Monday, September 16, 2019

T Stands For a Visit to a Rescue Mission

I admit, I have T Tuesday posts I should be sharing from back in April and May.  I also admit I make it a point to NOT discuss religion on my blog.

So why am I sharing this today, you ask?  Because it was a fantastic meal and my neighborhood association asked me to tour the facility and write a review.

My neighborhood association was invited to provide a representative to tour the facility and share the information with our members.

The president asked me because she believes I'm a good interviewer, I take decent photos, and I write, as she put it, "for the common man."   I'm also active in the Association, even though I don't normally write about it on my blog.

So off I went that hot, windy day in August.  You can see how the grasses are bending with the winds.  When I got there, I saw the new Administration building which had recently been completed.

The old part, originally a nursing home, was connected to the new part via an enclosed walkway.

Originally I didn't bring my camera inside, but once I was there and felt comfortable, I asked if I could as long as I didn't show any individuals.

The various tables had already been set and water and iced tea were already poured and in glasses.  The fruit salad which consisted of fresh strawberries and cantaloupe looked appealing.

Since I'm so short, I parked my body at one of the front tables

directly in front of the screen.  This was NOT a sales pitch or a request for money.  It WAS a way of introducing the community to this little known Rescue Mission that's been around since 1958.

While a film was shown that told the history of the Mission, our plates were collected and returned full.  Had I been given a choice, I would have left the meat (roast beef?) off the plate and doubled up on the homemade bread.  While we ate, we were introduced to the CEO, the head chef, their programs and services, one of their volunteers, and what their new facilities were like.  It was definitely a faith based facility.

I failed to get a photo of the dessert they served.  It was a molded chocolate half circle in which a large scoop of chocolate chip ice cream was placed, along with three of the tiniest Oreo cookies I have ever seen.  Think dime size for those of you who live in the states.

After we ate, it was time to tour the facility.  While I was fumbling with my camera strap, which got mixed up with my purse strap, we had crossed from the new area to the area that had once been a nursing home.  Consequently, I missed taking photos of the kitchen area.  

I managed to get the straps untangled in time to take photos of this brand new facility in the old area that provided emergency care and check-ups.

This was a new service (and equipment) that was provided, partly out of need due to the increased number of homeless men who have been beaten by gangs that targeted them.  Medications were also dispensed from this area, too.  In case I failed to mention, this is for homeless men only.

Next I walked down a hall and saw another media room.

Then I peeked into a classroom that was empty at the moment.

Next it was back to the lobby where we all gathered for a Q and A session.

This was where prayer services were held daily.

I was unable to take photos of their latest enterprise, which was their New Leaf Book Program because it was far too crowded with others on the tour.  Books are donated to the Mission, which are then either sold on Amazon or used in other projects.  They showed how some were turned into boxes.  They promised no books ever go to the landfill.   I took the above image from their web site and assure you, the book room was filled with shelf after shelf of similar looking books.

We were told we could go into the area where the men slept, but I felt uncomfortable with that, so ended my trip there just as one of the ladies was being taken to her car via the little cart you can barely see in the background.  I was sure I now had enough information to write a review of the facility for our newsletter.  The buildings in the background on the left were also part of the Union Mission.  One of the buildings was where the books were kept.

It's now time to share your own drink related post this week.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, ATCs, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday, and not just this year.

31 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

This looks like a very interesting place to visit. I am not religious either, and don't like to hear/ read people preaching about any -isms, but I think that any group, religious or not, which helps to care for the homeless and underprivileged is doing a good work. It all looks well organized and clean, and the food looked good, too. Happy T Day, Valerie

Sharon Madson said... 2

I bet you wrote a lovely review for the newsletter. Dinner looked good. Right away I noticed the design of the plate and really liked it. Happy T Day, Elizabeth!

Susan Kane said... 3

A fabulous place. Will help so many people.

Lisca said... 4

What an amazing facility for homeless men! Thank you for sharing that.
And of course the food looks very yummy.
Happy T-Day,

pearshapedcrafting said... 5

This really does look like a great facility for the homeless in your area! It looks very well equipped. Is the association active all over the US? How lovely to be trusted to write a review! Happy T Day! Hugs, Chrisx

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 6

Dear Elizabeth,

I'm puzzled why you considered this a religious post. No one should feel ashamed for doing good works - unless they have ulterior motives, like recruiting people for cults or conning people for donations that go into their own pockets. This looks like a very worthy effort. And since you're involved, I'm sure it is. You didn't discuss religion. You inspired me in yet another way.

On a lighter note, wouldn't you just love to cadge some of the donated books to alter?

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

Divers and Sundry said... 7

It's always good to see people in service to the community, whether religious or secular. There is such a need! Congratulations on having been asked to tour and review this attractive facility.

Happy T Day!

Linda Kunsman said... 8

This is such an inviting, clean, and lovely looking place. You were the perfect choice to describe and write about it Elizabeth. Wonderful pictures and descriptions of your event and tour!! Happy T day!

