Sunday, June 15, 2008

The girls of Battlestar Galactica

I haven't worked in my Coll-AH-ge book in quite awhile, and since I brought it with me, I decided to work in it today. This may be the last time I'll do art until I go home, so I was tickled when I ran across these pictures. Click on them to see better detail.

I'm not exactly sure which magazine these were in, but the photos were pretty racy and the gals didn't have much on. I wanted the spreads to be more representative of the show and not the outfits they were sporting. The background is some brown paper I found in the recycle bin and the circle is left over from another project. I added the blue dots using a Zig pen and outlined the title using my Krylon leafing pen.

If you don't watch the show, this spread won't make much sense to you. Tricia Helfer plays a character called "Six;" so I drew and cut a six from a paper bag, then colored it with my leafing pen and added the sixes. I will probably jazz it up a bit when I get home.

For this spread, I used two paint chips I brought with me, along with a piece of material and blue tissue that I got out here.

I'm not sure these are very good spreads, but I'm trying to work with freebies and found objects that I find here. I think I'd do better with abstract spreads, rather than theme specific as these are. However, they are done and the nice thing is, I can rip them out of the book if I decide they don't go with the book.

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