

Bleubeard and I appreciate you stopping by. Good luck.

If you follow my blog, you know I feature a blog each day. What better way to honor Lisa Swifka than to feature her blog today. For those of you who don’t know who Lisa is, she is the creator and host of One World One Heart, an event that promotes peace, love, and kindness around the globe. Please check out her blog and be sure to thank her for hosting this event. I know it’s a daunting task to oversee this event.


Never in a million years would I have believed the incredible response I have received for my giveaway. As the number of comments approaches 400, what seemed to many who left a comment as a generous giveaway, has now turned into less than that. In the next day or so, I will add FOUR more handmade 5 ½" X 8 ½" collages. Each will be runner up prizes, which means there will be a total of TEN runner up collages to choose from. Thank you again for your overwhelming responses to this event.

"Off the Rack," (mixed media on heavy board)

Asian Beauty (mixed media on heavy board)

"Master Key" (mixed media on heavy board, will come with key on hanger)

"Love" (Mixed media on heavy board)

527 thoughtful remarks:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 527   Newer›   Newest»
MLBetterly said...

So many lovly little works! Love your work and your blog, please throw my name into the hat. Fingers crossed....

Brian K said...

Oh so many many lovely works you have! Some lucky winners will they be! I am really loving "cold fish"! It cracks me up! Too funny! And your so generous!

Sandy said...

Wow so fantastic piece of art. Love them all. Brillant work and great blog.

Please throw my name in the hat. Thanks.

KnutzEls said...

Thanks for visiting my blog.
Wonderful things you make. I hope to be a winner of one.

Everyday Kathy said...

Really fun! Thanks for the inspiration! Kathy over at Everyday Bliss

jasmoonbutterfly said...

Blessings, wonderful please count me in xoxo

Saskia said...

'One World One Heart' is so much fun... visiting new blogs, meeting creative people, making friends,...

Beautiful work... I'm already thinking about a place in my craft-room. :) Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with your lovely giveaway...I can only dream it's me! :)

Greetings from Belgium,
Saskia :)

*feel free to visit my blog :*

Diane said...

Elizabeth, you are way too generous. These are all exceptional--thank you!

JennaLouiseCreates said...

Oh how lovely! Pick me, pick me:) I love your blog and I'm so glad you visiting mine:) I will be adding you to my favorites list! Jenna Louise

Femmy said...

great give away!! please count me in!

geni said...

Your art is very special!
Thank you for giving me a chance to win a piece. And thank you for visiting my OWOH blog earlier today.

Sharmon Davidson said...

I just found your blog, and i love it! these pieces are beautiful! I'd be very lucky to win one!

ArtNomadix said...

Wow I love your neatly ordered basement studio, makes me almost feel ashamed of my clutter. Looking forward to reading more, but for now I must try and get offline as it's nearly midnight here Down Under, and I must be up early tomorrow,even tho it is Australia Day, I must try and get out ealry and beat the heat and humidity and get some work done on my bus. Megg --ArtNomadix

peggy aplSEEDS said...

would love to win one of your giveaways, specially home is where the heart is and the cute quiltlets. thanks for the chance!

Martina said...

Gorgeous artwork!
Please enter me in your give-away!
Greetings from Stuttgart/Germany.

Astrid Maclean said...

Great giveaway, please count me in. If you have time come by mine too.#154
Greetings from bonny Scotland

Terri Kahrs said...

Wow!!! What a great giveaway, Elizabeth! LOVE the way Bluebeard introduced the post too. I'm participating for the first time this year, so stop by if you have a chance. Hugs, Terri xoxo

PS - I hope that Lady Luck smiles on my 'cuz I really LOVE those little quilts!!! :-}

Donna said...

Thanks for offering these great gifts and Thanks so much for a chance to win!

bockel24 said...

Wow, your neighbourhood, fish, and rising star collages are so very creative - I´d love to be a winner! And did I ever tell you that I love Bleubeard?

ooglebloops said...

Not only are your giveaways gorgeous - you and Bleubeard wrote a beautiful post with lovely photos!!!!!!!!! I am in on this too, for the first year- this will be fun- there are sooo many sites to visit!!!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous... I would love to win thank you for the wonderful chance to win.

Jingle said...

These are all so wonderful! I really like your work!!!

WrightStuff said...

