Monday, December 9, 2019

T Stands For Thankfulness

Today I'm having T at my dining room table.  I'm showing how thankful I am for my dear friends.

I'm especially grateful this time of year.  I only wish there was more light on my dining room table during this low hanging sun time of year.  Just look at this bounty.

Incredible cards and one made just for me.

Fabulous gifts and a Thanksgiving card I received early but hadn't shown.

My friend RO! always outdoes me, no matter how hard I try.  Although hard to see in this dim light, these are steel drinking straws with a flexible top.  She knew I need straws to use when I go out and about.  If restaurants stop handing out straws, I won't be able to drink the water or any drink, because my neck doesn't bend backward due to my birth defect, a defect that shows up like a form of arthritis.  These straws came from Amazon and I can't wait to use one when I go out and about.

Another gift from RO! came in the form of 100 cancelled postage stamps I can use in my art.

Oh look!

It appears I still have ONE MORE gift coming, too.  RO! won't be surprised with my card and gift, because it is not terribly original.

I haven't even started my Christmas cards yet, and my dear friend Sharon, who we also know as Foxy Stamping, created this card just for me!!  It's gorgeous Sharon and I simply adore it.  Such a sweet and thoughtful gesture.  Thank you beyond belief. 

Can you guess who made this incredible card?  It was Eileen, aka The Artful Crafter of course.  I received this last week, but forgot to tell Eileen.  I felt bad, but thankfully she understood why I forgot.  I love this card.  The ribbon she used is beautiful and the embellishment is so glittery and shiny.   Thank you so much, Eileen.  I am SO glad you understood why I was late thanking you, something I don't like to do.

Last, but not least, this card I received weeks ago.  YES, weeks ago.  I was saving it

for that perfect time.  It seems the time has come.  I'm sure we all know this is from my dear friend Cindy, who, along with Halle, I have known the longest, even though we three have never met.   Cindy carved the house and is famous for her use of Bingo cards.  I love it Cindy.

As usual, Cindy surprises me with something inside her card.

Yes dear friends, this is my T Tuesday contribution this week thanks to Cindy.

I got a little carried away because

I wanted you to see the incredible collage Cindy created on this postcard.

Beside collage fodder, she also used paint to make random

or maybe NOT so random, marks and drawings on the card.

This is absolutely perfect for T this Tuesday, because it IS chilly here.

And on the back, Cindy knows me SO well.  Yes, I am the Queen of Free, but never thought of myself as the queen of T before.

I bet you've guessed I'm going to tell you it's now time to share your own drink related post this week.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, ATCs, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday, and not just this year.

EDIT: Just a few minutes ago (it's about 2 pm in my world), I received a Christmas card from Kathy at Hummingbird Woodland Studio.  It's too late to add it to this post, so look for it next week, dear friends and T Tuesday participants.

26 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

You got some wonderful cards and presents, enjoy! I am sure the rocking horse made your heart beat more quickly! Happy T Day, Valerie

Sharon Madson said... 2

I am here to tell you that Elizabeth has no internet. She was in the middle of editing her post to tell Kathy “Thank you Kathy for her card”.
I hope you all read this so you know Elia eth might be awhile before she gets around. Happy T day!

kathyinozarks said... 3

Beautiful cards Elizabeth! You have gotten some gorgeous Happy Mail!-Enjoy
Happy T and thank you for hosting hugs Kathy

Divers and Sundry said... 4

Cool! Such delightful Happy Mail :)

I'm sorry to see from the comment above that you're internet-less again. Bummer! I hope you're back up and running soon.

Happy T Day!

DVArtist said... 5

Wow what a haul. All very nice indeed.

My name is Erika. said... 6

You've had some fantastic mail! Talk about making spirits bright. I wanted to send thanks for the holiday card I received Saturday in the mail. I will show it on another day, but wanted you to know I received it. It was fun mail! Wishing you a fantastic T day. And more happy mail too. I hope to mail my cards later this week-hoping! Hugs-Erika

Rita said... 7

What wonderful friends and fantastic gifts and cards!! :)

Linda Kunsman said... 8

this truly is the best kind of mail! What wonderful, thoughtful gifts. Just knowing from what you share about these lovely people, I know each one of these is very special to you. Of course, I'd recognize Cindy's art anytime:) Hope you get your internet issues resolved- you've had so many frustrating issues especially lately. Happy T day!

