Monday, August 10, 2020

T Stands For Happy, Happy, Glorious Mail

As of 7:00 pm Sunday evening, I still have no internet.  I am at my friend Sally's to update this scheduled post.  T Tuesday is and has been scheduled for days, so everyone may have to play your own hosts this week.  I'll be back as soon as POSSIBLE.  If I have internet before T Tuesday, you'll never see this message.  If you're seeing it, it means I'm still offline and very sorry I can't visit.

This is a long, long post, so get comfy with your favorite drink and enjoy.  I was blown away.

Let me start with this photo CJ gave me permission to use from her blog:

I wish I had a space I could set up where photos came out as bright and clear as hers.  You are about to see mind boggling goodies I received.

From the label on the box, this shows there was almost EIGHT pounds of goodies in this box.

I wish I had taken a photo of the contents before I removed them.  CJ magically put everything in perfectly.  I didn't.

I first laid everything out and sorted them based on their function.  Then I realized this wasn't going to work, so I needed to show a few at a time.

Wonderful punches are first.

I have a Martha Stewart punch shaped like the one CJ sent, but the one she sent is for an edge and mine is not.  I can see lots of uses for it.  And I can add those decorative scissors to my 984 other ones (sorry, I channeled the Trout Town Tabbies counting system).

Next were paper products, fabric, and lace. I have a few S & H green stamps, but now I have a plethora of them.  Color me impressed.  And there are some cancelled postage stamps I can use in my 7 continents altered book.

I love the idea that the two fabrics are color coordinated, so I will use them when I make my next art quiltlet.

These next items made me smile.  I have never had water soluble pastel paint sticks before.  I opened the box, removed the black cover and realized these had never been used before.  I'm sure you'll see a Second Thursday tutorial once I have a chance to research and play with them.

There are lots of chalks, too.  From pastel to bold and bright, I have all the color shades and hues covered. Crayons and more watercolors round out the paints.

Two things that blew me away were these incredible watercolors.  Years ago, I had a kid's set of six,

and now I have artist grade and 12 nearly new cakes.

I have some pan pastels, but have never been able to afford the tools needed to properly use them.  Now I can retire my tampons to the bathroom because I have proper tools for blending and spreading.  These blew me away, too.

I appreciate that CJ put items in baggies so I didn't have to sort and hunt for things.  Yes, the shell is still in its unopened container.

I now have enough tiny stamps I can use in my calendar pages.   I should be able to find anything I would ever need for my calendar in this bag.

And just like CJ, I'm using this tea inspired stamp set as my T Tuesday entry.  I have a feeling you won't see the same old, same old tea cups in my calendar next year.

WOW.  I can see making jewelry and using some to create altered key brooches, too.

Aren't these incredible? Unbelievable and so inspiring.  As MOST of you know, I don't wear any jewelry, but that doesn't mean I can't make it for others.

Several years ago, artists were talking about Claybord.  I'd never heard of it, nor seen it.  Now I own five different types.

And finally, if I ever get good enough, I'll use this wonderful framed canvas.  I can't believe I won this.  I know Jo also won a box, so I look forward to seeing what she received.  And I can't begin to thank CJ for all these wonderful things.  I keep calling them gifts, because that's what it feels like to me.  Thank you doesn't come close to saying how grateful I am for pulling my name from your hat, dear CJ.

Now it's your turn to share your T entry this week.  The rules are extremely simple.  Your drink related post may be anything from a photo of a glass, cup, or mug, to an actual drink.  You may choose to share a sketch or a digital, hybrid, or traditional page in your scrapbook, art journal, or altered book.  Maybe you'd prefer to share a tag, or wow us with your photography.  You might choose a postcard, decorated card, or magazine image.  You might even draw an image on a used tea bag.  Or perhaps you prefer to review a place you visited, a movie, or book.  It makes no difference as long as it's drink related.  And don't forget that the more unique and outside the box it is, the better we like it.  Please tie it back here, and please link only to your T post, not your entire blog.  When you link, Bleubeard, the T gang, and I will be by to visit.   Bleubeard would also like to remind you that your photos may be taken any time, even months or years ago, if you choose.  Feel free to share any ATCs that were late arriving from the swap, too. 

25 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

You got some wonderful presents, enjoy, CJ was very generous. Hope you soon have internet again. Happy T Day, Valerie

Eileen Bergen said... 2

I can only think of one word to describe your prize package - WOW! I know you'll have a ton of fun playing with your new toys.

