I've brought you to this restaurant before. I know I have taken photos of the outside before, but for some reason, I can't find even one, although I've been through ever single T and Tea post I've ever created. I'll try to remember to take photos of the outside next time I visit, but for now, it's time for T at the Riverside Cafe.

Today was short and sweet in my world. How was your T day? Please share yours with us. The rules are extremely simple. Your drink related post may be anything from a photo of a glass, cup, or mug, to an actual drink. You may choose to share a sketch or a digital, hybrid, or traditional page in your scrapbook, art journal, or altered book of something drink related. Maybe you'd prefer to share a tag, or wow us with your photography. You might choose a postcard or decorated card. You might even draw an image on a used tea bag. Or perhaps you prefer to review a place you visited, a movie, or book. It makes no difference as long as it's drink related. And don't forget that the more unique and outside the box it is, the better we like it. Please tie it back here, and please link only to your T post, not your entire blog. When you link, Bleubeard, the T gang, and I will be by to visit. Bleubeard would also like to remind you that your photos may be taken any time, even months or years ago, if you choose. And please don't forget. If your Second on the 2nd post and your T Stands For Tuesday post are the same, please link both places.
22 thoughtful remarks:
i can understand... i also hesitate to make photos when others could think they are included... but seems you really had a nice day out!
happy t-day!
That looks a nice place, love all the photos on the walls. Happy T Day to you! Tuesday is a holiday here, so that's good. Hugs, Valerie
I remember seeing photos of the Riverside Cafe exterior at previous t-parties, Elizabeth. they'll show up when you least expect them. That is, when you're not searching for them - lol.
Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen
I wouldn't have know which area to take photos of in this cafe Elizabeth. the photos on the walls all look so interesting. It does look a wonderful destination and the red glass ware looks so good as well.
I never used to take photos in cafes or restaurants, until I found your wonderful T day gathering. I worry about taking photos of the food in some places as I feel I am being watched, but I have been in places where its seemed that everyone was photographing their food. A no win situation I think.
Happy T day wishes
Yvonne xx
I'm pretty early this week but I have been away and missed you and the T gang. I truly stay unconnected while away. Hope all has been well. My hubby would spend much time looking at all the car photos for sure:) I feel the same as you sometimes about taking photos, but it seems like there's always someone nearby who is taking a food pic. I kinda look about and get a feel for things first. Glad you enjoyed another good meal and thanks for sharing more of the Riverside Café. Happy T day!
Cars and roosters. A fun combination. I try to just take photos of my food. And then it depends on who I'm with. Some people just don't understand the life of a T Day blogger. :-D
I love it when there's lots of stuff on the walls of a restaurant to look at...especially if you have to wait to be seated or wait for your food a while! this looks like a fun place. yeah, you don't see many restaurant photos on my blog because I feel weird about photographing in a restaurant. even with my cell phone. At Schmidt's in German Village, we were kind of doing the 'touristy thing' and I think people are a bit more understanding about it.
Have a great week dear! ♥
Looks like a great fun place and the food must be good with all those customers! I've always taken photos of my food when I go places and sometimes I get some funny looks ...lol 😉. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊
Photos of photos...that sort of plays into my T tuesday post on photo challenges.
Happy T day!
This is why I nearly never take photos in a restaurant. If I would take the photos with a handy I think it would be o.k. - nobody takes notice then - but with my camera it's too conspicuous. I would not be happy to be the cleaning Lady in this restaurant because of the many dustcatchers there...lol!
Happy T-Day Elizabeth!
Thank you very much for hosting T-Day so wonderful every week! You are an angel!
oxo Susi
Its an interesting decor. At first I thought it had a vintage car theme, but I see it was just cool vintage pieces. If a restaurant is full, that is sign the food is good. So I image your omelette was delicious as was Sally's catfish. And I know what you mean about taking photos in a full place. I don't want to bother everyone eating either. So happy T day Elizabeth. Hugs-Erika
Looks like a fun time out with plenty to see on the walls. Love spots like that!
We have a restaurant like that here in Rogers,Arkansas... pictures and the like all over the walls... license plates from all the states... Keeps one entertained while you wait for food... wonder if they planned it that way.. The restaurant has the best burgers and a pickle bar!! 4 or 5 different types of pickles.. help yourself .. all you can eat... !! Thank you so much for being out wonderful hostess... I enjoy and look forward to T every week. Hugs! deb
Hi Elizabeth,
I'm back to respond to your comment on my post.
Thank you for the well wishes. I get my MRI results tomorrow. From WebMD: "Two wedge-shaped pieces of cartilage act as 'shock absorbers' between your thighbone and shinbone. These are called meniscus. They are tough and rubbery to help cushion the joint and keep it stable." A meniscus tear is a common sports injury, but I just tripped and felt a searing pain.
You're probably thinking of the MISTI. It has been the #1 stamping platform for several years, though there are others on the market. It costs twice as much as the Tim Holtz one. I'm betting they'll have to lower the MISTI price and improve the design a bit to stay competitive. In the meantime, they're suing Tim Holtz for patent infringement. I don't see how they can win since they never complained about the other stamp platforms. Plus the Holtz one has several design improvements over the MISTI.
What I know about gouache, I learned in Julie's class. I find it easy to use to get any effect I want. I dab a spot on my craft mat and use an eyedropper to put a few drops of water down nearby. If I want full strength opacity, I dip my brush in the pure paint. If I want a transparent effect, I then pick up a tiny bit of water and mix it before painting.
I enjoy a restaurant where there's things to look at while you wait for your food. I always feel a bit strange taking photos inside a restaurant though and the only thing I might photograph is the food, or something high up that won't involve people's faces.
Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog regarding the new mural I posted, they made me laugh.
I'm trying to get back to the blogging world and slowly catching up with everyone, but it's been a slow process, still feel a bit jet-lagged or just out of sorts, probably due to 2 colds, ear ache and lots of coughing in the last couple of weeks while I was on holiday. Still coughing though...
I would totally hang out there! Ironically, I love to look at pics of really old cars, but one of my hobbies is collecting Hot Wheels. I have a little over 1000. Also, there was a deal at Harris Teeter today, and I ended up getting several boxes of Celestial Tea for FREE. Kudos to you for jumping in to take pics. Sounds like it was a great adventure, and gives me the courage to try the same thing soon. Hugs...
I know I'd like eating there -such interesting photos on their walls! Catfish? You know I'm in! :)
Looks like a great place to eat. I'm not posting this week. Dealing with a tragic death in the family.. a cousin who had major health issues along with dementia. He had been missing for 10 days and his body was found yesterday. His sister was so distraught she had a heart attach. It's been a trying event. HOpe to be back next week.
Looks like a fun place. Love the car pictures. Happy tday to you.
It does look great place to visit - love all the vintage car and truck photos! Sorry for sliding in as Tuesday is fading here! We are late to bed again as we just realised that the hour was taken off us while we were travelling! Hugs, Chrisx
T Day is a very good excuse to go out to eat and drink!!
Tuesday isnt quite over here on the West Coast so I hpoe there is tea left at the party. It looks like you had a meal in an interesting place. Lots to look at.
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