Monday, September 12, 2016

T Stands for Cookies and Milk in my AJJ journal

Today we're peeking in Suzy's Art Journal Journey journal (an imaginary Back to School student) to learn what she loves about Kindergarten.

Can you read it?  It is "after our nap, we get cookies and milk."

I used an old recipe card that had the recipe on the back.  Before I adhered the card to the substrate (journal), I scanned it so you can replicate the recipe if you wish.

For T, I'm sharing the actual two page Art Journal Journey spread, along with a cup of imaginary milk in a "Love" inspired mug.  Yes, I misspelled Kindergarten on purpose.

Materials I used were gessoed, then painted pages, over which I glued a picture from an old calendar on one side and a recipe card and magazine image of a glass of milk on the other.  When dry, I added the words using various crayons.

Now it's time to share your drink related post.  Any post is possible, as long as you can relate it back to a drink, any drink.  It can be a postcard, a movie, a painting, a sketch in your sketchbook, an altered book page, a digital, hybrid, or traditional journal or scrapbook page, or photos of your time out and about.  Once you link, Bleubeard, the T gang, and I will be around to visit.  And Bleubeard wants you to know that your photos can be from any time, not just Tuesday, and not even this month.

15 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

This is a lovely post, Elizabeth, and very fitting for AJJ and TSFT. Love the picture on your journal page, and thanks for sharing the recipe. Have a wonderful T day, and thanks so much for all you are doing for AJJ! Hugs, Valerie and Susi

Halle said... 2 those oatmeal raisin cookies. I never make them as I'm the only one that will eat them.
I love the pages you are creating for your theme at AJJ!
Happy T day!

My name is Erika. said... 3

Another clever idea. I think milk and cookies is one of the best parts of kindergarten. That and arts and craft time. Oh and I can't forget story time, and nap time. This page brought me back to my days of kindergarten. I haven't thought about that for a long time. I know I went to private kindergarten because back in those days they didn't have public kindergarten, and I'm sure now its very different from way back. Happy T day! Hugs-Erika

Linda Kunsman said... 4

Oh Elizabeth I can see how in your element you are with this theme and how much you love it all! Really delightful pages you are creating this month. Thanks for a great theme! Happy T day too!

johanna said... 5

can i go to this kindergarten also, please?? i´m afraid i have to bake my Cookies myself. thanks for the recipe!
i love your Devotion to this theme at ajj - you Chose a good one!
happy t-day! xox

Let's Art Journal said... 6

Lovely journal page and having milk at school was so much fun :-). Thanks for sharing the recipe, I remember having oatmeal and raisin cookies at one of the hotels in Maine we stayed in and they were yummy! So I'll be sure to give it a try :-). Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

Meggymay said... 7

A wonderful page Elizabeth. The children look very content with the milk and cookies. I like your coffee mug as well
I didn't like milk at school, it always seemed warm to me, but we had to drink every drop from the bottle. Back then we were allowed milk all through infants school.
Happy T Day.
Yvonne xx

Lisca said... 8

What a sweet nostalgic page. The children look very happy and the cookies delicious. Thank you for including the recipe. I will certainly make those as I love oat cookies.
Happy T-day,
and a good week ahead,

jinxxxygirl said... 9

Love how you wrote in crayon and purposely misspelled words... perfect for the subject.... How funny is it that i still remember my kindergarten teacher?? I guess certain people just make an impression... I have always used the recipe off the oatmeal container for oatmeal / raisin cookies...funny i've never thought to stray to a different one for these cookies... lol Happy happy Tday Ms. Elizabeth Hugs! deb

Sandy said... 10

Love this journal spread - yum cookies. Those little kids are so cute but I have to admit, I am glad they are not mine! BWA-ha-HA
Sandy xx

Divers and Sundry said... 11

ooooo, I love oatmeal raisin cookies! Milk not at all, but I'm sure there's hot tea to be had ;)

pearshapedcrafting said... 12

Oh Elizabeth! I am so enjoying seeing your AJJ pages! I have a few in the pipe line but we still seem to gadding about too much! This page is wonderful - so clever of you to mis spell and use crayon (Hmm….now there's an idea - Thank You!) Hugs, Chrisx

Krisha said... 13

I just now realized why I always comment on your blog I scroll down I come to all the link-ups and start there...*grin*...sometimes I really wonder about my state of mind!

I think your AJJ pages are adorable. I am a cookie lover, but no longer drink just doesn't agree with my stomach anymore :(

Happy T-day and thanks for the comment.

Carol said... 14

Another great page and what's not to love about oatmeal cookies :)

Jeanie said... 15

I've always thought life would be better if a snack and a nap was included in every day!