Sunday, October 12, 2008

My altered clipboard and UHU Twist & Glue

This cool clipboard is the monthly sample you can get at UHU if you qualify. They don't give these samples to every Tom, Dick, and Elizabeth, so be sure you read the guidelines and make sure you qualify before requesting a sample.

The UHU Twist & Glue is not part of the UHU October sample giveaway, but since I'll be using it on this project, I decided to show it in the same photo and critique it at the same time.

But, check out the features of this mini clipboard:
1) The board is made from 100% recycled or recovered materials. You know that recycling scores at the top of my list.
2) The clip holds up to an inch of paper. That means I can also use the clip to hold down smaller embellishment elements I've just glued. The large surface will be able to cover more area than a clothes pin or small clamp.
3) Hole in the clip for hanging: a real bonus when horizontal work surfaces are a premium.
4) Made in the USA and assembled by adults with disabilities in Mississippi. As an adult with a physical disability, I wholeheartedly applaud Saunders (the parent company for UHU glue) for their wisdom in participating in programs of this nature. Also, as a former quality engineer, I can assure you that my clipboard is superbly assembled.

It's probably no secret that I participate in a lot of swaps. I sometimes have three or four swaps going in any one month. How do I keep these swap dates straight? I have a small datebook calendar that I keep near my computer. When I join or post a swap, I write down the due date and name of the swap in my little calendar. But I have nothing in my studio to remind me of the due date, and I find I don't look at the datebook very often when I'm in my office. Since I felt I could use this to keep my swaps organized, this is how I used it.

The first thing I did was clean the clip with rubbing alcohol to remove the fingerprints and dirt. Then I got out my alcohol inks (Pinata brand) and classed up the clip a bit.

For the back, I used some hand painted paper. I didn't want to leave the back undecorated, but I didn't want to embellish or collage it to the point where it wouldn't lay flat on my work table or hang flat on a wall.

I spread the UHU Twist & Glue on the clipboard because the specs tell us that this all purpose glue can be used on wood, paper, and cardboard, along with other materials, so I felt it was the perfect glue for this project. However, this was the first time I ever used Twist & Glue, and I squeezed out an amount I thought was sufficient and used a faux credit card to spread it.

Boy was I surprised. I needed about a third of what I thought!! I was able to glue both sides with the amount I thought I needed for one side. This is a really economical glue and a little goes a LONG way, yet produces complete coverage. So be sure to use about half or a third of what you think you need. This is very powerful glue.
I collaged the front of the clipboard and documented what this clipboard will hold: prototypes, sketches, due dates, and schedules. Even though the clip photographed a bit dark, you can see the true colors of the clip at the back.
However, this view better represents the true colors of the front. I can't wait to put my new clipboard to use. Please let me know what you think.

4 thoughtful remarks:

Halle said...

The clipboard looks great! You are SO MUCH more organized than I am. One of the big reasons I've only hosted one swap!

Anonymous said...

looks great to me...I agree with Halle--you're organized...but we love you anyway!! really good idea this the way you added the words to the front describing what it will be used for...

Anonymous said...

How did you make your handpainted paper you used on the back? I like it.


Mary said...

Your clipboard came out so very pretty.
