Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Reminiscing over Kat's previous birthdays: 2005

My friend Kat, over at Kat's Kuriosities is having a birthday on Friday. She called me last night and told me she had been working on MY birthday gift for a week. This year I hadn't made her anything, so out of guilt, I made something for her today. OK, I can't and won't show it, since she might see it, but I will show you the things I've made her in the past. Here is what I made her in 2005. If I had been smart, I would have started with 2006 because I keep forgetting that Blogger puts things in chronological order. However, here is the flag book I made for her. Thanks must go to Kat for the excellent photos, because at the time I made her book, I didn't have a scanner and we all know how sucky my camera is.
I don't seem to have a photo of the front cover, but this is the inside cover and pages in the book. I began by covering the inside of the book with some of my handmade paper. I then printed the song lyrics to "Turn, Turn, Turn" by the Byrds. Over that I layered a picture of a little girl which was made from Dover clip art. I painted all the pages both back and front. I used a shiny liquid like Lumieres, only they came in pots. I don't remember their brand name because I used them up and have no more for reference. Next I printed the number of "friendship" quotes I needed on one side of the pages, and birthday quotes on the other side. I also painted the spine of the book with different shiny liquids.
This is the open book and you can also see the back inside cover. The secret of the flags is to alternate the side of the "mountain" you put them on in the spine.
This is the back of the book. Kat likes Vintage, Asian, and Chickens/Roosters. I tried to incorporate all three somewhere in the book. Click on any photo for a closer view.

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