You have some very beautiful creations. Especially love the 'homes of the stars' - very clever indeed! I am sure I have visited you before - funny how you come across people in Blogland, a bit like bumping into old acquaintances in the street!

WrightStuff said...

How funny - as I was commenting on your blog, you were visiting mine!

Halle said...

You did a wonderful job with this post...very clever. I'd love to own one of these pieces.

AWJ said...

Great giveaway! Thanks so much for having this. Pop over to my blog for a chance to win, too! :)

A Miraculous Meliss said...

Fantastic work! Awesome cat - Bleubeard, I have a cat named Pirate who has a black beard! :)

LOVE your lamp! Check out my lamp at my blog.


Healing Woman said...

Just became a follower. Love your blog and gifts for the contest.
Hope I win!
I'm number 33 in the event. I see that you have visited me there. Thankyou!
Healing Woman

Angela Friend said...

Wow, those houses are so cute! Thanks for the chance to win!

Micki said...

You do lovely work! Please enter me!

Mrs Minimalist said...

Thanks to add me on your list for your lovely gifts and do come and visit my blog too.

Anonymous said...

Cool stuff! Please include me :)

Lois0607 said...

You have a wonderful and lovely body of work. I am working on a collage with tiny houses and I just love yours. Please check out my giveaway as it is something you will find useful in your work. Glad to have found you.

Unknown said...

I love your houses but "she yearned for color" is beautiful, you have created some beautiful pieces here.. nice to drop by xxxx

OWOH #82

K said...

Great giveaway! Please enter my name! Pop over to my blog (#92 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too! :)

magikalseasons said...

Really wonderful! Please enter me! :) Becca

★Carol★ said...

You've made it very hard to choose! I am a sucker for anything with stars and the flag. I'm block captain for our neighborhood watch. Hmmmm. I think I would be ecstatic to win Home Is Where the Heart Is. But I would love to win any of the house ones! I've got my fingers crossed on this, my favorite giveaway today! Going to check out the rest of your blog now!
Happy Monday!

Debby said...

Oh my gosh, how could anyone pick a fav. You are so very talented, all your art pieces are beautiful. I would love a chance to be entered in your drawing.

Nicks said...

What beautiful work, but you may know I admire your stuff.I would love to join in your draw.
I am also participating to please hop over to my blog I'd love to see you

Nicks xx

Sue said...

Fabulous post! Your Bluebeard looks so much like our Rea did, so of course I was enchanted from the beginning!

Fabulous giveaways also! Yes, please do include me in the drawing for a chance of winning!



carylsrealm said...

so wonderful! i'd love to have my name included!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway and visit my blog to see mine.
(I'm #156 on the Magic Carpet Ride)
P.S. I'll be out of the country and away from the internet from the 14th-20th, so if I'm luck enough to win, PLEASE don't give my prize away! PRETTY PLEASE....LOL!

Maron said...

Love, love, love your "stuff"! Count me in and visit me too!

Ksenia said...

thanks for entering my giveaway!
love your blog and your creations!!!

Bee said...

what a beautiful giveaway, please count me in. Why not pop over to my blog and join in my giveaway too.

Bluebeard is gorgeous.


Anonymous said...

I love yur blog and want to know how yu made these. I am just lerning how to work with paper and colleege.

I don't have a blog. Thank for leting me enter.

Rita Haynes

Unknown said...

I love both your art and your blog, they are very beautiful! Please take a moment to enter my giveaway #194

jacque4u2c said...

Great blog and amazing talent!!!

HippieDog said...

lovely artwork....please enter me for a chance to win :) xo

Lululiz said...

Wow, you are giving away all those beautiful things? Thats very generous. Please enter me in the draw. Thank you.

Julie Ann said...

Wow!! So many prizes- and they're all Wonderful!! This is my first time here and I just wanted to say that Bluebeard is gorgeous!! Is Bluebeard a Russian Blue? Your header intrigued me because the only two cats I owned were a white one and then a grey one similar to the ones pictured there :) Take care and have a wonderful time during OWOH!

Nuvofelt said...

What a ver generous and lovely prize. Please enter me! If you have time - pop over to #270 to enter mine.

SharDon Exclusives said...

Thank ;you for stopping in and leaving such a sweet comment on my jewelry. You are entered in my drawing so enter me..

