Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A blog giveaway to celebrate 1200 posts and 400 followers

Dawn over at The Feathered Nest has been a busy gal. Over the past three years, she has posted about 1200 times and has attracted 400 followers to her site. Wow. I'd be happy with 40!! The picture shows one of several handmade gifts you would receive should you be lucky enough to win. The contest closes at 6 pm Pacific time on Sunday, Dec. 13

3 thoughtful remarks:

Debrina said... 1

Goodness but you've sniffed out a lot of giveaways! I'm checking them all out just as soon as I've typed this!!
Thank you for popping on by and joining in the Pulp Redux fun, btw!
I'm having so much fun with it; I'll be sad when it all ends. Ahhhh...but then there's always the next project!

The Feathered Nest said... 2

Thank you so much for posting about my giveaway and for your sweet words!!! xxoo, Dawn

Christine Clemmensen said... 3

woah! This is so sweet. Both the jar and the giveaway :-)
Thank you for sharing