Monday, December 22, 2014

T Stands For Preparing For Santa

First, I need to apologize.  Although I'm not one to get sick, not sick like I am now, by the time I got home last night I could not even stand.  I promise Bleubeard and I will be around to visit, but be aware, it will be between bouts of chills and sweats.  I don't know what I have, but it feels like more than a cold.  And it came on so suddenly, I barely made it home from my visit and the Ugly Sweater Party.  BTW, I have nothing against alcohol, I'm just not one to imbibe.  So cross out hangover on your list of what might be wrong with me.

But, let's forget about me and prepare for Santa, shall we?

I'm all ready for Santa to show his jolly face.  I've even lit the way with my peppermint scented candle.  Speaking of peppermint, I added a cane to the hot cocoa I prepared for him.  After he fills our stockings hanging on the sideboard, he'll want one or two scones.  And I'm serving everything using my Christmas "Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe" tableware.

How do YOU plan to welcome Santa this year?  Of course, if everyone feeds him this well, he'll be waddling to his sleigh.  And how do you plan to share this T before Christmas?  YOU know the drill, include something drink related please, and join in the fun.

23 thoughtful remarks:

Denise Price said... 1

I'm so sorry to hear that you're sick. There has been something going around lately, and it's bad. I hope you feel better soon. Drink lots of tea with lemon and honey! :)

In gratitude for the lovely snack you've set out for him, Santa is sure to fill your stocking (and Bleubeard's) well. Peppermint hot chocolate and scones are a nice change from milk and cookies.

Our son has never believed in Santa Claus, so we don't leave treats out on Christmas Eve. We do have a tradition of baking spritz cookies on the afternoon of the 24th, though. I am looking forward to that. Some we'll eat right away, and the rest we'll share with neighbors and relatives on the 25th.

Have a Merry Christmas and feel better soon!

pearshapedcrafting said... 2

Oh Elizabeth! I do hope you feel better soon! Have you done all your shopping - don't want you and Bleubeard going hungry on Christmas Day! So glad to hear your little packet arrived safely and in time for Christmas! You have no idea how much fun I had choosing what to go in it! Big warm hugs, (or a bit of fanning!) Chrisx

massofhair said... 3

We've had this in the UK Elizabeth it has floored many people, so sorry you are not well, feel better very very soon!!! :-) xxx

TwinkleToes2day said... 4

Awww, poor you :( You sound just the same as Wee Man was during one of his recent bouts of poorliness. I do hope you recover quickly.
You've laid on a fine spread for Santa, I'm sure he'll be very appreciative. We have some Reindeer food to put out on the garden path before bedtime too. It entices them to land so as not to miss us out don't you know ;)
Sending healing vibes so you may feel well soon Elizabeth (hugs)
Happy T Day & Happy Christmas :o))

Robyn said... 5

I was o busy with the food, I may have forgotten the drinks? they were pretty boring- mostly water and sweet tea.
I've had a sniffle that won't go away for 6 weeks, so I hope you recover faster than me!
As long as Santa brings my kids home, I'm happy! and he came come in and eat with us- healthy!

Linda Kunsman said... 6

It's been awhile and I've missed all the t day sorry to hear you are so sick and just around the holidays to boot. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery and may you and Bleubeard and loved ones enjoy a wonderful Merry Christmas! Love your festive display-and I'm sure Santa will too:)

dawn said... 7

Hello and Happy T Day! I'm so sorry your not feeling well. I hope it goes away very soon and you feel better in time for Christmas. I love the way you get ready for Santa, he is sure to enjoy the treats you left.
Sending you warm hugs and soup and love.
Merry Christmas dear friend, xo

Dianne said... 8

Oh dear, hope you are feeling better very soon! cute shot of the cookies and the china, as always. some hot tea might be good for what ails you...take care.

Dianne said... 9

also, in case anyone might read this, I have guests over Christmas, so I may be very late visiting everyone this week. ♥

Jo Murray said... 10

Hope the dreaded 'lurgy' departs and you are ready to have a Happy and Festive Christmas. Stay warm.

Helen said... 11

Hope you get better soon, take care; wrap up warm and keep drinking liquids. Happy Christmas to you and Bleubeard.

Krisha said... 12

Oh NO! I do hope you get to feeling better real quick. It's horrid to be sick on Christmas!! (been there...done that)
I love your picture this week, and read the same book to my Grand-Ds all the time.

Merry Christmas to YOU and Bluebeard!!! Keep warm and drink LOTS of fluids. I really do wish we lived closer!

froebelsternchen said... 13

Get well soon!
Very Merry Christmas Elizabeth!

voodoo vixen said... 14

I'll be back with a t post... just got out of bed so not very organised at the moment! LOL
So sorry you have the dreaded lurgy, there is a really nasty bug going around this year that completely floors you and it takes ages to move on to new places too... hope you manage to fight it off and feel better soon, big hugs

Julia Dunnit said... 15

Oh poor Elizabeth. Unlike the others, I suspect it may be something you've eaten....for it to come on so least a virus gives you the odd warning sign, even if it's just feeling 'not right' for a while. Either way, you do the sensible thing..lots of fluid and rest...everything can wait.
I LOVE scones of any variety...our GB ones never look like that that Choc Chip or fruit? Santa will love visiting your place...

Divers and Sundry said... 16

Oh, dear :( What an especially awful time to be sick. I hope you're back up to good health before Christmas.

Your treats look yummy :)

Rita said... 17

So sorry to hear you have caught whatever bug s going around your way. I know there is so awful stuff making the rounds. I hope you are feeling much better by Christmas. Hugs!! :)

Darla said... 18

Santa is going to be happy to see your treats. Hope you quickly get over whatever you have and can enjoy the holidays.


~*~Patty S said... 19

Feel better soon dear Elizabeth...being sick for Christmas just won't do...
Sending lots of healing wishes your way...
Your pepperminty table setting is so beautiful I can almost smell its goodness too...yum!
Have yourself a Merry little Christmas and take care my friend!

Craftymoose Crafts said... 20

After a day of food shopping, rearranging furniture, washing holiday dishes, etc., I feel like you. I hope we both get over it quickly in time to enjoy Christmas.

I'll have some peppermint in my hot cocoa, too, please!

Karla B said... 21

My dear friend, hope youu get better soon. You are a very special woman and people like you make a lot of difference.Merry Christmas!May love brighten you day in 2015!

Dianne said... 22

Dear Elizabeth, I did indeed receive your giftie, and adore it! Thought I left a comment but maybe it was on another post...especially love the died fabric and stitching! thank you so much ♥ I did figure out the 'some assembly required' bit! :) I have a house full of guests right now, so just a quick note to wish you merry, and feel better soon. Thank you for your sweet gift!

Halle said... 23

Sorry to hear you are only getting worse at this point. The flu and nasty viruses are running rampant. Take care and enjoy the kitty snuggles in bed. Kitty snuggles help me feel better. ;)