Tamara Dozier said...

What a wonderful gift you're offering! I'd love to enter and you can enter on my blog as well.

Donna: said...

Everything is so well done, PLZ put my name in the pot too.
Donna A.

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Of course I'd love to win one of your lovely creations :-) So please include me in your drawing!

Thanks for visiting my blog!!
Have fun riding that Magic Carpet!

Greetings from Germany,
Dagmar (#160 on the carpet)

AlwaysInspired said...

They are all wonderful!

Please visit my OWOH giveaway!

Marlynn said...

Ohhhh, Elizabeth, count me in. All of your art work is so inspirational and wonderful and great.... hugs to Bluebeard, Marlynn

Linda said...

Hi Elizabeth,Bleubeard, fantastic giveaway, Please enter my name into the hat, Linda:) and visit us at..


Each one is just over the top! I would LOVE LOVE to win one :)
Please stop by my blog and enter my little give away too!

oh and click on the keeper of fragments link in my sidebar to see the altered book I just finished :)

Hels Sheridan said...

Totally adorable artwork ... and...Bluebeard is the most ADORABLE kitty...what a darling face he has....please enter me into your drawer...and thank you for your lovely comment on my blog too x

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Hugz to Bluebeard.....he looks just like my garnd-furbaby!

I love your work, you are so creative!
I love home of the stars...I am always telling my daughter you are my shinning star!

Smiles, Dolly

Candy said...

Thank you for a chance to win such a great offering!!
OWOH #473

Michaele Sommerville said...

Home of the Stars and Home is Where the Heart Is are my top favorites, but I love the humor and whimsy of Neighborhood Watch too!

Hope you can drop by my blog as well where I'm giving away paper banners/bunting:


Ann said...

Elizabeth! What beautiful artworks - I love them all. Please count me in your draw. Oh, and Bluebeard is one gorgeous cat!

Nancy said...

Elizabeth your collages are just beautiful and I would love to be one of your winners. Please thank Bleubeard for inviting me here and thanks for your kind words on my blog. Mr. Boo thinks your banner is great too.

Nancy & Mr. Boo

Brianna said...

Very nice! Count me in! Thanks a lot! I'd love to win this! :]

Digital Misfit said...

Wow! So many amazing works of art!
I love each of the collages, and the mini art quilts are wonderful!
Thank you for hopping aboard the magic carpet ride. I hope you get a chance to visit me on your tour (blog #258)
hugs from ON,Canada

Janice said...

What a fabulous giveaway. Please enter my name, thank you.

Carapace said...

Haha, I love the Neighborhood Watch! Those snippy displeased faces crack me up!
OWOH everyday, yay!

OWOH ticket #21:D

Caitlin said...

Your work is beautiful! :)

SpiritMama said...

Your collage is inspiring, I would love to win one!
Waxela (wa-shay-la)

Lovey said...

Oh for the love of vollage...simply beautiful my friend! Thanks for the invite to your blog! It would be an honor to win your give away! Smiles...Lovey

WW said...

Your pieces are so pretty. I love how you opened up your blog for this post.

CreativSpirit said...

I love your beautiful collages, I'd love to be a lucky winner.

I'm stopover #70 on the Magic Carpet Ride. Please come by and visit me too......enjoy the ride....and happy landings.

Tina Leavy said...

what a fun giveaway! thanks for the opportunity. I too am hostessing a giveaway I hope you'll stop by. So nice to meet you.

Sadie said...

Beautiful work, gorgeous kitty! Very generous giveaway!

I'm #252 on the OWOH list.

I am giving away soaps, and a custom tutu. I'd love it if you'd participate!

glitterBugStudios said...

what lovely works of art you are giving away! Thanks so much for stopping by & tell bleubeard hello! xoxo Tracey

danit said...

I thought I will be getting the cat, but the collages are lovely as well.

Unknown said...

So happy to have found you! What a clever post and even more incredible work. Please enter me, I would be so honored to display one of your pieces.

Barbara Haviland-Texas Contemporary Artist said...

Please add my name and thanks for signing up on my blog.

martha brown said...

These are beautiful -- I love the house collages! Please enter my name-- thanks so much!

Lyneen said...

