After having read Polly's comments on my blog, I went to their web site: and learned the Kansas Food Bank is independently funded. I sincerely apologize for believing they were funded by the State and for leading others to believe that, too. My information was totally incorrect AND I didn't even have the right phone number for them. Thanks Polly for the correct information.
Now back to my regularly scheduled art.

Today's blog of choice:
Did you notice that I have gone from "yesterday's blog" to "today's blog?" I got to thinking that it was a bit confusing for readers. So, in case you think I missed a day, don't worry. There will be one a day this year. And in case you are wondering, if I discovered the blog yesterday, it will be today's blog. It's a math thing!
Since I already spotlighted Patty's blog, I decided to feature it today. You can't help but get a laugh out of the blog name, "Just Letter Rip." Mail art is Patty's main focus, so if you want to learn about this art form, you should check out her blog. She also made some totally cool wreaths (scroll down a bit to see them) made from recycled materials and even sent me one!!
8 thoughtful remarks:
Gosh you've become a daily habit now... see what you've started... you gave me a few chuckles today, and Patty's blog is a riot! I almost spit coffee all over my MAC!
Hi Elizabeth,
I'm glad you found a use for some of the ribbon. You're very welcome to it.
Thanks for sending your blog readers my way. I certainly appreciate any traffic anyone can generate. 365 letters is a lot to write, so if anyone wants a letter and/or some mail art, head on over to Just Letter Rip. My postal address is in the sidebar if you'd like to write to me first. Or, email me with your address and I'll get something out to you ASAP.
I've been thinking about your Silent Sunday dilemma and here's my suggestion. Maybe you could do a visual recap of the blogs featured the previous week. And, to keep it Silent Sunday, make the pictures active links so that when someone clicks on the photo he is taken to the featured blog. I certainly wouldn't mind you using a pic from my blog for that. Just a thought.
Have a great art year, Everyone.
love the image in your spread and the idea of reaching out for the key... nice work!
Your hand collection is grand and you use them so well E!
The rub on transfers are a great touch to these pages too!
Hi there! Where do you get your information about the Kansas Food Bank? It is not funded in any way by the government. It is entirely funded by private donations. If you have any questions, just call us, 265-FOOD. We'd love to show you around. Polly at the Kansas Food Bank
Me again. I went back and read your post about the Penny Project. I love this! The art is incredible! As for the Kansas Food Bank, we are the general distribution point that collects food and money and then deliveries to more than 500 hunger-relief partners that include local food pantries, (this may be what you are thinking of as the local place that hands out food) soup kitchens, seniors, after-school programs, shelters and etc. I would love to post some of your art on our blog if you would send it to us. But again, we are NOT funded by the government but enjoy wonderful generous support from people like you who want to help.
I am chuckling while I read your post about the keys. A coworker gave me a box of old keys and I have been debating how to use them. Guess I won't wire them! LOL. Loved Polly's blog thanks for directing me over there.
Hey, this collage is totally cool, Elizabeth! I love the keys! Brilliant!! And thanks for the bartering tips - I like the garage idea. I should advertise my services, ha ha! I just got my barter circle badge done to a professional standard (see my blog again). I bartered for it. Butter and a night at the movie.
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