Monday, August 28, 2017

T Stands For Shopping Across Town

A week or so ago, I needed to buy cat food, so decided to make the most of my trip to the other side of town.  I know it doesn't sound like much, but it is about 25 miles one way across my city from where I live.  So, I wanted to make the most of the trip.

Several people had told me about Sprouts, so I decided to check it out.

Yes, there was fresh produce and natural foods, along with an adorable painting of a farm with cows and trees, but that was about all I found.  The food was not even certified organic, or shown to be grown locally, even after I asked.  Their only claim to fame was their high prices people seemed to be willing to pay for the privilege of shopping there.

My foodie friend Sally asked me to stop by AAA, a members-only travel agency that provides many services.  Sally gave me her member's card (thankfully, they don't have photos on them) and asked me to pick up literature on areas of the northwest she will be going to the first part of September.  While there, I picked up a travel book on Europe for myself.

Next it was off to the pet store, where they had very good cat food on sale.  I got two different kinds for my two very different cats.

On my way home, I saw this fabulous faux palm tree.  Those who know me, know I have a love for palm trees.

I also saw the sign for

Hooters, a restaurant

known for its bosom-y wait staff.

When I arrived, I noticed I was the only person in the restaurant.

On my way to be seated, I had to stop to take a photo of my final alma mater, the shock of wheat.

I was so glad there was no one else in the restaurant, because the music was loud enough.  I could only imagine what it must be like when a full house was there, with everyone vying to be heard.

The waitress brought me a big orange glass of water

and sprawled her name on the napkin she left.  Sadly, I couldn't read it, or remember it once I started reading the menu.

I somehow doubt the meal I chose was going to be healthy.

Four battered fish and curly fries (fish and chips), along with a bowl of tartar sauce and a bowl of cole slaw arrived.  I asked for ranch dressing with my meal, and she charged me an extra dollar ($1.00) for the tiny container of dressing.  When I got the bill, I asked why I was charged for the dressing and she said that anything that came from the kitchen had to be paid for.  I was upset, but paid the bill.  As I was leaving the manager came out all smiles and grins, and asked how satisfied I was with the meal.  I told her I wasn't.  She started to say "great," then backed up and asked why I was unhappy with the meal.  When I told her, she promptly refunded my dollar and I was very happy!

All in all, it was a good day on the far side of my city!

How was your T experience this week?  Good, cheerful, enjoyable, artsy?  Please share your drink related post with us. It can include photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share your link below, then Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken at any time, and don't even have to be taken this year!

I would be remiss if I didn't remind you to start digging for your Second on the 2nd post.  It can be about anything you like, as long as it is one that you have posted in the past.

31 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Your food looked great, I love fried fish. Sorry the Farmer's market was so pricey, what a scam. Hope you are feeling better. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

johanna said... 2

25 miles across the town, my goodness!! the Food Looks yummy. oh well, they take Money for everything they can get...
happy t-day, elizabeth, and take care of your health!

da tabbies o trout towne said... 3

bleu & squiggles.......elizabeeth's furst stop and ONLEE stop should been petco !!!!!!!!!!!!! ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺♥♥♥

pearshapedcrafting said... 4

What a shame that the Farmer's market turned out to be a let down- that is a long way to drive! Still at least Bluebeard and Squiggles got something out of it, you have a Europe brochure and you have some yummy looking fish and chips there! I know these places have to make a profit but that looks like quite small pot for the price they were charging! Well done for speaking out - we often just smile and say "Fine Thanks" instead of saying that something just wasn't right! Hope your health is improving! Hugs, Chrisx

jinxxxygirl said... 5

It sure is nice to get home after a day out shopping isn't it...?? Even if you totally enjoyed yourself... its good to walk through the front door and flop... I don't shop at Sprouts or Petco... We are Walmart people with the occassional stop at Target.. I like the fish at LongJohn Silvers but i must say yours looked yummy too... Happy happy T day Elizabeth and Bleubeard! Hugs! deb

My name is Erika. said... 6

I've never been to Hooters. Was the fish tasty? I also find it false advertising that the "farmer's market" store is just an expensive grocery store. I guess these businesses will name themselves anything to lure in shoppers. Hope you are feeling a lot better and are taking care. Hugs-Erika

Linda Kunsman said... 7

25 miles is a hike-at least to me. Very lucky here to be so close to so many things. But what a disappointment about the quality of foods...
As for Hooters, well you did get some great photos, and glad the food was good. Had to laugh about the end experience but glad you got your $ back.After all, it is the principle of things and I am with you! Happy T day!

