Sunday, March 23, 2008

Secret art

I've spent most of this week making goodies for a Christmas swap my friend Theresa in TN is hosting. Her dad, who lives in Wichita, is planning to visit her next week, so these will be going with him. I'm always happy any time I can save postage.
I spent the majority of the week making these and finished wrapping them last night and this morning. Here is how they looked in the box.
Looks like a wine bottle in the photo. Photos can be so deceiving, though. Always loving to recycle, I used new dressmaker tissues, which can be used by the recipient after s/he opens the gift. Can you guess which number I am?

1 thoughtful remarks:

Halle said...

What a fun wrapping idea! I'll be joining in on the fun as well. I know you're good with secrets so I'm sure I'll never get it out of you.