Monday, December 23, 2019

T Stands For The Night Before Christmas

(Please note: those of you who have read my blog a long time have seen this post before.  I have updated a few photos, but used many from years past.  This is the first time I have hosted this T Stands for Tuesday event at Christmas, though.  Since there are so many new faces and visitors, I thought I would post it one final year.  Perceptive individuals will see how I've decorated in years past.)  

I first wrote this post in 2011, then showed it again on December 23, 2013.  I believe only Linda and Halle have seen this post previously.  My trees are in different places this year than in the photos, as they are most years, but I hope you enjoy this T Tuesday three-peat.

Twas the night before Christmas

When all through the house,

Not a creature

was stirring,

Not even a mouse.

The stockings were hung on the sideboard with care,

In hopes that

St Nicholas soon would be there.

Bleubeard was nestled all snug in his bed,

While visions of kitty toys danced in his head.

When outside my door there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.

So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St Nicholas too.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk. 

He'd spotted some eggnog all frothy with foam,

Then stayed for hot cocoa before heading home.

But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
"Add your link this T Tuesday, and have a great night!"

Merry Christmas dear friends, followers, lurkers, and T Tuesday participants.  If you want to stay on Santa's nice list, please add your drink related link below.  Then T Tuesday participants, Bleubeard, and I will be by to visit.

28 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Lovely post Elizabeth! You've inspired me to make myself a cocoa before I go to bed! Thanks for sharing the pics and story, happy T Day, Valerie

kathyinozarks said... 2

I loved this post Elizabeth. Enjoyed all the photos and story. I need to make us some hot cocoa too-I even have milk on hand
Happy T Hugs Kathy

Eileen Bergen said... 3

Fabulous parody of "A Visit from St. Nick," Elizabeth. I recognize some of the more recent photos and love how you pulled the old and new into such a seamless piece.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy T-day! Eileen xx

Cindy McMath said... 4

Fun post Elizabeth - Merry Christmas to you my friend. Xo

Iris Flavia said... 5

A very cute story and you will never guess what happened yesterday to me (unless you shared Facebook?) A black cat came for a snuggle!!!! A real cat! Merry Christmas to you and Bleubeard xx

DVArtist said... 6

Wow I love your crooked little tree and even your bathroom gets decorated. Merry Christmas.

CJ Kennedy said... 7

This is so delightful! Thank you for sharing. I thoroughly enjoyed it. /And Bleubeard is so handsome. Merry Christmas and Happy T Day

My name is Erika. said... 8

This is a fantastic post Elizabeth. It's a very clever Christmas T day post. I really enjoyed reading it, especially about the cat toys Bleubeard would like and how Santa enjoyed a cup of coco before going home. Thanks for sharing it again, or for the first time for me. And have a fantastic Christmas my friend. And of course, a very happy holiday T day too. Hugs-Erika

Sharon Madson said... 9

Delightful post, Elizabeth! I loved seeing Bleubeard snoozing. I had scheduled my post, and then forgot to link here! Merry Christmas, Elizabeth!

Rita said... 10

Sweet! Bleubeard has a spin toy similar to Annie's!
Merry Christmas, Elizabeth!! :)

Divers and Sundry said... 11

Awww, sweet! Merry Christmas Eve Eve :) and I'll be back tomorrow to link up :) Happy T Day!

J said... 12

Happy Christmas Elizabeth, sorry I won’t be joining today, I didn’t have time to post with having the family over.
Love all the Christmas photos, hope you have a lovely day,
Jan x

Meggymay said... 13

Merry Christmas Elizabeth
Its been an absolute joy to read this post and see the photos. I hope Bleubeard and Squiggles get the toy of their dreams. I love how you used this poem for your post.
Happy T day wishes and I hope you have a very Happy Day tomorrow.
Yvonne xx

RO said... 14

I love how your home is filled with such Christmas cheer, and kudos to you for being able to find things from back in 2011! I save stuff from years and years ago, then can't remember where I've stored it.(lol) Such a wonderful picture of Bleubeard too! Happy Christmas Eve, and lots of hugs! RO

RO said... 15

Happy Eggnog Day! I'm putting some in my coffee this morning! RO

Anne (cornucopia) said... 16

This was a great post Elizabeth. I like how you illustrated the story with your own decorations and handsome Bleubeard. I hadn't seen this post in the past. Your house looks beautiful. Merry Christmas to you, Bleubeard, and Snuggles. Thank you for continuing the T Tuesday challenge. I've met a nice group of friendly welcoming people because of it.

Anne (cornucopia) said... 17

P.S. Happy T-Day!

Iris Flavia said... 18

Elizabeth, if you like a visit from chocolate-Henry just leave your address at
I´d have another post to add tomorrow, maybe your link is still open then...

Let's Art Journal said... 19

What a wonderful post! I love your Night before Christmas story, you told it perfectly changing the wording and using your photos - how amazing is that 😁. Wishing you a magical Christmastime and Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

Lisca said... 20

I recognized the story as th visit of St Nick's. You adapted that beautifully and added some recent and not so recent photos. So cleverly done. I so enjoyed it.
I wish you a very happy Christmas together with your 'boys'.

Nancy said... 21

You are a great story teller and enjoyed seeing all of your Christmas touches throughout your home. Merry Christmas to you, too!

Helen said... 22

Happy T day and have a very Happy Christmas. (just saw your comment on Kew - sorry you lost your first comment! yes, you've seen the statue before and no, once wasn't enough but just didn't get organised this year!) x

villa said... 23

Merry Christmas to you, all your family and friends.
Greetings from Salamanca.

pearshapedcrafting said... 24

A lovely post Elizabeth! Wishing you a very Happy Christmas! Chrisxx ps sorry I stole your post title!

Lowcarb team member said... 25

Such a lovely post, I did enjoy it.
Merry Christmas Wishes.

All the best Jan

Darla said... 26

I'm taking this morning to try to catch up with the blogs of friends. Elizabeth, your blog is the first! I miss the days when I could stop by every day and participate most of the time. It was lovely to get a look at your decorations.

Caty said... 27

Very Happy Christmas Elizabeth !! Wish you have a nice time and enjoy it. Love your cards, they are lovely, and looove the so beautiful decoration at your home, it´s really fantastic and interesting.
I wish you a very Happy New Year 2020, with all the best for you, your family, your friends, and your little Bleubeard and Squiggles.

Jeanie said... 28

I love your version of the poem! You are so clever. Very nice work.

And of course, every photo is perfect.

I'm just catching up now after a week of off-blog. But I want to take a second and thank you for all your visits, your wonderful comments and kind words. Your online friendship means a great deal to me. (And I have to say, I'm always learning something or picking up some inspiration from your posts!)

Happy New Year, my friend,and I hope your Christmas was fantastic!