Lisca said... 8

Oh Fish and chips! I love that and had been looking forward to eating it here in the UK. Sure enough, my brother-in-law asked us what we wanted to eat as he was going to get a take away. We both said Fish & Chips! And very yummy it was!
One dollar for a squirt of dressing is indeed a bit steep. But otherwise your meal looks great. And the restaurant looks nice too (very quiet).
Happy T-Day

kathyinozarks said... 9

I have always wondered about Hooters-but I am with you I don't like paying for extras that should be included with the meal. glad you got a refund.
we have to drive far out of the woods to get to a town-about 45 minutes so I do what you did and have a list to make the most out of my trip to town.
I would not have liked that grocery store either and would have left with nothing in my cart-lol
Happy T day, hope you are feeling better-hugs for the two kitties

Birgit said... 10

That sucks to have to travel that far only to find out the market was overpriced and not worth it. You made up with the pet store and the food looks good. I heard that the food was pretty good actually.

CJ Kennedy said... 11

If I traveled 25 miles, I'd travel through half a dozen towns! We're pretty closely packed in. Hmmm, paying high prices and no guarantee you're not getting organic or locally grown? I'm with you. We don't shop at that kind of grocery store either. I used to buy Ink's food at Target even though there was a Petco at the mall. I prefer the one stop shop. The palm tree looks cool. Coincidence there's an urgent care sign? (-; I hope you're feeling much better. I've never been to a Hooters. There's one about 20 min. away. The fish and chips looked good, and I'd be upset to have to pay extra because I asked for a substitute for tartar sauce. I don't care for tartar sauce. Glad the manager corrected that error. Have a Happy T Day

Rita said... 12

So glad you got your dollar refunded! Ridiculous!
That Sprouts market sounds like a rip off. At least you got your kitty food at Petco. :)

Helen said... 13

glad your meal was tasty; shame about the 'farmer's market' not living up to your hopes.

Meggymay said... 14

Your food looked delicious, but I would have said the same , its not right to pay extras for dressings, good for you to tell the manager about it.
The stores you visited looked huge, i would have liked to look around the Pet store to see how they compare to ours in the UK.
As for the farmers market, I imagine the prices were extra high to pay for the ground space in the store, well that's one idea from me. However to me, like yourself. Farmers does mean fresh from a local producer.
Happy T day Elizabeth, I hope you are feeling a bit better today.
Yvonne xx

Let's Art Journal said... 15

It's nice that Bleubeard and Squiggles inspired your adventure to the other side of town and that looks like a great pet shop too 😁. Shame about the farmers market though. The palm tree is amazing and I like the Hooters logo and the WSU shock of wheat sign. Fish and chips is always a good choice - yum! Hope you are feeling better and recovering well, Happy T Day! J 😊

sheila 77 said... 16

You do have interesting adventures. I love reading about the restaurants and cafes where you are and your reactions to the places and food. I would certainly have expected Sprouts to have something exceptional in fruit and vegetables. Hooters is a hoot - bosom-y staff! is that allowed! Good to know you got something special for the boys, that's very important.
Thanks for the very nice comment you left on my blog this morning, it's very much appreciated, especially as you are not 100%. I hope you are feeling a lot better today.
love, Sheila

froebelsternchen said... 17

Sounds good that you got your extra Dollar back - well done!
The food looks like it makes one feel completely full! That's good!
This farmers market seems to be almost cheek.
40 km for buying cat food?! You really love your boys! ♥♥♥
Happy T-Day Elizabeth and I really hope you feel a bit better now! Keep good care of you and rest!

oxo Susi

Halle said... 18

I heard from a friend that lived in TX that Sprouts was a great store. I don't think we have that chain here.
I've never been to a Hooters but the food looked yummy.

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 19

Elizabeth, our neighborhood is names Las Palmas and we have lots of them! You might like it here if you ever tire of the cold winters.

