Monday, May 27, 2019

T Stands For Lessons Learned During a Black Out

PLEASE BE AWARE I will be gone all day Tuesday because I have been summoned for jury duty (see previous post).

I got a very valuable lesson last week.  DO NOT choose my T post on Monday morning.

Take photos well in advance.

Always, always make a fresh pot of coffee once I have filled my mug with the last in the pot.

Prepare for the worst that could happen in a storm and be sure to schedule a post well in advance of Monday afternoon.

Have a back up plan.  Have caffeine on hand just in case such an event occurs.

Don't let the T Tuesday gang down again.

What is so frustrating is that the other side of the street is on a different electrical grid and they ALWAYS have power, even when mine is off for hours or days on end.

The good news is, after talking with Sharon last Monday, and lamenting over the fact I had no coffee, I opened the one bit of caffeine I knew I had, the cappuccino shake.  When that was nearly gone, I was at least thinking clearly and placed my coffee filter basket over the coffee pot.  I had hot water because I had decided to NOT get an electric hot water heater last year, a move that saved me on that fateful night.

In looking over my coffee choices, the only coffee I had that didn't need to be ground, was the wonderful Greek coffee sent me by Mia.  That saved me, since I was considering using a hammer to crush beans (slight joke).  I slowly ran hot tap water through the basket that contained a filter and the ground coffee.  When I had enough coffee for a big mug, I moved the basket to the mug and poured the coffee through the coffee grounds a second time.  That's when I knew I could make it through the night and the next day, too.

I've had this gift since last week, but decided to not open it until Lisca returned home from her trip to Italy.   I am in love with the envelope and the decoration continues to the back flap.  I think it may be handmade, too.

I don't think I need a translation of the postage stamp, which is obviously honoring soccer which my European friends (for reasons unknown to us in the states) call football.

She honored both Bleubeard and me with these lovely goodies.

That blue rocking horse is going in a frame.  When I saw it, I was SO impressed.  Goodness it's a beauty.  Of course, I really liked the kitty, too.

The cat paper is wonderful.  I can't wait to use it.  The tag has lots and lots of glittery gold on it that doesn't show in the photo.  It is SO lovely in person.  Wish you could see it the way I do.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Lisca.  You have NO idea how special you have made me feel.  Bleubeard, too!

We have two things we need to talk about today.  First, this is the final T post in May, so don't forget to dig up your Second on the 2nd, a post that can be about anything as long as it is something you have published in the past.

Second, we need to be thinking about our 6th anniversary, which will be in seven weeks, on July 15/16 depending on what time zone you are in.  Last year I suggested we exchange ATCs within our own countries to save on postage for those who might not be able to send to participants in other countries.  Please let me know what your thoughts are and how you want to celebrate our 6th anniversary.

It's now time for you to share your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  If possible, please post early so I can return your visit before I head to court for jury duty on Tuesday morning.

29 thoughtful remarks:

Susan Kane said... 1

Sooo, I'm guessing you really needed coffee and badly to make coffee from 2nd hand grinds.

Valerie-Jael said... 2

I can feel for you not having coffee - that's the worst nature catastrophe for me. Glad you could help yourself with Kalua. Lovely present from Lisca, enjoy. Happy T Day, hope your day goes well. Valerie

johanna said... 3

i did not know you were so dependent on coffee:)) well, i do have my morning cup every day, but i wouldn´t miss it that much really.
hope you´ll have a good day, all the best, johanna

Halle said... 4

Oh that's bad...I know how much you love/need your coffee. :)
Hope you have a quick/interesting case.
Happy T day!

Divers and Sundry said... 5

I can explain why the Europeans call it "football". It's because they use their feet and a ball. My younger son calls American football "hand egg" ;)

Your desperation in search of caffeine is quite the tale! I'm sure you'll be much better prepared for the next storm.

