Monday, August 3, 2020

T Stands For More Reveals

I'd like to begin today by asking if any of you remember way back on February 11, 2020 when Erika and others in New Hampshire were the first in the nation to vote in a primary election.  Back then, there were dozens and dozens of Presidential candidates and I suspect various down ballots, too (persons running for congress, state, or local offices).  For those of you unfamiliar with our political system, a primary can have persons from all parties, if there is more than one person running.  HOWEVER, voters must declare their party affiliation and can ONLY vote along those declared party lines.  Think of it as a runoff and the person with the most votes represents their political party in the general election, which is Constitutionally guaranteed to occur on November 3, 2020.

Why am I stating this?  Because for the first time in my life, I voted by mail and today (Tuesday, August 4) is Kansas's primary.  When Erika voted, there was no mention of COVID-19.  Now everyone talks about little else.  Remember how I said I don't care if I ever drive again, but I need a valid and current Driver's License in order to vote?  Not sure anyone else cares, but just wanted to start with that.  Now for my regular post.

I have received more gifts and ATCs.  I didn't ask for them, I didn't ever expect anything, and I really was hoping no one would send anything.  However, I am always more than grateful when someone takes time to think of me.

These are the three gifts I have received in my mailbox.   The top one came from the lovely Kate.  I can only imagine what wonderful postage stamps might have graced this lovely package had it not been metered.

This envelope came from none other than my dear friend Chris.  

Speaking of an envelope filled with wonderful postage stamps, this came from dear Eileen.

Let's begin with the lovely card in which Eileen gave me permission to use the image of the girl on the front.  Look at that incredible German Scrap.  I always love that.  She also sent some of her handmade stickers, scrapbook buttons, and another adorable little girl.  Can you see the lovely butterfly?  Although I tried to show them, the green card stock has four leaves.  All I have to do is give them a small poke.  No cutting, no trimming.  It's all done for me. And look at the calligraphy.

Eileen continued her mugs and cups onto the ATC.  She always comes up with the most wonderful poems, too.  Thank you more than you will ever know, Eileen.  I absolutely adore the darling ATC and the little envelope it came in.

I was SO disappointed when this came back to me.

I hope Cloudia will let me know her mailing address so I can resend it to her.

Kate sent a plethora of goodies in her envelope.  The gold heart and gold doily were wonderful and went nicely with the lace doily and the other heart.  Kate copied some TH dolls for me.  I'll try to find a way to use them in my art, since I don't really want to fussy cut them if I don't have to.  I have each of the originals, so these I'll be able to play with in my Scraps AB.  Some to/from scrapbooking supplies were included, along with a lovely image I can use in a Paris scrappy journal.  There's even a page of recipes from bygone days.  Then there's the Chai teabag from Yogi.  I love that they have such awesome tags I can use in my mixed media.

Of course, all wrapped up was this lovely ATC.  The teacup is lovely and the tea tag that went with it is incredible.  Thank you SO much, Kate. I am very grateful you thought of me.

I wish I had time to research this postage stamp that came on the package from Chris.  I LOVE it.  I know it's a record album, but apparently didn't get a close look at it.  Not to worry.  It isn't even damaged with a postmark, so it will fit prominently once I have a music oriented page to use it on.

Chris never fails to impress.  She loves to send me cat oriented ephemera, and this time is no different.  All of these are punch outs.  I also noticed some of the epemera this time was birds, all of which had been fussy cut.  I suspect they are left over from her 100 days of envelopes project.  Did you see I got the toucan?  Circles (maybe the size of ATCoins) and smaller were included, along with transparencies, an incredible tag that I love, and the most beautiful card, handmade, too.  

Then there's this ATC, which sparkles with embossing powder and possibly Brushos in the background.  I swear, Chris is the queen of rubber stamping.  Thank you beyond belief for these goodies and the ATC my dear friend.

Now it's your turn to share your T entry this week.  The rules are extremely simple.  Your drink related post may be anything from a photo of a glass, cup, or mug, to an actual drink.  You may choose to share a sketch or a digital, hybrid, or traditional page in your scrapbook, art journal, or altered book.  Maybe you'd prefer to share a tag, or wow us with your photography.  You might choose a postcard, decorated card, or magazine image.  You might even draw an image on a used tea bag.  Or perhaps you prefer to review a place you visited, a movie, or book.  It makes no difference as long as it's drink related.  And don't forget that the more unique and outside the box it is, the better we like it.  Please tie it back here, and please link only to your T post, not your entire blog.  When you link, Bleubeard, the T gang, and I will be by to visit.   Bleubeard would also like to remind you that your photos may be taken any time, even months or years ago, if you choose.  Feel free to share any ATCs that were late arriving from the swap, too.

