Monday, October 28, 2019

T Stands For Birthday Boy

Before we begin today's birthday celebration, I though I should show a few gifts I have recently received.  I've had some for several weeks, and feel bad that I never photographed them, and properly thanked the gift givers.

Although I never got around to making any Halloween cards which I had intended to make, I received two, one of which I got nearly a month ago.   These now grace my library table in the living room area.

I received a darling card from my friend RO! at In the know with RO. I hope you will visit her, because her computer has died and she has limited access to one right now.  Show her the love you feel and feel her pain.  Thanks RO for the card and the black cat, too.

The handmade card came a few days ago from our T Tuesday friend Sharon of Foxy Stamping.  This one not only included yarn, it was very dimensional with the sentiment sticking away from the rest of the card.  Thank you SO much Sharon.

The rest of my gifts are displayed on my dining room table.  I guess you could say these are FILO (or First In, Last Out).

I received this darling card from my dear friend Cindy of Pink Bird Studio fame.  Her abstract mixed media art is out of this world.  Thank you beyond belief, dear friend.  Lok at those postage stamps, too.   They weren't canceled, but the nice postal person has stopped using that horrible magic marker on them after she learned I use them in my art.

I received this beautiful eco card from Barbara of Stringing Buttons fame.  She graced me with one of her eco dyed cards she made this spring or summer.  It's even more beautiful in person.

The reason I hadn't shown it before was because, as you can read, she sent me a few needle felting needles.  I promptly put them someplace safe where they would not stick me (you can read that they are extremely sharp).  I had planned to show them on my blog, but when I went to photograph them, I put them someplace SO SAFE even I can't find them now!  Once I do, I'll share them.  For now, I'll just thank Barbara for her gift and continue hunting for the needles.  BTW, she also sent me another gift I hope to use in my art very soon, so I'm keeping it/them under wraps at the moment.  At least I know where they are!  Thanks again, Barbara.

I remembered last week that I had not shown this incredible gift I won over two months ago.  It took forever for me to receive it from Australia, so it may be why I didn't photograph it when I won it on Aussie Annie's blog aptly named The Journey is the Start Here.

This unmounted red rubber is finely detailed and I hope to use the pine trees soon.  Isn't it a beauty?  Thanks for this Annie, even though I realize you are on holiday at the moment.  Now let's turn our attention to the face of our blog.

Today is Bleubeard's birthday.  I thought he was turning 19 today, but I've been wrong for two years.  He is now 18.  No matter what I did to entice him with a special treat, he refused to allow me to photograph him.  So I'll bring back a post from a couple of years ago.

It's time to throw a party. In fact, a very special party.  It's a party for the special guy in my life, and I wanted to share photos of his big day.

Not your normal cake ingredients, but Bleubeard is not your normal party honoree.

It was time to replace his regular food bowl with party pieces.  As an aside, when he was a kitten, he used to stand inside that food dish and eat his food because his head was too small to reach over the rim.  Just to give you an idea of the size, it is the largest dog bowl you can buy and is at least 12 inches in diameter.  Since his food is different from what I feed Squiggles, I can leave his for him, but have to ration Squiggles' since Squiggles is a piggy and would overeat if I allowed that.

You can see how small his party plate is in comparison.  His "table" is set, although I chose to lose the napkin, and it was time to wait until he woke from his nap to sing happy birthday to him and give him his once yearly treat.  Note Bleubeard's and Squiggles' water bowl is my chosen drink this week.

Fancy Feast is on top, and was a mess to try to get out of the can.  The can of Friskies is on the bottom and I think he prefers it.  The Greenies are swimming in juices around the edge of the plate, while the Omega 3 holistic treats are pushed into the top.  I added the candle, but had the good sense not to light it.

I managed to get him to turn toward the camera so I could get a photo of his face, rather than the other end.  I admit, that collar has seen better days.  First one side of the plate, then

the other, proved he was hunting for the best food.  Note that several of the Greenies were already gone, but none of the Omega 3 treats had been touched.

While Bleubeard took a short break, I managed to remove the candle so he could eat without putting his eye out.

All that excitement and eating took about thirty minutes, during which time I took over sixty photos.  It was fun seeing him have such a fun time at his birthday party.  But he was soon full and went off to clean himself and do other business, while I

wrapped his leftovers, which I then refrigerated.  It was a special treat, because I used Press and Seal, a hoarded product I don't normally allow outside my craft room.