Wonderful post so creative... bluebeard is a smart cat! Thanks for stopping by you are entered in my Give away! GOOD LUCK and I would love one of your collages! so pick me! OWOH

Gwen Crowell said...

you have a fantastic blog...and I love your work...not to mention the handsome

My blog is:

Lovely gifties as well! You are so generous! Thank you!!


fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

this is fun! super giveaway! would love to win! please enter my name in your drawing.

Unknown said...

what a wonderful collection you're offering! I'd like to be included!
Thank you!

LYNDY WARD said...

Greetings & Salutations,
Fabulous Art & OWOH Giveaways!
Forbidden Planet Giveaway #242 On The List @:

Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy Ward


Unknown said...

adorable art pieces and I have a red, black and white quiltie collection of yours would fit right in ....Please include me in your draw and you are entered in mine.....melinda

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for including such lovely items I would be delighted to win

Unknown said...

Nice to meet you! Thank you for a chance to win your great giveaway! It's wonderful. Don't forget to visit me too. I'm #391 on the OWOH page.
Thanks! Monica

Anonymous said...


As you know, I'm a frequent visitor to your blog, even though I don't have one myself. Maybe one of these days you can help me set one up. I always love your art and think those houses are the greatest, ever since I saw the one you made for the Penny Art experince.


Kristin said...

Oh my! Your work is wonderful! I would be honored to participate in your giveaway. Thank you, Kristin

Eva said...

What a wonderful collection! Thanks for stopping by my blog and definitely add my name to the hat.

Lady Artisan

DellaRae said...

Lovely creative collage...and such variety...I love them all.

Cindy McMath said...

Wow Elizabeth, you went all out again this year. I LOVE your helper! :)

Please enter my name in your draw. I would be thrilled to win any of these items. I think my favourites are Broken Hearted, the first house collage, and Cold Fish (in no particular order) - fabulous!

Cindy :)

Lynn Stevens said...

I'm excited for this to begin too ! Cool collages. Please throw my name in! and stop by and enter mine #86

Yvonne said...

Please enter me in your draw! Also pop over to my blog, have a browse around and enter my give away. I’m number 303 on the magic carpet :)

Donna said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your art! THX for visiting my blog today. I have a kitty named Spook that looks just like your Bluebird. Please include me in your drawing. Thank-you. xx

Donna said...

Hi! I'm Donna Rodgers from Homemaking Made Easy and DC's creations (

Your blog makes me think so much of my friend, Shona, at An Artful Life at She likes to do altered books too. I'm more of a seamstress and fabric artist but I'd love to try your art style too. I love your blog!Please enter me when you do your drawing and thanks for visiting my blog.


Shai Williams said...

Incredible work! I am finding so many cool blogs. I am going to follow you so that I can find even more. Please enter me in your drawing

Bibi said...

Wow, so generous, I love all of your giveaways! Bleubeard is very cute too :)

Marie said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win this amazing gift! Please enter my drawing. I'm #387 on tha magic carpet!shomic

Chris in Oz said...

WOW, what a gift, I want it!!! Please include me in your draw. Isn't this a wonderful and exciting event, there's so many participants to keep track of, I hope you get a chance to visit my blog too (if you haven't already). Have fun and enjoy the ride!!!


Renee said...

How very generous.

I would love to have the opportunity to win this giveaway.

Renee xoxo

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

So many fantastic collages! You are being very generous with this giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.
x Natasha x

Carol said...

What a wonderful collection of gifts, so very generous of you. I'd love to be in the draw. Thanks for visiting my blog, good luck with my draw.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for joining my blog drawing. Isn't this OWOH a wonderful thing! Please place me in your drawing, too. Teemie at teemies blooms dot com

manda said...

I love the heartbroken quiltlet! So sweet, and so hmbling at the same time! I'd be honoured to place this upon my wall! And Bleubeard, thankyou for your constant purring, it's making me a little less air sick!

Elizabeth Fedorko said...

Oh how utterly wonderful!~~XXOO, Beth

Anonymous said...

Good Morning....I wanted to say Thank you for stopping by to visit my blog and your very sweet comment!!! Then I get to see all your AWESOME creations!!!!! Please enter me into your giveaway for a chance to win...your creations are beautiful!!!! I hope you have a very blessed day!!

Islandgirl said...

Bluebeard looks exactly like my cat E.M.M. ! Thanks for stopping by my giveaway... and put my name in to enter yours!

