Monday, April 21, 2014

T Stands for BirThday Tuesday

It's T Stands for Tuesday, and I'm celebrating my bEARTHday. 

Every year I buy these awesome chocolate chip muffins.  And it wouldn't be my bEARTHday if I didn't celebrate it by drinking some freshly ground French Roast coffee that is laced with half and half.  It's time to blow out the candle and enjoy my bEARTHday repast.

All gone.

And for my final recycled entry,

I have always admired the cork Christmas tree that my friend Halle at Halle's Hobbies made one year.   However, if you follow the link to her tree, you see I don't have enough corks for this project.  However, last autumn, she made a few more of these trees, and she used less corks.  Fortunately, I had enough corks to repurpose them into a tree for my own home.

Everything that is, except a base.  Because necessity is the mother of invention, I came up with an old thread spool that would make a good base.

Since I've never seen one of these trees other than on Halle's blog, I had no idea what they look like.  But people have given me all these corks, since I don't drink anything but coffee (and tea on many Tuesdays), so I had to contend with varying sizes and shapes, which turned into a nightmare when I attempted to assemble them.  In the end, I used hot glue rather than E-6000 for the assembly.

After speaking with Halle, I learned I assembled the tree wrong, and when I tried to remove the glue, it was even worse.  At least, I was able to get rid of a lot of the extra glue.  Since I didn't have any circles the size Halle used to cover the ends of the corks, I added buttons to my tree.

Today is Day 22, where I recycled 13 corks and one thread spool.   It all leads up to Earth Day, where we show our support for the environment and recycling.  Please come back tomorrow, when I take you out and about as I celebrate my bEARTHday.

Now it's your turn to share what you are drinking, making art, or recycling today.  Please join us by linking below, so we can visit you, too.   Please remember, you do not need to drink tea, you do not have to drink anything, as long as you can relate your post back to something related to a drink.  Thanks for playing, especially since I'm celebrating bEARTHday today. 

28 thoughtful remarks:

Anonymous said... 1

Too cute. I have been collecting corks forever and made a cork board out of them and that was fun. Gave it to my son for his apartment. I am thinking of lining the inside of a coffee table box and putting glass on top with my collection. Happy Earth Day to you. xox

Denise Price said... 2

Happy Birthday!!!

Krisha said... 3

I keep all my corks, that don't fall apart, and have seen some interesting things done with them, but this is really a cute idea.

Chocolate chip muffin mmmmmmm, better than any birthday cake, in my opinion.

Happy Birthday dear friend.

PetraB said... 4

Happy birthday and many happy returns!

Nan G said... 5

A very cute cork tree! Love the buttons you've used to decorate said little tree. Have a wonderful BIRTHDAY! Many happy returns to you, Elizabeth. Hugs Nan and the Girls, who send nose smooches for your b-day. :)

Vicki Miller said... 6

I love your little tree. Maybe I could make one out of all the bottle caps I can't seem to throw away! Lucky I am back in the blog world to wish you a happy Bearthday. Enjoy your muffins!

Helen said... 7

Happy Birthday, Elizabeth, the muffin sure looked good! Love the cork tree,what a great idea.

Unknown said... 8

Happy Birthday! I love your cork tree. I am a new subbie. I read your whole blog. I found it on a different blog site. I am so embarrassed but I can't remember whose blog it was. I grew up in Wichita. I live in Springfield, MO now. The neighborhood you live in was a nostalgia dream for me. Many of my family members lived in those homes for many years. Most of the family members have passed away. Even your home reminds me of a beloved family member who had a kitchen very much like yours and she lived in your neighborhood. Thank you for your wonderful blog. I am an artist but the snippets you provide of Wichita was a treasure for me. Done writing book. No link for me. I don't have a blog yet. Hopefully, this Summer I will.

Rebeca Trevino said... 9

Happy Birthday E! that muffin looks yummy!

and about the cork tree- FABULOUS!

voodoo vixen said... 10

Happy B(earth)day Lillibet!! I am playing catch up... will have to get you something in the post on the belated level... darned moving has me all upside down!

Love your cork tree decorated with the beautiful buttons!

