My dear friend Joseph had two rehearsals today and he has a gig tonight, but he still found time to treat me to a movie. I never go to movies, and can't remember the last one I saw in a theater, but I think it was Apollo 13 and that was years and years ago. So, it was a real treat to go and see how much things have changed, beginning with buying your tickets at an automated kiosk.
As Joseph was paying for the tickets, punching numbers and codes, I was picking up "trash" around the machine. After the movie, I asked him to take me to a thrift store not far from his house. I was hoping to find some spoons, but that was not the case. They had no silverware at all. On the way out of the store, I walked the parking lot, since Joseph parked the car in the shade and made a few business calls. I could have had a LOT of trash, but opted only for paper products and the cool strip of rubber that I didn't mind picking up with my hands. Personally, the best find of the day was the oxygen tag. I can't imagine how I'll use it yet, but it will be fun when I do.
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