(Please note: those of you who have read my blog a long time have seen this post before. I have updated a few photos, but used many from years past. This is the first time I have hosted this T Stands for Tuesday event at Christmas, though. Since there are so many new faces and visitors, I thought I would post it one final year. Perceptive individuals will see how I've decorated in years past.)
I first wrote this post in 2011, then showed it again on December 23, 2013. I believe only Linda and Halle have seen this post previously. My trees are in different places this year than in the photos, as they are most years, but I hope you enjoy this T Tuesday three-peat.

I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.

I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St Nicholas too.

And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.

"Add your link this T Tuesday, and have a great night!"
Merry Christmas dear friends, followers, lurkers, and T Tuesday participants. If you want to stay on Santa's nice list, please add your drink related link below. Then T Tuesday participants, Bleubeard, and I will be by to visit.
28 thoughtful remarks:
Lovely post Elizabeth! You've inspired me to make myself a cocoa before I go to bed! Thanks for sharing the pics and story, happy T Day, Valerie
I loved this post Elizabeth. Enjoyed all the photos and story. I need to make us some hot cocoa too-I even have milk on hand
Happy T Hugs Kathy
Fabulous parody of "A Visit from St. Nick," Elizabeth. I recognize some of the more recent photos and love how you pulled the old and new into such a seamless piece.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy T-day! Eileen xx
Fun post Elizabeth - Merry Christmas to you my friend. Xo
A very cute story and you will never guess what happened yesterday to me (unless you shared Facebook?) A black cat came for a snuggle!!!! A real cat! Merry Christmas to you and Bleubeard xx
Wow I love your crooked little tree and even your bathroom gets decorated. Merry Christmas.
This is so delightful! Thank you for sharing. I thoroughly enjoyed it. /And Bleubeard is so handsome. Merry Christmas and Happy T Day
This is a fantastic post Elizabeth. It's a very clever Christmas T day post. I really enjoyed reading it, especially about the cat toys Bleubeard would like and how Santa enjoyed a cup of coco before going home. Thanks for sharing it again, or for the first time for me. And have a fantastic Christmas my friend. And of course, a very happy holiday T day too. Hugs-Erika
Delightful post, Elizabeth! I loved seeing Bleubeard snoozing. I had scheduled my post, and then forgot to link here! Merry Christmas, Elizabeth!
Sweet! Bleubeard has a spin toy similar to Annie's!
Merry Christmas, Elizabeth!! :)
Awww, sweet! Merry Christmas Eve Eve :) and I'll be back tomorrow to link up :) Happy T Day!
Happy Christmas Elizabeth, sorry I won’t be joining today, I didn’t have time to post with having the family over.
Love all the Christmas photos, hope you have a lovely day,
Jan x
Merry Christmas Elizabeth
Its been an absolute joy to read this post and see the photos. I hope Bleubeard and Squiggles get the toy of their dreams. I love how you used this poem for your post.
Happy T day wishes and I hope you have a very Happy Day tomorrow.
Yvonne xx
I love how your home is filled with such Christmas cheer, and kudos to you for being able to find things from back in 2011! I save stuff from years and years ago, then can't remember where I've stored it.(lol) Such a wonderful picture of Bleubeard too! Happy Christmas Eve, and lots of hugs! RO
Happy Eggnog Day! I'm putting some in my coffee this morning! RO
This was a great post Elizabeth. I like how you illustrated the story with your own decorations and handsome Bleubeard. I hadn't seen this post in the past. Your house looks beautiful. Merry Christmas to you, Bleubeard, and Snuggles. Thank you for continuing the T Tuesday challenge. I've met a nice group of friendly welcoming people because of it.
P.S. Happy T-Day!
Elizabeth, if you like a visit from chocolate-Henry just leave your address at flaviakaiser@gmx.de.
I´d have another post to add tomorrow, maybe your link is still open then...
What a wonderful post! I love your Night before Christmas story, you told it perfectly changing the wording and using your photos - how amazing is that 😁. Wishing you a magical Christmastime and Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x
I recognized the story as th visit of St Nick's. You adapted that beautifully and added some recent and not so recent photos. So cleverly done. I so enjoyed it.
I wish you a very happy Christmas together with your 'boys'.
You are a great story teller and enjoyed seeing all of your Christmas touches throughout your home. Merry Christmas to you, too!
Happy T day and have a very Happy Christmas. (just saw your comment on Kew - sorry you lost your first comment! yes, you've seen the statue before and no, once wasn't enough but just didn't get organised this year!) x
Merry Christmas to you, all your family and friends.
Greetings from Salamanca.
A lovely post Elizabeth! Wishing you a very Happy Christmas! Chrisxx ps sorry I stole your post title!
Such a lovely post, I did enjoy it.
Merry Christmas Wishes.
All the best Jan
I'm taking this morning to try to catch up with the blogs of friends. Elizabeth, your blog is the first! I miss the days when I could stop by every day and participate most of the time. It was lovely to get a look at your decorations.
Very Happy Christmas Elizabeth !! Wish you have a nice time and enjoy it. Love your cards, they are lovely, and looove the so beautiful decoration at your home, it´s really fantastic and interesting.
I wish you a very Happy New Year 2020, with all the best for you, your family, your friends, and your little Bleubeard and Squiggles.
I love your version of the poem! You are so clever. Very nice work.
And of course, every photo is perfect.
I'm just catching up now after a week of off-blog. But I want to take a second and thank you for all your visits, your wonderful comments and kind words. Your online friendship means a great deal to me. (And I have to say, I'm always learning something or picking up some inspiration from your posts!)
Happy New Year, my friend,and I hope your Christmas was fantastic!
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