Monday, June 15, 2015

T Stands For Best Buy

Before we begin today, I want to address a concern some of you have.  I realize this link goes live on Monday afternoon in the US, and some (in fact, more than a few) are taking advantage of this.  I originally set this up to begin at 4:00 pm on Monday MY TIME (GMT -5 during daylight savings time or CDT, and GMT- 6 during CST), so those who live on the other side of the International Date Line could post on Tuesday, rather than Wednesday.  This 24 hour cycle seems to get in the way, and I have no idea what to do about it.

Do we allow T Tuesday to go live on Monday afternoon in the US as usual?
Do we change to midnight MY TIME, where several time zones would be able to still participate on Monday (Mountain, Pacific, Hawaii, Midway Island, etc)?
Do we go by 0 GMT (Zero Greenwich Mean Time), which is the same as British Daylight Time and midnight MY TIME?

Please let me know your thoughts on this and I will do whatever the majority chooses.

Now let's go to T.

Recently, my friend Sally and I went out to eat.  But first, we stopped by Best Buy because she wanted to buy a washing machine. 

She had read many reviews about this specific machine.  All the reviews that were negative said the owner couldn't reach the bottom of the machine.  Sally wanted to check for herself.  When I caught up to her, I found her making sure she could reach the bottom of the machine.

It was obvious she could reach it, but since I'm so short, even standing on my toes, then climbing onto the side of the machine, I would NEVER be able to use such a machine.

The sales lady was so nice, and Sally ordered one of the machines.  I told her never to expect me to help with her laundry (grin).
After Best Buy, Sally wanted to go to Merle's,

another pub and restaurant.

I like their menus which look like old newspapers.

I decided on the cheese enchilada,

and I realized why Sally wanted to come here.  After spending all that money on the washer, I guess she needed a beer in case she felt buyers remorse.

Of course, I had water, but it was also about that time I realized she was wearing a Tee she had picked up at Strataca, one of the museums she, Kathy, and I visited during Smithsonian Day last September. 

What drink related stories do you have to share this second week in June?  Did you have a drink in a mug, cup, teapot, or glass?  Was your drink represented by art, a scrapbook page, a book, or a movie?  Regardless, please share your direct link and we'll be by to visit.

18 thoughtful remarks:

Craftymoose Crafts said... 1

See what happens when I plan ahead? I'm first!

I have to tell you I am so proud of myself for recognizing the shirt Sally was wearing was from the Salt Mine! Hope she enjoys her new washer!

TwinkleToes2day said... 2

That washing machine looks like it would hold a whole person, and, their laundry! What a beast! Lol. Front loaders seem to be the main type of machine over here.
I do like that newspaper style menu. It would make great art fodder, lol.
Happy T Day Elizabeth :D

TwinkleToes2day said... 3

ps - I am happy to go along with whatever is easiest for you Elizabeth. I generally tend to post, if the link is up, when it is Tuesday here. I cannot work out what time it is in what country so when it's Tuesday here - it's Tuesday! Haha. :D

Divers and Sundry said... 4

I schedule my posts for early Tuesday morning my time, and then I add my link to your post as soon as I can on Tuesday. Whatever works best for you works for me. I'm so pleased that you continue to organize this weekly party :) and think you should post it whenever you like.

We chose our washer/dryer based on fitting them into a laundry closet. Appliance selection has gotten complicated lol

Viktoria Berg said... 5

Well, I'm new here and have no opinion whatsoever on what time you post. Whatever you do, Tuesday is a long day spread out over the entire globe. I am very happy to join, now, my time, slightly after midnight between Monday and Tuesday in Sweden.

I absolutely sympathise with the need for a pint after investing in a new washing machine. We all know those things come with a lot of personality... ;-) I also find the menues very charming.

froebelsternchen said... 6

Do it like you want Elizabeth.. every time is o.k.!
I think Sally will get a very good washer.. the top fillers are really the best one's in my mind - but -
not for short!

Happy T-DAY


~*~Patty S said... 7

Selecting a new appliance certainly can be daunting.
Hope Sally is pleased with her new machine.
What an imaginative menu idea...Merle's has such a friendly sound to it.
As to when T Stands for Tuesday begins. I am happy to join in whenever it is convenient for you E. It's fun to touch base around the globe whatever the actual time.
Happy T Day to ya.