Lynne and Emm (islandgirl)

Pixiewinkle said...

Elizabeth- thank you for stopping by on your magic carpet! Your blog is great and I can't wait to return and do some of your art projects (I am an altered book lover as well). Beautiful collages and I would love to be entered into your giveaway!

Simone de Klerk said...

Your magic carpet took us on a lovely trip! It took me along some lovely giveaways! Such graceful colors and designs. Beautiful! Just seeing it is already a trip worth while!

Kathy L said...

Wow, Elizabeth! You out did yourself! Please enter me...Say hi to Bluebeard for me...he looks like he loves that carpet, oh and I loved the crayon backgrounds! It has been a long time since I did one of those!
PS thanks for stopping by my bog too!

Sharon's Cottage Quilts said...

What fun! I love your work, well done!!! Thank you for entering me into your drawing. Please stop by my blog for an entry as well.

Teresa aka Tess said...

I am so pleased to meet you. I love collage art and yours is fabulous. The quiltets are wonderful too. Please count me in your giveaway and thanks for stopping by and entering mine.
teresa aka tess
mt blog:
my AC site:

Rosie said...

Thanks for sharing your techniques - I often learn from you. Your giveaways are delightful and very generous too! Please add me to your draw! Cheers,Rosie =)

Paperfanatic said...

How generous you are and what stunning work. Thank you for the opportunity to display some of you work in my home. My blog is

Lorraine said...

Wonderful to find so many new blogs! Thank you for visiting and please sign me up!

Unknown said...

Im a blogger..please come by my blog also.


Great-Granny Grandma said...

Thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway. Please enter me in yours too. I am very much enjoying my visit here with you and Bleubeard.

Val said...

Hello from Northern Alberta Canada. Who wouldn't love to win your giveaway! It is a joy to visit your blog each morning to see if you have created another wonderful piece of artwork. Thanks for allowing the non bloggers an opportunity to win.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I especially love the ones with houses! Home is where the heart is would be my favorite! Please enter my name and visit me to enter my giveaway, too! ♥

Thespoena McLaughlin said...

What beautiful works of HEART! I would be thrilled to win one of your artworks! So wonderful!

It's good to meet you!


Betty said...

Ohoo, lovely, lovely! Put me in the drawing! Visit me and enter #314 on the OWOH list.

Elizabeth Golden said...

Wow Elizabeth you and Bluebeard have outdone yourself on this giveaway. How fun it would be to own a piece of yours. my fingers are crossed.

Ayala Art said...

Add me! Wow, so many pretty things! I hope I'm the lucky one!
#317 in the OWOH list

baukje said...

What a lovely pieces! I adore the houses!!!
my giveaway

Her Art Nest said...

Thank you very much for stopping by my blog yesterday! I appreciate that, and would like to enter your giveaway as well. Your artwork is lovely. Have fun buzzing around on this magical carpet ride! Best of luck for my drawing. Take care, Nancy

Javajune said...

Wow, such a beautiful and generous giveaway. Enjoy the magic ride!

Gabriela said...

These are all beautiful! It would be hard to pick just one!
Greetings from Ohio

Bea said...

Wow, to be a runner up would be wonderful, too. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed. :)Bea

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Love your altered art!!! I would love to be the winner! Please enter me! Thanks so much!

Thank you for entering my OWOH giveaway! Good luck!

Anonymous said... very generous!!

Diana S said...

your work is beautiful. Please PICK ME to win in your giveaway drawing! thank you.
I will back to visit after the event.

Marianna said...

You already know I love your work but the background tutorial is the best! I love getting my hands messy while creating. Will be trying this soon.

Sherry said...

Hello! I love your Magic Carpet presentation and isn't it lovely that you had Bluebeard to help you along the way.

Thanks for the chance of winning one of your wonderful giveaways. I hope you'll be able to stop by and see my giveaways too

Sherry from England, UK.

she dreams big! said...

'Home of the Stars' would be my pick if the lucky stars align with me! But all are lovely! You are one talented gal! thanks for the chance to win!

Angie Hall Haviland said...

FABULOUS Offerings!! Please enter my name in your drawing :) What a FUN event...enjoy the ride!!

Angie--Southeast, Texas #57

LemonyRenee' said...