30 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

You got some beautiful presents in the post, enjoy! So kind of people to be so generous! I have often voted by mail, and I hope that Trump will not be able to stop mail-votes for the presidential election. I will link tomorrow morning, happy T day! Valerie

Sharon Madson said... 2

Whahoo! I am first! Elizabeth, you have some wonderful friends who sent you some wonderful goodies! So fun! We voted by mail , also.
So we don’t get our “I voted” stickers. Our granddaughter is working at the voter place in her state during the primary from 5:30 in the morning until 8 at night. I am so proud of her. Happy T Day.

Mae Travels said... 3

We just turned in our primary ballots today for the Tuesday state & local election. We can deliver them to City Hall with much less exposure to other people than if we voted at the polling place in a Middle School cafeteria! Like most Americans, I desperately hope that the November election is held according to law, without being sabotaged by our fearful and devious President abetted by others hoping to prevent the constitutional process from happening.

All your gift exchanges sound just wonderful, with all the highly remarkable and creative things you all make. I hope you find Cloudia!

be well... mae at

Eileen Bergen said... 4

You know we send all this stuff to you because we appreciate all you do for us, dear Elizabeth. I also feel that, because you're the "Queen of Free," I'm helping you keep your crown on straight. Grin.

I'm curious about the stamp from Chis too. I hope she'll enlighten us.

You are truly blessed because you bless so many others. It's karma.

Happy T-day and have a lovely week! Hugs, Eileen

Cindy McMath said... 5

Wow this is wonderful - for a minute I thought was it your birthday? Then I remember no it was not. Happy T Anniversary. Xo

Kate Yetter said... 6

So glad that you enjoyed all the goodies. It is work to host events every week so just think of these as little tokens of appreciation.
Happy Tea Day,

Linda Kunsman said... 7

oh what wonderful gifts, and beautiful art Elizabeth!! And well deserved too for all you do here in blogland <3 Happy T day!

DVArtist said... 8

OK, I will make this short. The GOP will cheat and lie at every turn to win. NOw for the good stuff. Wow nice gifts from nice people. You are blessed and the good things come to those who are nice. OK nice seems to be the word for today.LOL

Iris Flavia said... 9

You need a current Driver's License to vote? Dumb question, but... why? What about blind people etc?
Oh, that is a truly beautiful envelope, so sad about the thoughtless postie!
They are ALL beautiful, and what a shame your pressie came back. I had to look up, to whom I can send mail, one parcel got out last Wednesday and the postie said you can send to USA - it would be €60, though!!! Thanks to "Corinna"!

Iris Flavia said... 10

P.S. thank you for explaining your rules. Here you are not allowed (actually) to go outside without a valid ID. I used to take a copy for in case I loose the original and when a cyclist hit my car once - he came from the wrong direction over a red light on high speed, too, no helmet... police told me off for the copy!
I had to pay for the damage on the darn bike, too. And on the company car.
We all have some crazy rules, don´t we.

aussie aNNie said... 11

Lovely post. I have mail returned to me due to the covid...xx

Mia said... 12

How lovely goodies you received, Elizabeth! I love Kate's ATC, Eileen's card and Chris's card. I also love the fussy cuts birds. Enjoy, my dear friend. Kisses!

My name is Erika. said... 13

You did get a plethora of goodies in the mail. They are all so fantastic. ❤️ But you deserve them after sending out all those fabulous packages to us. Kate , Chris and Eileen were all very generous. And good you got to vote by mail. And of course your votes were valid and good, unlike some of the comments made about mail in votes. It is hard to believe your primary is now as ours seems so long ago. But Covid did change so many things. So far no storm this morning but we shall see as the day progresses. Hope your weather isn’t quite as dramatic as a tropical storm and have a super t day my friend. Hugs Erika

Anne (cornucopia) said... 14

You received lovely goodies in the mail. Thank you so much for the gifts you sent me (and Teddy). I'm glad you continue to do the Tea challenge each week. It's one of my only regular "events" to "attend." CT has their primary next week (Aug 11), after postponing it due to covid-19. I guess it's good Super Tuesday was early, or else maybe a lot of people wouldn't have voted at all, due to covid-19.