Nan G said... 8

Post at a time the works for you, E. I always thought you were so generous in posting early (US time) so others on the opposite side of the globe (down under) could join in on the correct day. Big hugs to you! Mmm Sally's beer looks good n cold and so delish! Would love to have a sip. Did you spirit away a menu? With permission, of course. I'm trying to remember how to use blogger on the laptop, it's been awhile. If I'm successful I'll join in today. Hugs from me and the Girls. p.s. T rushed off this morning to get all prettied up when she heard it was T Day/Bleubeard Day. ;)

Darla said... 9

Buying big appliances is a major decision isn't it? I have a top loader (which I can reach into) but the top/front load decision was based on the where the machine had to fit.

Clever menu on what looks like newspaper.

As for posting, I agree with everyone else, do what you want to do. I post on Tuesday morning (my time) and usually earlier than I did today. I try to get around to everyone on Tuesday but sometimes I'm late.


Halle said... 10

That's a really cool menu!! That frosty mug of beer looks delish. I could have used that a few days ago!
I'd say posting at midnight if you can schedule the post and linky...I think we talked about that once and it is possible to schedule the linky. Just my two cents. :)
Happy T day!!

Krisha said... 11

Happy T-day!!

Interesting menu, and a clever idea.

That is one deep washing machine! I wouldn't have a problem with it, but I hope to get a front loading one......when I get to replace my 40 year old one.....LOL

Post when it is convenient for YOU!! We all know where to go and to check back through the's not a race to see who gets the #1 spot! *grin*

Hope you have a great week E.

Monica said... 12

I have a front loader, as I am short, and a matching dryer. Best purchase ever. This said by someone who is NOT proficient at house wife tsks. Went back to buying all the new appliances at Sears as they have the best service etc. We also received huge amounts of coupons every time we bought a new one and that resulted in free cookware for the new oven with the induction top. This is fabulous and I will say no more you know how the Goddess of repairs hates things working well.

Dianne said... 13

Aack! Appliance shopping is difficult for me (I'd also be the one who couldn't reach the bottom of that washer!) I have a terrible time making a decision! Sounds like Sally did her research though, and hope she is happy with her decision. I would need a beer afterwards too, and I don't even drink alcohol! ;) what a fun menu...I always enjoy my visits with for time for posting T Tuesday, I am with most of the rest of the participants- do what's easiest for you! You've always been so flexible and don't make us jump through a lot of hoops, so I figure if someone's a bit late or early, especially 'cause of where they live, it's not the end of the world. Don't make more work for yourself unless you want to. We are just glad you organize this for us! hugs! ♥

Linda Kunsman said... 14

That's some washing machine-good thing she checked it out thoroughly! Glad you had a nice lunch afterwards. Love that tee sally is wearing:) Happy T day-a bit late. Severe t storms caused a bit of a computer glitch but all is well now.

jinxxxygirl said... 15

Okay ... I'm a little late making the rounds this week.. I'm so sorry about that! I quickly scrolled past the other comments without reading so i could give you my two Personally i like the ability to be able to post on Monday if thats convenient for me... I didn't realize this had become an issue... I figured if your post was up then it was okay for me to link to it...albeit Mon or Tues... But truly i just enjoy taking part in the Tea Party... so whatever the majority decides or you decide Elizabeth i will follow suit... Hugs! deb

Carol said... 16

I'm very late posting this week.... spending great time with the granddaughters as they are visiting this week :)

Dreaming of Vintage said... 17

Appliance shopping.......Ugh.......Even though I want one of the French door refrigerators with the freezer at the bottom. Can't wait to spend the money on that thing (eye roll)! Love the newspaper menus, so cute and that ice, cold beer looks great, but not this early in the morning! My husband and I went to a craft beer festival over the weekend and we had a lot of fun and I drank wayyyyy too much. It was nice to sample the local breweries that are popping up all over the place now.

Bridget Larsen said... 18

Of all days you put up a vote and I didnt play LOL. You post what ever time suits you E, we will just join in no matter where we are in the world. It would be easier for you to post Tuesday your time as its T for Tuesday in Bluebeard land.