Monday, April 10, 2017

T Stands For A Recycled Post

I know you must think I'm a wimpy host, but between all the time I've spent trying to get my blog back in shape, and making recycled art every day, I haven't had time to create the post I planned.  Hopefully, I'll be able to do that next week, since it involves tea bags.

For my recycling efforts today, I'm recycling a post I created back on September 7, 2010, not long after I started hosting T Stands For Tuesday.  This is one of my favorite Tea posts from days gone by.  Please be aware this was shot with my old camera.

This little piggy went to market,

This little piggy stayed home,

This little piggy had roast beef tofu,

This little piggy had none.

And this little piggy went...

"Wee wee wee" all the way home...

Totally trivial information:

Nursery rhyme words and lyrics first published in 1728.

"Marranitos” or “cochintos” is a Latin American pan dulce (pastry) brown, piglet-shaped molasses cookie that translates to “little pig.” Traditional marranitos get their spicy flavor from molasses and anise. Although sometimes called gingerbread pigs, there is no ginger or cinnamon in them.

They can be found in Mexican bakeries that sell pan dulce. 

If you want to be decadent, serve them with ice cream.

These piglets go by many names: cochinitos, lechoncitos, chanchitos, and marranitos. Whatever you call them, you can’t keep them from jumping into your coffee. They also go well with black tea.

Mug and matching freshly ironed dish towel by Taylor and Ng, both dated 1979.

Who in the world would iron a dish towel other than for show!

My drink of choice this lovely T Tuesday is freshly ground French roast coffee with half and half.

And just so you don't think I haven't been working, here are some photos I promised Patty I'd show of my houses like hers.  Mine are ceramic.

I had pretty good taste when I was just out on my own, decorating my first real home.  Even though these don't fit in with my current white with blue and copper accents kitchen, I wasn't about to get rid of them.  Both sit on the lowest shelf on the right.

This is how I display the bank.

This is the container, empty right now.

Every detail is perfect on both houses.

This is the mark on the bottom of both houses.

Here is a view of the bank before I put it in its place.

These are the tools and supplies I keep in this container.  Yes, that's my Swiffer in the background.

 Today is Day 10 of 22 leading up to bEARTHday, and I recycled an old tea post.

Some of you have had trouble leaving comments on my blog.  Thanks to Valerie and Chrissie, I tried to access my reading list, but all it shows is my own blog.  I'm following every lead and suggestion people have offered, and nothing I've tried has worked.  However, I am hoping the links will work, so if you have ever considered joining T Stands For Tuesday, please do, so I can follow the link to your blog.

 UPDATE: Some of you may have noticed my links are clickable again.  Blogger didn't do it, but my friend Scott did remotely.  We discussed the problem, and he fixed it from his computer using his software tools.  He started adding names to the left sidebar, and I'm finishing them as you post.  Please be aware, since you have already given me permission in the past to show your blog updates on my left sidebar, I took that as a sign you would not be opposed to being added again.  Anyone who doesn't want to be listed will be removed immediately upon request.

The rules are extremely simple.  Your drink related post may be anything from a photo of a glass, cup, or mug, to an actual drink, or even a sketch or a digital, hybrid, or traditional page in your scrapbook, art journal, or altered book.  Maybe you'd prefer to share a tag, or photography.  You might choose a postcard or decorated card.  Or perhaps you prefer to review a place you visited, a movie or book.  It makes no difference as long as it's drink related.  And don't forget that the more unique and outside the box it is, the better we like it.  Please tie it back here, and please link only to your T post, not your entire blog.  When you link, Bleubeard, the T gang, and I will be by to visit.   Bleubeard would also like to remind you that your photos may be taken any time, even months ago, if you choose.