How lovely! Thanks.

Unknown said...

Lovely,lovely! Thanks for visiting my blog and entering to win the necklace. I would love to be entered to win your wonderful gift!

sewfunky said...

Bluebeard is a gorgeous cat - I used to have a boy just like him (Eli)

Please enter me in the draw and don’t forget to enter mine.

Lori Saul said...

These are all beautiful pieces- and how wonderful to see different mediums used - your talents are many Elizabeth!

Fran said...

gorgeous giveaways and such generosity! Please include me and thanks for visiting my blog giveaway

Gayle Page-Robak said...

Excellent, what a great giveaway! Please enter my name! I hope you will drop by my blog (#431 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too! :)

Katie Foley said...

What a fab giveaway love your collages pop me in the hat! :) thanks for stopping by my blog earlier


Sam said...

Bleubeard looks as though he was really getting into the swing of things!!! I'd love to pop one of your collages in my little house - the trouble would be finding the PERFECT spot for it!! ;-)

Artseyanne said...

Lovely, please include me in your draw and call on me at #60.

Alice Regan said...

Beautiful giveaway! I enjoyed visiting! I'm having too much fun traveling the world on the Magic Carpet Ride. If you can, pop on over I'm #395 on the list.

Jood said...

Great Gift! thanks for sharing.

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Thanks so much for visiting me; I'm so happy to have made your acquaintance. Your offerings are so lovely. :) So much detail!!! Most sincerely, Theresa :)

The Strawberry Mallard said...

Oh my ~ now is there any chance that Bluebeard will be included in this giveaway ( only kidding ~ sorta :o)
Thank you so much for visiting mine and please include me in yours ~ don;t forget to visit Mom's also ~ # 524, Helen's Vintage Wisdom

Nancy & Angus

Sharne Gregory said...

Please include me in the giveaway. If you have time I am #437

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Your giveaway is fabulous! I would love a chance to win. Please add my name to your lovely drawing! Lisa :)

Patricia said...

Thank you so much for your visit to my blog for one world one heart. I would love to win one of your collages. I admire houses very much.

Creager Studios said...

Great Giveaway...please add my name to your list. Nice to meet you as well...please stop by and visit me at Creager Studios #411

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

You are so talented, these works of art are so lovely. Please enter me for a chance to own one...m..

SheilaC said...

Your art work (and your cats) are gorgeous!

Thank you for the opportunity to enter and

Thank you for stopping by my blog and visiting my OWOH event! It was a pleasure to meet you!


Wanda Maria said...

Wow - what an awesome giveaway! Please count me in and be sure to stop by and enter my OWOH giveaway. I'm #56.

Anonymous said...

Nice! Count me in please!

altermyworld said...

A Wonderful gift, thank you pls stop by mine

Trish said...

I am taken aback by your generosity! Your work is so gorgeous! Thank you for being willing to share so much of it!!

Unknown said...

Lovely,lovely! I would love to be entered to win your wonderful gift!

Please stop by and enter my give away as well! I'm number 290.

Carole Burant said...

Jumping up and down, pick me, pick me! hehe Please enter me in your giveaway and make sure you come over to enter mine, I'm #116. Thank you!! xox

Ragamuffin Gal said...

I would love to win one of your fabulous art pieces! Your kitty is adorable and what a personality!
Thanks for visiting me so that I could find you and Bleubeard too!

angelandspot said...

oh wow! I esp. love the bird but they all are amazing. I had a lovely blue kitty for 17 wonderful years. angelandspot(at)

Kathy said...

All of them are equally fabulous in their own unique way. I love them. It's been so much fun visiting all these blogs and seeing the different types of artistic creations. Thanks for a fab giveaway!

Please be sure to check out my giveaway with this OWOH event at

Bright blessings from Las Vegas, NV

Unknown said...

Wow! You have been on busy girl. They are all so fun. I would love to win.

Anonymous said...

lovely giveaways
i enjoyed exploring your blog
im glad you decided to repost the tutorial for crayon paper as I had seen it before but didn't know how to do it . will have to find a warming tray
your cat Blue is beautiful

I am having a lot of fum flying from blog to blog on the magic carpet. it will take me forever to get thru all the entries since i am spending time on each on enjoying everyones creativity
carolyn h

Sophie said...