Happy, happy T-day, Elizabeth! Hugs, Eileen

Sharon Madson said... 3

Congratulations on your wonderful windfall, Elizabeth! I am sorry your internet is out again! Sometime we need to talkI as I need to ask you some questions about blogger! Happy T day!

Mae Travels said... 4

Fantastic gift for an artist! I hope your internet is soon restored.

be well... mae at

My name is Erika. said... 5

This is an amazing package for certain! You are a lucky lady. I can't wait to see everything you make with these goodies. Have a fabulous T day and once again, hope your internet is back ASAP. Hugs-Erika

Mia said... 6

How many and beautiful goodies you received, Elizabeth! Enjoy everything, my dear friend. CJ is very generous! Happy T-day!

kathyinozarks said... 7

Wow Elizabeth what an amazing box of so many things-I wouldn't even know where to start. Enjoy it all-hugs

Karen said... 8

WOW lot's of wonderful creative inspiration for you to play with :) Have fun!! Happy T day ~

The Liberty Belle said... 9

What a wonderful box of goodies! Hope your internet is restored. Have a beautiful day.

Linda Kunsman said... 10

wow- what an amazing lot of goodies you have to play with!! Such generous gifts. Enjoy! Hope your internet(yet once again -ugh!) is repaired real soon. Happy T day!

Divers and Sundry said... 11

Congratulations on winning this terrific prize! Wow!

I hope your internet is back on soon. This is all so frustrating for you, I'm sure :(

Iris Flavia said... 12

This made me smile sooooo big! Apart from the fact you´re still offline of course, how annoying!
Cool goodies you got, looks like it´s Christmas and you´ve been a good girl ;-)

Helen said... 13

wonderful box of goodies, Elizabeth. I hope you get back online soon

CJ Kennedy said... 14

It makes me happy to know you'll put those things to good use instead of leaving them in a drawer like I did. As to your comment of "when I get good enough..." and saving the good paper, paints, canvas. When I took Reggie Ezell's year long class, he was adamant we didn't practice or save the good paper. He said if you don't use/practice with the best materials (you can afford) when it comes time to do fine work, you won't know how your materials will work/react/feel. So don't wait. Use your new-ish 😉 supplies in good health, Elizabeth. Have fun! Happy T Day and I hope you're back online soon.

Lisca said... 15

What a bummer having to be without internet again! I hope it gets sorted soon. There must be more than one internet provider where you live. It might be time to change...
But, this little setback is more than compensated by the arrival of this enormous gift parcel. CJ is certainly very generous! Wow, it took me a long time to look at all of it. It is all very beautiful and all good stuff.
I love all those little stamps. As you rightly say: ideal for calendar use. The paint set is fabulous. You will enjoy using that I'm sure as well as the pastel painting sticks (as they are water soluble). I see crayons and a bold and bright paint set too.
It's incredible! What can I say...
I'll say:
Happy T-Day,

Nancy said... 16

Windfall! It's going to take some time to play with all your wonderful new treasures and supplies. Grand! Do hope the internet issues get resolved soon- it is beyond aggravating I know.

Sami said... 17

Christmas has come early to your house Elizabeth.
Some very generous gifts, enjoy them and can't wait to see all the different projects you are going to make with them.

Let's Art Journal said... 18

Wow, that's an amazing gift! So many wonderful goodies to use on your creations, it's so thoughtful and kind of CJ 😁. Enjoy using your new crafting supplies and wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

pearshapedcrafting said... 19

I do hope you get your internet back soon! What a lovely lot of goodies you have as CJ says, use them! I came to realisation during my tidy up that I need to use the good stuff - saving it is doing no one any good!
Apart form the lack of internet have a lovely week! Hugs, Chrisxx

Cloudia said... 20

Hope you get it sorted out, Dear

da tabbies o trout towne said... 21

Elizabeth; this is like Christmas in after July !!! what a wonderful gift box CJ sent...and you are right, all the items, as well as CJ, deserve 984 PAWS UP ☺☺♥♥

bleu N squiggles; we hope ewe both getted ta play in de box :) ☺☺♥3

Anne (cornucopia) said... 22

You received a great assortment of goodies Elizabeth. I'm sorry your internet is out. I'm still doing storm clean up here in Connecticut. Happy T-Day!

Kate Yetter said... 23

What a great package. You are certainly going to have fun playing around with all these goodies. Can't wait to see what you make.
Hope your internet issues get resolved soon.
Happy Tea Day,

DVArtist said... 24

I am so sorry your internet is out again. However, I am thrilled for you and your win/gift. What a fabulous prize. Fortune is upon you.

Jeanie said... 25

These days, sometimes mail is better than internet. Though neither are too reliable at the moment!