My name is Erika. said... 9

I think this looks like a good place to give of your time and energy. Even though it has a religious affiliation I don't think helping here is really a religious thing. Unless you count doing good works for others as religious. And your meal looks delicious. Did you eat the meat or skip it, as I know you don't eat it? Nice post today. And happy T day my friend. Hugs-Erika

Kate Yetter said... 10

This mission looks like a great place to help those that are in need. It is a beautiful facility! More communities need facilities like this. And your meal looks very yummy.
Happy tea Day,

Halle said... 11

Looks like a good day out. Interesting for sure.
Happy T day!

Powdered Toast Man said... 12

Good cause, good people, good food.

Iris Flavia said... 13

It is very wise to not discuss religion.
It does not matter why people help, it is important that they do help.
Oh! I never use the term short, rather small! But it´s a pain at times at the grocery store, isn´t it! Especially when there is no one around to ask for help. No one tall.
Faith in good will is always important and often fulfilled. "Funny" my post today goes well, kinda, with yours (at the beginning at least).

Yes, don´t you hate it when things strap together in the worst moments to do that?!

Oh, my. It´s the same all over the world. Gangs, such coward individuals who together go against the weak ones.
I´ll never understand.
But what about homeless women?

My drink: A craft beer again ;-) Coffee-taste. Not enough to link, though, as I just posted a pic of the bar.

A great facility, it still puzzles me it´s just for men - do you have one for women, too?

aussie aNNie said... 14

Interesting and food looks delish.

Meggymay said... 15

A really interesting post Elizabeth, I can understand why you were asked to write about your visit. You explain things so well and give the whole picture of what you see. It is sad that these centers have to be run with limited means and volunteers. I'm sure they are a welcome haven of comfort and care to those who need it. I hope the women have a similar place to go to.
The food looked wholesome and delicious, what did you do with the meat?
Happy T day wishes.
Yvonne xx

Anne (cornucopia) said... 16

This looks like a well organized and run place Elizabeth. It's good that there are places like this to help people.

Reading this part: "increased number of homeless men who have been beaten by gangs that targeted them" reminded me of mankind's inhumanity to mankind. Besides making animals go extinct, mankind is equally cruel to fellow human beings. It's sickening.

R's Rue said... 17


froebelsternchen said... 18

A wonderful place and you are just the right person to write about it!!!!

Happy T-Day dear friend!
AJJ Oct is scheduled exept the linky.
Big hugs,


craftytrog said... 19

It looks like an interesting day out Elizabeth.
Happy T Day!
Alison xx

Nancy said... 20

I'm glad you took the opportunity to visit this facility and share it with us. They have made a good use of the former nursing home space and it looks clean and inviting. Your meal was nicely presented, too. Your association will benefit from your photos and notes.

CJ Kennedy said... 21

Looks like a very nice facility. The plates on the table are very pretty. Nice to see nice things being used for people who need a hand and not a hand-out. Happy T Day!

Let's Art Journal said... 22

Wow, what a fabulous place! It looks like a great facility for those in need, how wonderful 😀. Glad you enjoyed the tour and your meal looks delicious too! Thanks for sharing and wishing you a Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

Linda Kunsman said... 23

I responded to your other post to me via your published post on my blog. Thank you for your help!

Sandra Cox said... 24

This organization has remarkably good taste if they asked you for a review.
It sounds like a very worthwhile and needed charity. It saddens my heart that we have homeless in this country.
Thanks for sharing:)

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said... 25

What a fabulous facility Elizabeth no matter whether religion comes into it it is always heartwarming to see and hear of a safe place that cares for those that may need a helping hand in life. I really enjoyed the tour, it looks like a marvellous place to offer such learning facilities as well. Giving people a sense of purpose and support.
Thanks for your kindness and comments recently, i've not had much chance for blogging having to take care of life stuff and family but I just wanted to say Thank you for sticking with me, it means a lot Thank YOU.
Hugs Tracey xx
P.S Happy T Day x

RO said... 26

As you know, the plight of the homelessness is something I'm passionate about, so I was thrilled to see that this exists to help men who suffering and don't have a place to live. Homeless shelters are not as easy to run as many people may think, so they have to have rules that may be unpopular, and despite about 5 bad reviews (out of 105), this is one that cares about the people who stay there. They want them to be safe, not be hungry, and get off the streets. Thank you for sharing it because hopefully others will see it and pass on the info to others who may need help. HUGE Hugs, RO

Sami said... 27

That looks like a wonderful institution for homeless men, very homely and welcoming. I'm glad you were asked to visit them and write a review Elizabeth.

RO said... 28

YIKES! I was so busy thinking about cheeseburgers that I typed a typo.(lol) Reviews were 101 not 105. Hugs, RO

Caty said... 29

This is a very interesting place to visit Elizabeth !! Thanks so much for sharing these very beautiful photographs with us, and Congratulations for your collaboration with the Mission.
Your meal looks absolutely delicious, Happy T-day ! (sorry on Wednesday )
I wish you a very nice afternoon, and send big hugsss

Jeanie said... 30

It looks quite lovely, Elizabeth. Very clean, tidy. The table is lovely. They were wise to invite you as one of their guests to share -- I am impressed and I think all who read it will be, too.

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said... 31

That's a marvelous looking facility. Blessings!