Monday, October 22, 2018

T Stands For Walt's Klassics (and a sick host)

I sincerely apologize, but I am so sick I can barely stay upright to write this apology statement.  As much as I want to visit each of you who visit on a daily basis, I only have a desktop computer so I have no way of taking it to bed with me.  I would never let T Tuesday slide, so I promise to be by to visit and try to catch up with all your lives HOPEFULLY by tonight (Monday in my world).  Thankfully, my dear friend Scott will be by to bring me soup and grind enough coffee to make several pots.  Please, please be aware I'll visit as soon as I can.  Thank you in advance for understanding.

My foodie friend Sally and I were on a mission recently.  She needed to go to the hardware store and to Sam's.  I needed litter at Sam's and some water pipe insulation at the hardware store.  After we filled her car to the brim, we headed to Walt's Klassics, where we have eaten before.

The last time we were here, it was so cold frigid, the little girl with the ice cold root beer and burger looked horribly out of place.  This time, she looked right at home in her sleeveless dress.

Last time we sat at the other end of the train car, while this time we sat in the other section.  It provided me with the opportunity

to take a few different photos than the ones I got before.

When Sally ordered a vanilla milk shake I wasn't even tempted.  Then I learned they sold malts and I jumped at the chance to get a chocolate one.  It's been years since I got a malt and they are one of only two places that sell malts in Wichita.  I simply HAD to have one.

Sally ordered a hamburger and I ordered onion rings.  I offered her a couple and she gladly accepted them.

You can see her burger and shake here.  Talk about classic food fare that looks like it goes with the decor and the boomerang laminated tabletop.   I felt like I had time warped to the 1950s.  Yes, I read old architectural and decorating magazines looking for vintage images.  This place would feel right at home.

It's now time for you to share your own drink related post.  Feel free to discuss anything. Your post may include photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Then, please link your story below.  The photos don't have to be taken on Tuesday, and can relate to anything with a drink.  Please use the direct link to your T post, not your blog in general, so we can find you easily.

24 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

That's a fun place you visited, it really looks like in the 1950s. Hope you are soon feeling better. Happy T Day, Valerie

Lisca said... 2

Oh poor you! Ho awful! I sincerely hope you feel better soon. Good old Scott to come andd make you drink. He' a good friend indeed.
I enjoyed the diner. It look like a 1950 time warp.

I don't know what a 'malt' is. Is it a milky drink? It sounds nice.
Get well soon and happy T-Day all the same,

kathyinozarks said... 3

So sorry you are still so ill Elizabeth-I appreciate you still hosting T Please don't worry about visiting me-wait til you are well-hugs
I love malts too have not had one in years and years-this looks like a fun place to dine at.

Meggymay said... 4

Oh Elizabeth I am so sorry you are still unwell. Please take care of yourself.
Its good that Scott is calling in to see you
It look a lovely destination for your meal, that girl with the burger made me smile.
Sending you get well wishes this Tuesday.
Yvonne xx

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 5

I'm so sorry you're ill, Elizabeth. I and hope you feel better fast!

I love chocolate malted milk shakes. The malt powder isn't even available any more. Lucky you!

I'm glad you have Scott to help you out and make sure you get some nourishment.

Big hugs, Eileen

Linda Kunsman said... 6

Oh dear Elizabeth get well soon! Rest up, and thank you Scott for taking care of our friend:)
How wonderful and nostalgic this place is! I don't blame you for getting a malt, and oh how I love that shot of Sally behind the straw:):) Great that you got to sit in a different area for more fun pics. Happy T day!

Rita said... 7

What a funny little place.
I love a place that makes malt or shakes by hand. ")

My name is Erika. said... 8

I love diners and the food choices. They may not be the healthiest, but they sure taste good. I have never had a malt before. I don't think there is any place around here to buy one, but I wouldn't mind trying one if I come across them sometime. I hope you feel better soon and can enjoy your T day and not be resting in bed. Hugs-Erika

RO said... 9

I'm a fan of just about anything from the 50's and would love hanging out with you guys there.the colors, decor and clothing from that era is just fab. Of course that hamburger and malt drinks are calling my name too. (lol) Still praying for you to feel better. Hugs...RO

Sharon Madson said... 10

Elizabeth, I am so sorry you are so sick! Sending hugs to you and prayers up words for you! Did you get you soup? And today was so gorgeous! My hubby and I even walked! What a bummer to be sick on such a day! Take care of yourself!

Halle said... 11

Neat looking place....I love malts!! A chocolate malt and french fries is the best!!!!
Happy T day!

Divers and Sundry said... 12

Don't let it hang over you. We'll all still be here when you get to feeling better, which I hope will be soon.

That place would suit me. Such a fun way they've set it up, and that hamburger and onion rings look delicious!

Helen said... 13

hope you feel better soon. looks a great place to eat!

froebelsternchen said... 14

Get well soon my friend! Take good care of you and don't mind about commenting - just important to get well for you now!

A great place for sure... reminds me of Elvis Presley films.
Cool vintage interior!
Happy T-Day!
Thank you for hosting even thoug you feel so unwell!
You are simply the best!

Lots of LOVE


Let's Art Journal said... 15

Hope you feel better soon and thank you for hosting even though you are so unwell - you're a star! No worries about visiting, you just concentrate on getting better. I'm loving the diner, it's such a cool place to visit 😀. Your chocolate malt and onion rings sound perfect to me too - yum! Sending you get well wishes this T Day! J 😊 x

CJ Kennedy said... 16

This looks like a great place. I haven't had a chocolate malt in decades. So thanks for letting me share it vicariously.

Darla said... 17

So sorry to hear you are ill. I like retro decor so I enjoyed looking at the photo's in this post. Feel better soon my friend.

Caty said... 18

Oh, dear Elizabeth, I'm sorry you're still sick, and I hope you'll get better soon. Good thing you have a good friend to take care of you. Don´t worry if you can not visit us, there will be time, now the most important thing is you.
Thank you very much for sharing all those beautiful photos with us, and those fabulous moments, more knowing that you are sick. It is a very nice place.
I wish you a good evening, take care of yourself and rest,
Many big big hugs, Caty said... 19

Oh BOO!!! I am sorry you are so sick. That is just no fun at all. I really hope you are better very soon. HUGS.

pearshapedcrafting said... 20

So sorry to hear you are still poorly - glad that Scott is looking out for you! Walts looks great - I can't imagine what a malt is as the only malted milk drink I can think of is Ovaltine which we drink hot - usually at bedtime! Get well soon! Chrisx

Kate Yetter said... 21

I love malts and they are hard to find. My dad always puts malt in his milkshaked and they are so yummy!
I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering from sickness. It doesn't sound fun and I hope that you are able to get plenty of rest. Feel better soon, dear Elizabeth
Happy Tea Day,

Sami said... 22

Sorry, I've been away and just read your post. Hope you're feeling better by now Elizabeth.
That diner is very quirky :)

Lowcarb team member said... 23

So sorry to read that you are still unwell.
Please take care of yourself.

Sending get well wishes and healing thoughts to you.

All the best Jan

Linda Kunsman said... 24

oops- forgot to add my link-thanks for letting me know Elizabeth, along with your visit. Please take care and get well soon!