It's now time to share your own drink related post this week.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, ATCs, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Please share below and the birthday boy (Bleubeard) and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday, and not just this year.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention this is the final T post in October, so please don't forget to dig up your Second on the 2nd, a post that can be about anything as long as it is one you have published in the past.  I hope I provided enough lead time this month.

30 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

You got some lovely cards and gifts, I am sure you will treasure them and have fun using them. Hope you find the needles before they find you! Happy birthday to Bleubeard, looks like you made him a fine party. Happy T Day, Valerie

Bill said... 2

Some fine and creative cards you received. A Happy birthday to Bleubeard.
Have a onderful day!

CJ Kennedy said... 3

Wonderful mail treasures. I had to laugh at the safe place. I safely stored some things, too, and haven't come across them yet. Ink didn't really like having his picture taken and turned away from the camera at the last minute. Looks like Bleubeard really enjoyed his treats. Happy Birthday to Bleubeard.

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 4

What wonderful and thoughtful gifts, Elizabeth. Happy birthday to Bleubeard! How nice to be a year younger instead of older.

Happy T-day! Eileen xx

Lisca said... 5

Happy Birthday Bleubeard! Have a lovely day! You've become of age!
What a yummy birthday cake (for cats that is) You have been spoilt.
Happy T-day,

pearshapedcrafting said... 6

You certainly received some wonderful cards and gifts!
Happy Birthday Bleubeard - I wish you had posed for a photo - I am sure you are looking very handsome and distinguished now! Have a lovely day everyone! Chrisxx

kathyinozarks said... 7

Wonderful gifts Elizabeth! I enjoyed Bleubeard's birthday "cake" that was really cool how you made that for him. Thanks for sharing photos.
and always thanks so much for hosting T hugs Kathy

Kate Yetter said... 8

I laughed out loud about you putting those needles some place so safe that you couldn't find them. Haha! Sounds EXACTLY like something that I would do and is totally frustrating.
Your cards are lovely and the eco printed card is my favorite with the flowers and sepia tones.
And the stamp you won is such a wonderfully detailed and wintry scene.
Enjoy making art with it.
And a very Happy Birthday to Bleubeard. How exciting to find out he is younger than you originally thought. Sounds like the perfect way to celebrate a birthday.
Happy Tea Day,

J said... 9

Happy Birthday to Bleubeard, I’m sure he appreciated the party goodies.

You have some love gifts and cards Elizabeth and congrats on winning the lovely stamp set! I’m sure you will get plenty of use out of it.
I’m always putting things in a safe place and then forget where, Steve says I now need to leave myself a note on my iPad when I hide things!

Happy T Day
Jan x

Rita said... 10

So many lovely gifts and cards! :)

Happy birthday to Bleubeard! That is awesome that he is 18!!

Powdered Toast Man said... 11

You have some awesome blog friends.

Helen said... 12

fab gifts, love Stampscapes images, (I have a few of those shown, wooden mounted) I hope you enjoy using them Happy birthday Bleubeard

Iris Flavia said... 13

Beautiful cards and stamps, too!
That´s really nice of your postie to leave the stamps like that :-)
Oh, sad with the needles! Same happened to me with pumpkin seeds we wanted to put in the earth for a try - no idea where I put them!!!
Happy, happy Birthday to Bleubeard, even with a non burning him candle and one that went away from his eys - you made me laugh here again :-)
Excellent choice of drink, too!

Meggymay said... 14

First of all Happy Birthday to the handsome Bleubeard, he has reached a grand age and I hope he had a lovely day and enjoyed his treats.
Your happy mail posts and gifts looked lovely, I'm sure you will enjoy using them, the scenic stamps look great.
Happy T day wishes.
Yvonne xx

froebelsternchen said... 15

Such beautiful gifts from all those wonderful friends Elizabeth! Happy birthday to Bleubeard!!!! You made him a fab party!!!! ♥♥♥

Happy T-Day!
Susi xxx

froebelsternchen said... 16

And thank you for the message about the change of theme ... I noticed it!