Eileen Bergen said... 9

I love seeing the thoughtful and handcrafted gifts your online friends send you. Well deserved, I might add. You do so very much for all of us. I'm honored that you included my card.

Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

Iris Flavia said... 10

Beautiful and, above all, thoughtful gifts, that is wonderful!
I love the easel! Cute idea. Oh, and those stamps!
Blogging sure is a great thing, what did we do pre-internet?!

Meggymay said... 11

You will enjoy using your gifts, opening your happy mail must have been really exciting.
Sorry to read Sharon's message that the internet has gone walk about again.
Happy T day wishes and positive vibes that you will be connected back soon.
Yvonne xx

junemac2 said... 12

Wonderful happy mail. Happy T day my friend
Love always June x

CJ Kennedy said... 13

Such wonderful and beautiful happy mail! And USPS Informed Delivery let me know some happy mail is in my P.O. Box. I hope to get to the post office today so a quick thanks in case it takes a day or two longer.

Lisca said... 14

What a lot of happy mail! How thoughtful of Ro to send you metal straws. I didn't know you had that problem. I see coloured short bits in the package. Are they mouth pieces?
Those stamps are lovely, from what I can see. You have been spoilt.
I notice (Sharon's message) that you have internet problems again. That is awful. You must be so frustrated with that. We live in a rural area out in the sticks where things are a bit backward, and we expect things like that. But over your way the Wichita line man must be on holiday, lol.
I do hope it soon gets mended and sorted.
Happy T-Day,

Let's Art Journal said... 15

Wow, what amazing happy mail! How wonderful to receive such lovely cards, gifts and thoughtful wishes 😁. I think the "Queen of T" suits you too! Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

Nancy said... 16

Mail call at your home is truly a wonderful time! Such thoughtful and lovely cards and gifts.

Cindy McMath said... 17

What a great assortment of gifts and cards! I’m so glad you enjoyed what I sent you - I’d forgotten already - LOL - but you did sent me a note for sure. Sorry you are having internet troubles again. What a thoughtful gift the straws were. I have a friend who needs a straw for cold drinks because of sensitive teeth. So far most restaurants here are providing paper straws (compostable) on request, but I will mention this option to her. Hope you get your internet back very soon. Xo

Jeanie said... 18

How thoughtful. Those straws are the best idea! I have a bunch of straws I bought before I knew about the plastic straw issue so I keep using them over and over, just cutting off the top. I figure they'll take as much room in the land fill if I toss them all in one lump or use them for the next however many years. But it helps with my lip, which is still sensitive from the radiation and chemo back a year or two a go.

And all those beautiful made-by-hand cards! I love them all!

Cloudia said... 19

Enjoyed the swim through your art

Anne (cornucopia) said... 20

You received some very thoughtful gifts and cards in the mail Elizabeth. I knew when I saw the rocking horse stamp that the card had been made especially for you. I remember you mentioning you wanted to get reusable straws, so that was nice of someone to gift you some. I always enjoy seeing Cindy's artwork. I love the tea piece she made for you! Happy T-Day!

da tabbies o trout towne said... 21

Elizabeth, I think you get the best mail in your box on the planet !!! what wonderful cards//gifts from your friends !!! ☺☺☺♥♥

pearshapedcrafting said... 22

Wonderful gifts and cards Elizabeth! I really must get to the post with some of my cards! Have great week - this may be the one where I finally catch up with a few more posts! Hugs, Chrisx

froebelsternchen said... 23

Such beautiful gifts from lovely artsy friends Elizabeth! Great! Hope your internet works well again for you!
Big hugs,

Sami said... 24

Beautiful cards and stamps Elizabeth. Love the one with the rocking horse, so cute :)

RO said... 25

What in the world is going on???? No Internet again? So crazy and I can just imagine the frustration you're feeling. I sure hope they can get this resolved soon. OMG - I just adore handmade cards, and you received some lovely ones for sure. Glad you like your gifts, and I sure wish I knew how to do art like all you guys.(lol) Sending some hugs your way. RO

Anne (cornucopia) said... 26

I'm back revisiting this post, because I knew when I saw that rocking horse stamp, somewhere, recently, I had seen a rocking horse and thought of you. I realized today where it was (after reading your comments about my ornaments). I have a vintage looking Santa decoration with two children next to him, and the boy is on a rocking horse. If I can get a good photo of it, I will post it to my blog. (Any time I see rocking horses now, I always think of you. :-)