32 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

I wasn't able to link in the linky, but my contribution is here:
Nice work from you as always, sorry your blog is still playing up. Hugs, Valerie

CJ Kennedy said... 2

What a puzzle this is. If I type your URL in the browser (Chrome) I get taken to your page. But none of the links work. Your blog is read only. There's also an information sign to the left of the URL stating the blog is not from a secure site. If from my blog, I click on the specific blog post that has updated in my favorite blogs, I am able to access your blog and the links work for me. I've been reading the Blogger forum. People have had similar problems from last year, but no definite fix. I also tweeted the problem to Blogger in a private message and haven't heard anything.

the little pig cookies are cute. One or two would hit the spot right now. Dinner may be late as I'm not sure if Himself is going to the black belt class after he teaches kids this afternoon or if he will come home after teaching. He was complaining he knew was bothering him. I should remind him that there is no crying in karate. Enjoyed your recycled post. Happy T Day

Meggymay said... 3

I have managed to get to leave a comment, Hooray.
I loved the cookies of the little pigs and of course the rhyme.
Your china houses look fantastic.
I am still trying to add to the linky this is where todays offering can be found
I hope you can get a solution to your problems soon, I even asked Chrissie this morning for help to get to leave you a comment.
Happy T day
Yvonne xx

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 4

I think I've successfully linked, Elizabeth. I got the direct link from my Feedly reader. It is

Until you get this figured out, I think if anyone goes to a linked-up post (Valerie's or mine so far), they can then click on our link to you to get here. Very round-about way, I know, but it should work.

Sorry for your trouble.

I'll have my marranitos with ice cream, please ;-)

I love your ceramic houses. My dear sister-in-law had several like them.

Happy T-day, Elizabeth! The party must go on!! Hugs, Eileen

pearshapedcrafting said... 5

Yesterday I had to scroll up today(fingers tightly crossed - everything is OK so far!) I love seeing this post - good recycling I say! Those biscuits look delicious! I love your houses I used to collect little cottages as ornaments (still receive some as gifts sometimes) So pleased that you can host T Stands for…… Hugs, Chrisx

Linda Kunsman said... 6

I wasn't aware of your blog or T posts back then so I appreciate your posting it again! Been hearing about Blogger issues from at least several others. So far, I've been OK but how frustrating!
Little piggy cookies-how cute! And i love your ceramic houses too. Happy T day!

Halle said... 7

I love this post. Your kitchen is so lovely with the copper and blue.
Happy T day!

Valerie-Jael said... 8

I just popped over to see if anybody else had linked and was able to click on comments with no problems - hope things are looking up! Hugs, Valerie

johanna said... 9

i´m happy the Problems are fixed now. seems Blogger Needs to cause some trouble now and then.
elizabeth, you won my heart with These piggie Cookies!! and yes, blue and copper are a great Color Combo!!
hope the Blogger issues Keep quiet for a while:) happy t-day! johanna

froebelsternchen said... 10

Great that the problem is fixed again! Happy T-Day dear Elizabeth!
I love these piggie cookies!

chrissie said... 11

Pleased to see this post as I never saw it before and it is terrific. Love the piggy shapes and they look delicious with a blob of cream

Happy T Day Elizabeth

Love Chrissie xx

Let's Art Journal said... 12

Your little piggies and rhyme are too cute and I think they must taste delicious with the molasses and spice :-) . Beautiful China too, the houses are so pretty! Sorry I'm later than usual to the party, no links would work for me last night so I couldn't leave a message or use Mr. Linky - I guess the problems got sorted overnight :-) . Chris and Yvonne kindly gave me some advice to help me too, they are so kind. Glad I got to join the fun today and wishing you a very Happy T Day! J :-)

My name is Erika. said... 13

Yahoo for Scott and fixing the link! Figures it was him and not Blogger. But I am glad you are back, and just in time for T. I have never heard of those Mexican cookies and since I didn't know you then, it was fun to see them. Love those cool houses too. Setting up a house is fun-especially when you start off and don't have years of things already (which is me, so maybe I am speaking for myself). Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

sheila 77 said... 14

I can click on your comments again and on your links on the sidebar!
And your thumbnails are back! Hoorah! I'm so pleased for you (and for us).
Chocolate piggies - how I would love one just now as we have given up chocolate for Lent - not much longer to go now.
I like your last piggy and of course that (the coffee) is why he went "Wee, wee, wee" all the way home, I didn't know that until now.

jinxxxygirl said... 15

Well that was a lovely recycled post Elizabeth and ofcourse i don't think you wimpy or far FAR from it.. I'am ever so thankful that you host this T party. Love the information about the pigs and your little houses are adorable... I have some houses but not like that. They are Christmas houses from Carol Towne... I used to try to get one a year but stopped once all the moving started...

