Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Torching tortured felt: a failed experiment

While I had my heat gun and craft sheet on my craft table, I remembered a project I had been wanting to try for quite awhile. It's alternately called "Tortured Felt," or "Torchered Felt." I call it a failed project.
I got out a piece of felt and spread pink and metallic gold acrylic craft paint in spots on the felt, leaving lots of room in between. According to Belinda, who I originally learned the technique from, you need "Kunen" felt, which she said was craft felt.
After I nearly caught the piece on fire and made the entire main floor of my house smell like burnt hair (even though I had the fan blasting and the windows open), this is what I got.
It's pretty obvious the felt I used was not the stuff I needed. Belinda said that the felt burned easily, but I held my heat tool on this one spot for sixty seconds. I know because I counted to sixty.

I'm not disappointed. I'll use the painted felt in some project, but I sure didn't torture the felt, although it seems to have tortured me!!

2 thoughtful remarks:

Iowa Sunshine said...

LOL. You made me giggle and i sure needed it! I'm not tortured any more! LOL. I love the way you explain things. HUGS

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you used wool felt on this technique. It was designed not to burn or melt like Kunen brand does.