I had a similar salad experience in a restaurant here. I ordered salad. It came dry - no dressing at all. I requested dressing and they charged me more for the dresing than for a full size lunch salad! I complained but didn't good results like you. Needless to say, I never went back there.

Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

Barbara said... 20

Your meal might not have been healthy, but it certainly looked tasty.

Jeanie said... 21

Good about the refund. But a bad policy in the first place. Up-charges like that are ridiculous and just make customers mad.

Glad you are feeling good enough to go out. What a haul. And I love Petco, too. Good deals and I like their rewards program!

Sandra Cox said... 22

Sounds like a fun adventure. I love palm trees too. When I was a youngun' I hauled a small one home on the plane from FL to IL. I wonder if they'd even allow that today.
Have a good one, Elizabeth.

nanskidrewski said... 23

Palm tree and bargain sound like the winner. Hopefully the brochures are going to be put to good use. Hope you are feeling better. hugs.

Dianne said... 24

no wonder you were the only one in the restaurant if the staff charges a dollar for Ranch dressing! I pretty much refuse to go to Hooters...but your fish dinner does look good. I suspect this restaurant is much busier on a Friday or Saturday night. and for some reason, I had completely missed your 'love for palm trees' even after all these years of blogging together! So next time I'm in Florida, I will have to make a point to take some photos of the palms there. they are so pretty, and fascinating. happy T day dear friend, and hope you are feeling better.

Divers and Sundry said... 25

Sprouts has opened in a location close to us, and I keep meaning to go just to see what all the fuss is about. It's cute as can be on the outside, and I've heard the prices are lower than Whole Foods and Fresh Market. I usually go to Kroger.

I've never been to a Hooters before. Charging for the dressing separately sounds a bit much, especially since she didn't tell you about the extra charge when you asked for it. The fish looks good, though.

Krisha said... 26

We have a Sprouts here too. I only go there if I am looking for something in particular....and think they might have it. Other than that I can't afford the place. I usually go to Trader Joe's or Lassens, but they are pricey too, just not as ridiculous. Our main staples come from WinCo.

I've been to Hooters one time, in San Diego about 5 years ago, wasn't impressed with the place or the food, so when they put one in here I didn't bothered to go. Other places around that have good food......even though your fish looks very good.

Palms are so pretty, and there are plenty of them in this area. I planted 3 and then after 5 years cut them down. They are more work to keep looking nice than they are worth.

Sorry about all the negative remarks this week!!! LOL!
Happy T-day

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 27

Hi Elizabeth,

I'm back just to say, thank your for your thoughtful comments. Week after week, you take so much time and care to remark on every element of my posts. The feedback and your friendship are much appreciated ;-)

pearshapedcrafting said... 28

Hi Elizabeth, I've just popped back to explain a few things!Yes, Hereford is a long way from home but was only an hour away by car from the hotel and we stopped off to see a Norman church and have a coffee on the way! A lot of our journeys involve a stop off end route and the journey to the hotel was broken by a visit to a lovely little town! Of course there will be more on my blog about these in time! As for the meal it was also an offer but I realise that I didn't get it all in the photo! Mushy peas are something I had never eaten till I was about 20 - they are made from dried peas and my Mum dissaproved of them! They used to be sold as a snack at our local market years ago! When I first tried them I hated them and never ate them again until Tony had some with his fish and chips one day and they were so different from my first experience! Crushed peas are a recent thing on menus and is made with fresh or frozen peas - a different flavour and texture all together! Hugs, Chrisx

Nancy said... 29

You really took the tour on your cat food quest! I'm not a fan of loud places, so would probably not have enjoyed the restaurant. I'm like you, I plan to do errands on either the east side or west side of town when I drive in because they are quite a distance from each other. And I already live a half hour from anywhere! Funny how cats are so definite about their food choices- like us I guess!

Sandra Cox said... 30

Just read your comment. Sisters under the skin. Grin.

Darla said... 31

Missed Tea yesterday, another time with no internet. We have a Sprouts near us and it is walking distance from a Whole Foods. For a less pricy grocery option I have to get in the car and drive somewhere (and I do). I watch the Sprouts sales - some good ones in produce - and pick things up but wouldn't drive across town to do so. No Hooters nearby that I know of - and I really have no desire to visit one. Your curly fries look good though.