Bleubeard is a great host! And your collages are delightful. I would love a chance to win this.
Sophie in Montreal

~*~Patty Szymkowicz said...

Absolutely fantastic post Elizabeth!
WOWEE so many wonderful creations!
Thank you very much for the chance to be a lucky winner!
It's clear you and Bleubeard put a lot into creating this magical OWOH post...fab magic carpet and that lamp!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, you are so generous and your art is so pretty! Please count me in!

Mallory said...

So neat! Great work :)

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

Your artwork is so beautiful ! Please include me in your giveaway.

Southern Illinois
Magic Carpet #460
prpldy@comcast dot net

Francine Cronos said...

Your artwork is amazing. Thank you for the chance to enter your fabulous giveaway.

Leslie said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

Susan said...

Bleubeard Freakin Rocks!!! wowza what a kitty! :) He isn't afraid of flight,not even on a carpet,and RUBS something useful ;)

I am now following so I can come visit the 2 of you more often. :) love your art...The giveaways are awesome...I especially like "The rising Star"

I am new to blogging (blog being built) but not to art. I hope you will include me in this wonderful giveaway!

Best of luck to all your visitors :)

Greetings from the New Jersey Shore,USA

Shona Cole said...

wow, you are generous!

sign me up

thank you for the chance to win

thanks for stopping my OHOW giveaway!


Anonymous said...

gorgeous art the houses are fab

froebelsternchen said...

Your pieces are outstanding treasure. You seem to have endless ideas and styles!
Thank you for visting my blog and your lovely comment!
I want to win it! Yeahhh!!!
Please count me in!

Susi from Austria, Vienna

Ps:I follow you now! GREAT BLOG!

Titbelsoeur, mixed-media addict said...

I LOVE collages, please enter me for a chance to win !!
Thank you for dropping by and visiting - and of course, entering my giveaway. Hope you'll come back...
Good luck with my giveaway !!
I love your blog, I will be following it from now on.

OWOH# 240. Titbelsoeur toute Seule

Sandra said...

Oh so generous, and I love your houses. Please add my name. Thank you for visiting mine.

Sandra #146

Unknown said...

wow Elizabeth ! great give away and beautiful cat!!!!
please, count me in ^_^

greetings from Barcelona!!!

Ria said...

Your works are stunning!! I would love to have one of these.....count me in please....and come by to my blog to see mine too! Have a nice day!

Sarah said...

Such lovely work! I especially love the little quilted pieces. My email is

2 Good Claymates said...

Your pieces are fantastic! Thanks for stopping by our blog as well.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful collages, please count me. I am participating too if you care to drop by

gpc said...

I love this contest, it's fun to see all these wonderful blogs that are new to me! Great prize!

Lost Aussie said...

Lovely work and I'd be proud to own one of your pieces.
Thanks for stopping by my blog too!

yoborobo said...

WOW - your work is just stellar. I love all of the pieces here. Thank you for the chance to win one of your collage! Pam

Anonymous said...

Your designs are gorgeous. I love your blog.

Thank you for stopping and visiting my blog.


Sanja said...

Great pieces!
Please enter my name in your drawing. I invite you to visit my blog to enter my drawing.

Lori said...

You certainly have a gift for collages! Beautiful work. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm slowly slogging my way thru the list! lol Count me in for the drawings!
Lori, #371

rochambeau said...

Hello Bluebeard and Co. You are a talented duo.
All of your work is vibrant. The piece that speak to me the most is
The rising Star ! How beautiful it is!

Happy OWOH !!

Kate said...

Thanks for stopping by! Your work is fantastic :)

Donna said...

Nice to meet you and visit your blog! Love this giveaway! I am having so much fun looking at all the wonderful blogs. I don't have a blog, due to arthritis I cannot type much at all but I enjoy surfing the net. Thank you for a chance to win.

Coleen said...

What a generous spirit you are! All the gifts are fantastic! Interestingly, I just did a post about Hearts and Hands!!!!

Heart Hugs,
#447 on the Magic Carpet Ride

sassypackrat said...

What wonderful art! I'd love to entered. Also thanks for entering my giveaway too! ;0)

Arlene Mobley said...

What a great give away. I would love to win any of your beautiful prizes!

Jacque Heaton said...

Thank you for offering this giveaway. What fun. Please enter me.

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