So funny you mention nursery rhymes as i've been thinking of doing a nursery rhyme post AND i have a recycle post planned ... good times!! Hugs! deb

CJ Kennedy said... 16

Glad your blog is back to normal. What did Scott do, just in case it happens to others?

kaybee said... 17

At last, I can leave comments again! Blogs are a marvelous thing until they play up! Those little piglet pastries look quite yummy, especially with ice-cream!

~*~Patty S said... 18

Scott is a gem!
I am at a total loss when it comes to techie stuff.
Hope Blogger gets their act is never fun when things aren't working properly.
Fun to see your piggies again.
You certainly have had a lot going on so no apology needed.
Your ceramic houses remind me of San Francisco!
They are really nice!!!
Our houses were definitely made around the same time.
Thank you for sharing E and Happy T Day oxo

Darla said... 19

I came along after your "fix" and things worked fine for me. Definitely leave me in your links you are one of my dearest online friends. The cookies sound great and I really like those ceramic houses. Never seen any like them.

Carol said... 20

Lots of folks are having issues with blogger these days... perhaps
"they have gotten too big for the their britches" as my Grandmother would say :) Love the cookies ♥♥♥

Sami said... 21

So great that you're back on track Elizabeth thanks to your friend Scott.
I had never heard of those biscuits but they sound delicious.
Enjoy them with your coffee.

CJ Kennedy said... 22

In case you didn't see this Blick. They are having a Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Reimagine contest with prizes. Thought it would be up your alley

Divers and Sundry said... 23

I can't commit to visiting all the T Tuesday folks today, but I had to say I like your little piggies, and those ceramic houses are so pretty! :)

Dianne said... 24

So glad Scott got your comments back working! I tried to figure out a way to leave a comment a couple of days ago, and just couldn't get it. Recycling this post was a great idea! I've always wanted to try these little mexican cute! I bet I could make some, but my family is not crazy about molasses, and I'd end up eating them all myself! lol...not good! Love the little could use the one with a lid for a cookie jar?! happy Tuesday dear friend, hope all things computer will get sorted soon! ♥♥♥

Cindy McMath said... 25

Great to have you back Elizabeth - glad Scott was able to figure it out! Thanks for adding my link - I was very surprised to see so many comments this morning as I hadn't been able to add the link after all.

Meggymay said... 26

So pleased you have your blog sorted Elizabeth, I imagine you are really relieved that Scott was able to help.
Yvonne xx

kathyinozarks said... 27

Hi Elizabeth-I enjoyed this fun blog post! and love that it is recycled too.
yes you are most welcome to put my blog link on your side bar. Aldi carrys the strawberry cream now more than the winter time-thanks for hosting

pearshapedcrafting said... 28

Just come back to say how pleased I am that your package arrived - is that record time? I only posted it on the 1st!! Sorry about the stamps - no peeking you will find out why the packaging had to be stronger! We will be in Paris on your birthday (Tony's is on the 23rd) Hugs, Chrisx

Carol Samsel said... 29

Hey Elizabeth... it's fine that you added me to your fact it's an HONOR 🤗 Thanks!

Sandy said... 30

Loved your post today and yes I am a pig fan. Hope to be able to participate in your T stands for --- postings soon. Looks like so much fun!
Sandy xx

Jeanie said... 31

I'm so glad you shared this again because it was from before I "knew" you. I really love your bank. That "house" is gorgeous and so special! The pigs, very cute and I loved the background info!

Fran said... 32

Great challenge and am glad I found this blog.