Monday, January 28, 2019

T Stands For Shopping For Tea

I'm going to keep this short this week because you are probably tired of my really long T posts.

Right before Christmas I went to the Asian Market looking for a couple of gifts.  I also wanted to find jasmine flower tea.

Lots of tea bags,

loose leaf tea in metal tins (note the Jasmine tea in the yellow tin above that both Kate and I own; mine came from China town in Los Angeles, though),

more Jasmine and Green tea, but NO Jasmine Flower.  I purchased some joss paper and a tea bag holder for me, and a couple of gifts for friends.  Otherwise, it was a bit disappointing.  Looks like I'll be heading to The Spice Merchant soon for some very expensive Jasmine Flower tea.

It's time to share your own drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.

Since this is the last Tuesday in January, I would be remiss if I didn't remind you to start digging up your Second Look for the 2nd of next month. I encourage you to play, because all you have to do is share a post you have shown in the past. It can be any genre, any length, as long as it has been shown sometime in the past on your blog.

28 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

I've never tried jasmine flower tea, and I suspect that it doesn't taste of coffee! Happy T Day, Valerie

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 2

I never heard of joss paper, Elizabeth. Now I want some! We used to live in NJ and could easily visit NYC Chinatown. Darn - a missed opportunity. Too bad your trip was a bust.

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

Divers and Sundry said... 3

It's hard to take in that they have so much but not that. So odd. Because they have so _much_! I can imagine I'd spend a lot of time walking those aisles.

Meggymay said... 4

Its a long while since I had a cup of Jasmine tea, but I cannot recall seeing jasmine Flower tea here at all. Maybe I should look closer next time I get to visit what I would call a 'proper tea shop' and not the limited brands that are for sale in the super markets.
I would have liked to browse around that shop with you, it seemed to have some interesting packets on the shelves.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth.
Yvonne xx

kathyinozarks said... 5

wow this was fun-years ago when Hubs and I first got married, his Mom lived in a Chicago suburb which was close to China shops and Japan shops-I loved shopping for teas there and other fun things-so this brought back old memories-thanks
Happy T Hugs Kathy

Krisha said... 6

You know I'm not a tea drinker.........but I was drooling over all the pretty tins the tea comes in. LOL!
Happy T-day

Lisca said... 7

What a lovely shop. I would love to have alook among all those teas. How odd that they have so much tea but no jasmin flower! I'm sorry you were disappointed, especially as you had gone there for that specific purpose.
Are you still away? Hope you have a good time and a safe journey home again.
I'll try to remember the second of the 2nd. Thanks for reminding me.

Halle said... 8

That is a crazy huge tea place!!
Happy T day!

Sharon Madson said... 9

Wow! That is a lot of tea! Elizabeth, I was finally successful on my scheduled post! Yay! It then I forgot to come here and link up till just now, happy Tea Day!

My name is Erika. said... 10

Wow-that is sure a lot of tea. But nice for these cold winter days when a cup of tea (of coffee,cocoa) is what warms you up. And a good selection too. :) Hope is it a Happy t day my friend. Hugs-Erika

Linda Kunsman said... 11

It sure looks like they would have everything here - so many teas!! I did not know there was a jasmine tea, and then also a jasmine flower tea. Curious now as to what the taste difference would be... good luck finding it, and happy T day!

Kate Yetter said... 12

ELizabeth, I loved seeing your trip to the Asian grocery store. The Asian grocer is one of my favorite places to shop. I have not seen the red tin of Jasmine tea. I will have to look for that and the jasmine flower.
So glad that you shared.
Happy Tea Day,

aussie aNNie said... 13

Just finished my shopping for tea and enjoying my English Breakfast ..xx

johanna said... 14

it´s funny you talk about joss paper right now... yesterday i searched for mine about half an hour, but couldn´t find it. well, it must be there anywhere, in that stashes of 20+ years;) and it will come out in time...
being in such a tea shop would overwhelm me. maybe i would go out in the end with an empty basket. or with a very full one:))
happy t-day!

chrissie said... 15

Such an array of wonderful things you saw Elizabeth but such a shame you didn't find the one you were looking for. Often the case unfortunately.

Have a really Happy T Day

Love Chrissie xx

froebelsternchen said... 16

Sorry for you for not finding this special tea! What a great array of teas there - wow!
Happy T-Day! Hope you are well, I worried about your leck of postings recently. Hope you just have planned a trip and everything is o.k.!

Hugs, Susi

RO said... 17

Without even looking at your description, I knew where you were(lol), because I visit a similar one here to grab oolong tea, which is supposed to be even better for fat burning than green tea. It's the pits that you didn't find what you were looking for, and can relate. I was looking for kimchi the other day, with no luck. Glad you are well and Happy T Day! Hugs...RO

Anne (cornucopia) said... 18

The store you went to has a great selection of teas. I'm sorry you didn't find the one you were looking for. I love tins. I probably would've bought one of those, just to have the tin when I was done drinking the tea inside of it. Happy T-Day! :-)

Let's Art Journal said... 19

The jasmine flower tea sounds delicious, I'll have to look out for it when I go shopping 😉. The supermarket looked great, all the tins and packets of tea look so colourful and pretty! Wishing you a very Happy T Tuesday! J 😊 x

CJ Kennedy said... 20

That would be a fun shop to poke around. I love all the different colored boxes. The bottom picture has boxes of artichoke tea. I've never heard of that. Not sure it would be my cuppa. Happy T Day

Jeanie said... 21

I honestly wouldn't know where to look! But it's so colorful and pretty -- and I have a feeling we might see some remnants of the tea, bags or boxes in future work? I hope so!

pearshapedcrafting said... 22

It all looks very beautiful Elizabeth, but even with such lovely flowery names you still can't tempt me to take tea!!! Hugs, Chrisx

da tabbies o trout towne said... 23

I've never cared for tea; used to drink coffee like it was my last day on earth, but gave it up years ago; there is a hint of green tea in the flavored water I drink ;) ♥♥

da tabbies send their best to bleu N squiggles ~ ♥♥

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said... 24

Happy T Day Elizabeth, sorry to read you was unable to get what you were looking for. I have to say I have never heard of Jasmine Flower Tea but it sound very refreshing. I do love a nice cup of Tea, First things in the morning and last thing at night.. !
Hugs Tracey xx

Susan Kane said... 25

Tea in a.m., coffee in p.m. and then herbal tea at bedtime is usually my routine. The amount and variety of teas was impressive.

Sami said... 26

I love tea, as long as it's very weak, but I hate green tea. I had never heard of Jasmine flower tea.
Have a lovely week Elizabeth. said... 27

So, jasmine flower tea is different from jasmine tea? I am going togo look in my Chinatown.

Words and Pictures said... 28

Hmm... you could be there a while trying to make a tea decision, couldn't you?!
Alison x