Let's Art Journal said... 15

Wow, so many amazing goodies! I'm loving all those ATCs celebrating TSFT 7th anniversary - stunning 😀. Enjoy and wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

Iris Flavia said... 16

BIG :-)
Packstation just called me! :-)
Thank you so much, your goodies arrived!!!!
I´ll wait till next T-Day to show, thank you, you made me smile big!

Jackie McGuinness said... 17

I also wanted to ask about the driver's license??? I don't and have never driven so wouldn't have one.
Our province offers a valid photo ID for people without a license.

Such great goodies. I am kicking myself for clearing out some stuff last week that would have been perfect for you!!!

Halle said... 18

What lovely gifts you have received.
We plan to vote by mail as well. The USPS is saying that they will need at least 14 days to get them through the system.
That means election day is mid October... Just keep that in mind!
Happy T day!

Karen said... 19

So many wonderful surprises from friends! lot's of creative inspiration for you to play with in the weeks ahead. Happy T day!

Darla said... 20

I'm late but it is still Tuesday and not even 9 am at my house, LOL! I enjoyed looking at all your treasures. I think the people who mailed you things are very clever. They chose things that I know you will use and enjoy.

Happy Tuesday!

Eileen Bergen said... 21

Hi Elizabeth,

You asked what a Puritronic is. It's our water purification system. You know what they say about Mexico: Don't drink the water. It's true unless you have a purification system for your house or restaurant, etc. People who don't have such systems drink bottled water in 10 gallon jugs.

The $8000 is pesos. So that's about $400 dollars US. But by the time he was done, it was another $2600 $130)! It's a long story. So I'll cut to the chase. I was very angry because, we had the same maintenance done just 10 months ago. It was about thee same amount.

So when they were done, I told him we couldn't afford to maintain this system. He got the message that we'd be looking for something more economical. He said, "Oh senora, you won't need service for two years. I guarantee it." We'll see what his verbal guaranty is worth if we have any problems before 8/2022!

Are you sorry you asked? lol. Eileen xx

Sandra Cox said... 22

So many wonders! I just love the envelopes with pictures drawn on them. Everything you received was well deserved:)

pearshapedcrafting said... 23

What fabulous gifts you received - all well deserved for being our hostess with the mostest each week! I am so pleased that you took a photograph of my ATC - in my rush to get to the post I totally forgot to take photographs! May I steal this one as a record? I also realise that I didn't photograph my envelope from Kate!
I'm sure that if you know the system the US voting is easy to follow but it does seem difficult to grasp!

I have posted on my blog about the album cover as I thought others might be puzzled too!
Happy T day and hugs, Chrisxx

CJ Kennedy said... 24

Oh my such cool things! If you want to use an image, but don't want to cut it you can always take a photo copy and use the copy in the art. That way you have the original to use over and over. Happy T Day

Meggymay said... 25

Sorry I am not able to join in for tea , I am calling in to say hello and catch up reading your posts. You got some lovely goodies in the mail that I think you will have a lot of fun using. I know I am looking forward to using the gift you sent for me.
Stay safe
Yvonne xx

da tabbies o trout towne said... 26

VERY nice gifts you received Elizabeth. Enjoy them; hi to bleu and squiggles.....I think by the time November rolls around, there will be
a LOT of mail in votes this year !! ☺☺♥♥

Lisca said... 27

Wow! What a lot of mail with so many goodies. It must have felt like Christmas and birthday all rolled into one.
A shame that Cloudia's mail didn't arrive. Have you heard from her since?
The stamp on Chris's envelope is a Pink Floyd album. I haven't read all your comments, but someone will have told you already that it is the album Wish You Were here from 1975. One of the best albums ever made in my opinion. In all those years I have never tired of this music. The picture on the album cover was designed by design team Hipgnosis and depicts a business deal, two men in suits shaking hands, and one of them getting 'burned'. This was the case literally as stuntman Ronnie Rondell was actually set on fire in order to achieve this picture.
Happy T-Day,

Sami said... 28

Beautiful cards and stamps and gifts your got Elizabeth.
Are you able to email me your address, as I have a few stamps you would enjoy.

Lowcarb team member said... 29

Didn't you get some amazing and beautiful presents in the post ... lovely.

All the best Jan

Divers and Sundry said... 30

I forgot it was Tuesday *sigh* and was so peeved at myself I just sat it out lol These days are weird!

"I don't care if I ever drive again, but I need a valid and current Driver's License in order to vote?" I call it a poll tax since there aren't any options for voter ID that are free and yet one is required to vote, and I say it's unconstitutional on that basis.

You got such treats in your Happy Mail. These ladies are creative and have talent overflowing :)

Happy T Day That Was!