That decorated envelope is gorgeous! It must've made your day :) I've been practicing my ATC-making skills in preparation for this anniversary event. I'd be glad to send them anywhere and don't need it limited geographically. Happy T Day!

CJ Kennedy said... 6

Good idea to have a storm plan in place. Looks like your backup coffee shake worked well, too. Isn't that odd how your street is divided. I'd make friends with the lady across the street so I could use the facilities (being on a well no electricity, no water to flush) and have a cuppa. :-D Happy T Day

pearshapedcrafting said... 7

I must confess that I would miss my coffee too and I suppose with a likelihood of a power cut I might fill a couple of flasks! In our old house we at least had a gas stove to heat water - here we have electric and although we have a gas boiler I think it requires electric to make it work! (never had to find out!!!)
I love the rocking horse - yes, it definitely deserves a frame!
I'm pleased to see that we will be back off our travels before the anniversary!

T has done Jury service twice while I have never been asked! Hope it isn't too bad! Hugs, Chrisx

Lisca said... 8

I'm glad you liked my little gifts.
o, that must have been some storm! And so annoying that other people in your street do have electricity and your side of the street hasn't.
I didn't realise you were so dependent on coffee. You'd better get a gas stove of some sort. Like camping gaz. I'm sure you'll find something like that in a thrift shop.
I love Kahlua liquor, but I have never had the non-alcoholic coffee drink. I'm sure it's a lovely.
I hope the jury service isn't too exhauting (or boring),
Happy T-Day,

Sandra said... 9

We will find a way to get our caffeine, even under the direst of circumstances won't we?:) I am so sorry you are having power issues.
Purrfect gifts. I love everything.
Have a pleasant evening.

Eileen Bergen said... 10

I'm glad you managed to find some much-needed caffeine to get through the crisis, Elizabeth. We used to have frequent outages of 24 to 72 hours. Once we were out for 2 weeks because thieves in the night stole 20 km of cable! So you can imagine we have back-ups of our back-ups! Most of all, I'm glad you're okay.

Lovely gifts from Mia.

Happy T-day! Eileen xx

P.S. I almost forgot! I'd like to participate in another ATC exchange for TSFT's 6th. I'm willing to send outside the States, but people have to be patient because mail from Mexico takes a long time. Mail to the States, for some reason, works pretty well.

Sharon Madson said... 11

Very interesting what a blackout taught you! I didn't know that you figured out how to have coffee that night! Very ingenious! Lovely gifts for you and Bleubeard! As for the 6th Anniversary, I vote for ATC swap. Have fun tomorrow and maybe all week at jury duty. :)

Kate Yetter said... 12

I know what you mean. I NEED my morning cuppa or I am a bear. You received some very lovely gifts.
I really enjoyed the ATC swap last year and would love to participate in another one.
Enjoy your jury duty.
Happy Tea Day,

Linda Kunsman said... 13

Oh I so get the coffee/caffeine addiction:):) We have a good propane grill and always are sure to have enough in the tank in the event of a power outage, or I'd be a monster! Of course you squealed with delight at the rocking horse card especially, and lovely mail art:) No worries about your postings d/t power outages- it happens here too. Not your fault. Happy T day!

kathyinozarks said... 14

I had to smile about your morning coffee as My Husband is just like you-must have coffee in the morning-lol that bottled coffee drinks sounded really good too.
Love your surprises from Lisca.
I would love to join in for an atc swap too within our own countries like last year good luck with jury duty Kathy

Rita said... 15

What sweet gifts!
I did miss my coffee when our electricity went out last time. Luckily it was only out for four hours. I drank room temperature coffee. ;)
Happy T day! :)

My name is Erika. said... 16

When I lose power we are usually out for days so I can appreciate your frustration. It must really be terrible (not the first word I would pick) to see lights on across the street though. But I am glad you are back and hope your weather has improved. Boy your general part of the country has been hit so hard lately. I have to laugh at your caffeine source. Was it any good? And nice gift from Lisca. I am with you, what a cool envelope. Happy mail is always good, isn't it? Have a great T day and I hope your start of jury duty goes well. Hugs-Erika

Mia said... 17

Hi Elizabeth, You make me really happy!!! I am glad you enjoyed your greek coffee!!! Hugs, my dear friend.