Julia Dunnit said... 11

Oh that's fab E - love it, and the buttons idea is so cool. I can't remember the last time we had a bottle of anything that had a cork in it..we're all screw tops these days..shame huh. The old Portuguese Cork tree industry must be shattered.
I'm cheating slightly today because although there's teacups, I'm not drinking. Although after I refresh my coffee, I will be raising my mug and wishing you the happiest of b(earth)days, hope you have a good few visits out and make it last as long as you can!

dawn said... 12

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND EARTH DAY!! What a yummy muffin to start the day off with, pretty setting too.

You know I love this tree, what a cute idea. You did a great job on it, pretty buttons too!!

Hope you have a wonderful day and lots of celebration and love that will last all year long.

Will be linking up later with my post.

misteejay said... 13

Happy bEARTHday.

I love your tree, the buttons look fabulous.

Toni xx

Anonymous said... 14

Happy BearthDay!! what a great combination, right.
I love that chocolate muffin and what a pretty way to serve it up in a gorgeous cup!
Hope you enjoy all that this day has to offer you and many many more to come!!!

Craftymoose Crafts said... 15

Happy bEARTHday Elizabeth! The cork tree turned out wonderful, and what a clever idea to add buttons to the ends!

Unfortunately, won't be able to celebrate with you by putting up a post as I cut my pinkie and had to have 5 stitches. No art and little typing going on around here.

Hope you enjoy your day!

Linda Kunsman said... 16

happy bEARTHday to you! I love your pretty placemats and dishes. Your tree is so sweet-I love the addition of the buttons. happy T day and thanks for hosting!

Divers and Sundry said... 17

happy bEARTHday! i love your flower-strewn table. sweet :) and what a treat to have the chocolate chip muffin & french roast coffee to celebrate.

i think that cork tree would be worth buying corks to make, which i guess defeats the purpose, but still.... it's perfect for a small space, and i love the buttons.

Hettie said... 18

Toot Toot! Happy Birthday Elizabeth. Love your Birthday crockery. Bootiful.
And your tree is great. I will have to try and buy some wine with no screwcaps now!

Darla said... 19

Happy Birthday my friend. I didn't see Halle's tree but yours turned out really cute. I think the button idea for the ends of the corks is perfect. Thank you for all the recycling ideas this month. Now go enjoy your day.


HeatherD said... 20

Happy bEARTHday. Thank you for sharing your creativity. Love the cork tree with buttons and I love your tea/coffee cups. My Mom had several of that type, not matching, but each having that lustrous, pearlized look. I'll have to get one out and drink a cup of tea in your honor. Have enjoyed all your recycled crafts.

Dianne said... 21

Happy Birthday dear E! That chocolate muffin looks amazingly yummy in that gorgeous cup...and your cork tree is lovely! I adore old buttons!

Halle said... 22

Happy Birthday! That muffin looked yummy. Can't blame you for scarfing that one down quick. ;)
Your tree turned out well. The spool as a trunk is such a great idea since the champagne corks can sometimes be a bit wobbly.

dawn said... 23

Hello again,
I just read your comment on my post, so funny to read and loved it. So glad you enjoyed it, my heart was telling me to go for it so I did. I'm so sorry I keep forgetting to use the word "altered books" and more in reference to what you do.
I'm laughing at your mention of pictures/PL/ money... so funny!! I think a book filled with your stuff could be valuable and interesting for anyone. Could be in an art museum or Earth friendly museum actually.

I hope your enjoying all the birthday wishes today!!

p.s. Remember Susan who came from my blog and visits on Tuesday's. She is on vacation but posted the other day and I know you will LOVE seeing her art. Take a peek when you have time.


Jo Murray said... 24

Have a VERY happy birthday day Elizabeth. Your tree is a little early this year...but still fun.

Caterina Giglio said... 25

Happiest Bearth Day, E, looks like you are taking good care of yourself.. Chocolate is always in order for celebrations! And your tree is very cute.. Hope you were careful with the glue it is very toxic! And industrial strength! X

Rita said... 26

Happy, happy birthday!! Your tree turned out really cute. I am often recycling or repurposing, but I don't think I did anything today. :)

creatorme said... 27

Sorry I missed you last Tuesday but I am back!
A chocolate chip muffin and good cup of Joe is good for any day especially a birthday! Happy Birthday!
Love your little tree and I think the buttons added a nice and unique touch.

my cup of tea said... 28

Hi! I linked up! Love your cork creation!