My name is Erika. said... 17

Happy birthday to Bleubeard. He shares the same celebratory day as my husband. So it is a very happy day for them both. This is a fun T day post. You also received some beautiful cards and fun gifts. Isn't happy mail the best? Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

Words and Pictures said... 18

Happy birthday, Bleubeard, and many happy returns! It looks as though that "cake" went down a treat. What a lovely post full of delights and generosity - so many lovely gifts and cards from all around. I read the whole thing with a big smile on my face.
Alison x

RO said... 19

On the the really, really good news! I'm back in the computer world, and I'm so thrilled! Now all I have to do is catch up and more catch up! Thanks for spreading the love too! I noticed those fabulous stamps right away. I had no idea they had those at the post office. Kudos on the other goodies too. Yay to the Bleubeard celebration which looks totally fun and tasty! Happy Birthday and lots of hugs. RO

Let's Art Journal said... 20

So much amazing happy mail and gifts! Wishing Bleubeard a very Happy Birthday! It looks like he enjoyed his cake, what fun 😀. Sending you happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x
p.s. thanks so much for the lovely comments that you left on my Art Journaling post, you are very kind! xx

PerthDailyPhoto said... 21

Happy belated birthday to Bluebeard Elizabeth, you were a lucky lady to get such so many beautiful and thoughtful cards

Caty said... 22

Wowwww Very HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLEUBEARD !! ♥ ♥ What a so lovely party you have prepared for him Elizabeth !! He eats the food he prefers firts. He is Wonderful and so TENDER !! Would like to hug him ♥
The gifts you received are all Gorgeous !! I´m sure you´ll create lovely Art with them. The cards are Amazing ! Wish you find the needles soon :)
Happy T-day dear friend !Wish you enjoy it, and I send you biiig hugs, for Bleubeard and Squiggles too.

Jeanie said... 23

I LOVE Bleubeard's birthday party! What a glorious batch of treats in his dinner and I loved his party place setting. He might be enjoying that one for a few days. 18 -- wow. I've never had a cat live that long.I hope Lizzie does! And beautiful gifts from friends. It looks like good birthdays for everyone! (Birthday greetings from Ms. Lizzie, too!)

Halle said... 24

Happy Birthday Bleubeard! WOW!! You got some lovely gifts in the mail too!

Cindy McMath said... 25

Aw, happy Birthday Bleubeard! I enjoyed his party, and got a good chuckle out of him looking for the best treats in the bowl - such a cat thing to do. Also leaving anything that might be good for him - haha. Glad you liked your cards and I enjoyed seeing all your other cards and gifts - I can’t wait to see what you do with the stamps. Xx

Barbara said... 26

To be honest, sometimes I don’t even notice if it’s a special day for one of our pets. We shower them with love, but not so much with birthday goodies. That’s one lucky kitty you have! Thanks for the mention and photo of my note. Not to worry about the missing needles. They are not pricey at all. :)

Divers and Sundry said... 27

Happy Birthday to Bleubeard! You really got some wonderful treats in the mail :)

Sandra Cox said... 28

Happy BDay, Bleubeard! 18 wow! You've done a good job taking care of him, Elizabeth. He's about 6 mos older than Faux Paw and Captain Stubby.
You got some wondrous gifts. Ro is wonderful, isn't she??

Sharon Madson said... 29

OH, my goodness, I made it! I am so glad, as I wouldn't have wanted to miss Bleubeard's birthday party! What a great party too1 60 photos? Well, like you said, he is a special guy in your life, and the face of Altered Book Lover! You are completely welcome to that card, and if I had known, I would have made it a birthday card for Bleubeard! ;) All your gifts are wonderful, and I am loving those stamps! Can't wait to see how you use them.. If you need any ink pads, or anything crafty, you should really go out to Andover to ScrapFunatic for the garage sale, which is cheap to start with, but on Friday all the craft items, 60 of us put in the sale will be half price of cheap! If you go, call me. I plan to go early, 10 on Friday.
About the loss of your needles for a while, I lost one of my precious hand crafted cards. Hope to find it to show next week! I hope you are warm enough and have power! Cyber hugs, Elizabeth!

Anne (cornucopia) said... 30

This was such a fun post to read Elizabeth. My cat hardly ever lets me photograph him, although eating is actually the only time he might "sit" still for me. Happy Birthday to Bleubeard! 18 is great. (I hope my cat lives that long.) You received a lot of goodies in the mail. I love that horse stamp. I'm very late posting. My T-post will explain how my computer woes continue, in that it's taking a lot longer to get everything set up than I expected. I didn't realize how much bloatware Microsoft puts into Windows 10. (I've avoided it until now.) It's making me think it might be time for me to learn and switch over to Linux, and say goodbye to Microsoft forever.