RO said... 18

Totally sucks to lose power, and so sorry that happened to you. I can tell you're serious about your coffee, and need to work on finding you a coffee genie in the very near future.(lol) I use a Keurig and also instant, but what would save me in a per outage is the frappuccino from Starbucks I keep in the fridge.(lol) Losing power would cause me to cry because I'd have no Internet or television, but I could get by with my books to pass the time. That cat paper from your friend is absolutely fun and creative, and the horse card is definitely worthy of being framed for sure! All such wonderful gifts from a great friend. Hugs...RO

Lisca said... 19

And i forgot to say, yes, the envelope is hand-made. I printed it, cut it and coloured with water colour pencil.

froebelsternchen said... 20

I am sorry for you - caffein is a big addiction - good you had such clever ideas to get your dope nevertheless! Wonderful gifts from Lisca! So pretty - she is a lovely girl!!! I have no idea about the anniversary ... you will come up with something special- I am sure!
I think I will not be part of an ATC exchange this year - I am really really busy still and think it will not end until autumn this year with the ending up of school of Julia and all the events going with this and I have planned some great little trips as well and garden, and the dogs and and and...hope you don't mind - I will not be part of the Second view this week as well - hope you don't mind , as we are invited to a christening feast on Saturday and are not at home.

Wow exciting for you now with the jury duty ,I knew they would like to have you for this job ♥♥♥

Susi xxx

Nancy said... 21

Oh, the longing of seeing lights right across the street and being in the dark! You were resourceful getting your coffee drink.

Meggymay said... 22

I will be back later for a proper catch up on the posts I have missed.
No internet for 6 days and I think I have withdrawl symptoms.
I think you worked out a good result to get a caffine fix, my gran always used to say' where there's a will there's a way'.
Your rocking horse gift will make a lovely framed picture.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth.
Yvonne xx

Let's Art Journal said... 23

So glad that you got your coffee in the end 😊. Your happy mail looks wonderful, so many fabulous goodies from Lisca, what a treat! I hope jury duty went ok and wishing you a happy T Tuesday! Jo x

Anne (cornucopia) said... 24

I'm very late this week, Elizabeth, and will be back later to leave comments for you and everyone else.

Sami said... 25

You've received some pretty postcards Elizabeth :)

Anne (cornucopia) said... 26

You indirectly raised an important point that I keep saying I'm going to do, but haven't: have an emergency kit on hand. (I have a link for the government's Basic Disaster Supplies Kit on my blog, but I keep forgetting to actually make one.) I never appreciate electricity until it goes out. Then I'm like a fish out of water. You were lucky you had that cappuccino shake on hand, as an emergency caffeine supply. I'm looking forward to the 6th anniversary, but I don't have any suggestions to offer. Happy T-Day!

Caty said... 27

OOoh this storm may have been horrible!! I think I would need much coffee too. All is electrical in my house, so.... I prefer not thinking too much :)
Your rocking horse postcard is gorgeous Elizabeth, amd the tag and paper too, enjoy them! Enjoy your coffee, and very Happy belated T-day ! (sorry because I´m late posting)
I´d would like to participate in the Atc swap for the anniversary Elizabeth, but I could send just one atc to a partenaire, no more, if it is possible of course, because I´ll have some commitments in July.
I wish you a very nice afternoon,
Big hugs, Caty

Lowcarb team member said... 28

I know you prefer coffee but I'm a tea drinker, and I wouldn't be too happy without my cuppa.

Love the blue rocking horse :)

All the best Jan

Jeanie said... 29

I pass on all coffee and go tea all the way. But I do indeed love the rocking horse -- it's so pretty, that blue!