Monday, November 25, 2019

T Stands For Thankful

Today I'm preparing for Thanksgiving. And I'm thankful.

I've set my place for Thanksgiving.  Although I have been invited several places, I decided to stay home and fix a meal I want, rather than picking through a pot-luck style meal.

I'm also quite thankful for this darling card I received from none other than my internet friend and T Tuesday participant, Kathy.

Isn't it stunning?  I knew as soon as I saw it, she had purchased it from Current.  I used to buy all my cards there too, as well as my checks.  They have the most adorable cards, and I'm so grateful she thought of me when she was sending cards to others.

Once the soup has been consumed, I'll use the Ye' Olde Curiosity Shop plate.

Of course, T day wouldn't be complete without water and my favorite drink, which is coffee.

Last week, Eileen showed us how to make a Christmas place mat.  If you haven't seen the post, just follow the above link.  I told her I have 12 place mats I paid a woman to make years ago with fabric I didn’t think looked like it was made for Christmas.  I grudgingly paid the woman because she did a good job making them, she just didn't give me what I wanted. 

Look at Eileen's fabric (see the rocking horses?) and look at this fabric.  Does this speak Christmas to you?

I'm seriously considering adding the stockings to a couple of these.  After all, I have 12 of them, I never use them, so what would it hurt, even if I messed up, right?

I suspect you know it's now time to share your own drink related post this week.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, ATCs, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday, and not just this year.

I should point out that I would be remiss if I didn't mention this is the final T post in November, so please don't forget to dig up your Second on the 2nd, a post that can be about anything as long as it is one you have published in the past. Any and everyone may join in.  In fact, the more the merrier.

It's also Day 26 of Art Every Day Month (AEDM), hosted by Leah Piken Kolidas and I hosted a link-up drink party.

30 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Your Thanksgiving table looks great, I hope you will enjoy your chosen meal there, and of course a coffee afterwards. our place-mats are pretty, but not really Christmassy, that's true. Happy T Day, Valerie

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 2

I'm so delighted you liked my Christmas place mats that much, Elizabeth. Thank you for sharing the link with your readers. I agree, that fabric does not look Christmas-y and I think you idea would save them. I surprised you noticed the rocking horses. That shows me how closely you read everything You're simply amazing.

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy T-day, dear friend. Eileen xx

Sharon Madson said... 3

Lovely Thanksgiving post, Elizabeth. At first, when I saw those dishes, they looked like some my mother had, but you called them, Ye Old Curiosity Shoppe, and I don't think hers were that name. Very nice, though. Pretty card. I used to order from Current all the time, before I became a card maker, so that would put it at over 20 years ago. WoW! I had to look carefully after you mentioned it, to see the rocking horses, and still didn't see them. Of course she did rocking horses for you! :) But I did see the rocking horse in the background of the photo with the card and place setting.
I hope you have your computer up and running soon. I love hearing from you on my post.
Have a happy Thanksgiving.

My name is Erika. said... 4

Those are fabulous dishes. The are very different and I like the Dickens theme. This is a wonderful Thanksgiving post-your table looks great and sounds like you will have a nice day. My husband and I almost stayed home and had a low key day, but then we are going to his sister's where his Mom is. Who knows how long she has left so I think he is happier going. Other than the colors, those placements don't look that holiday. But if you go for red and green, they might. But they are nicely done, as you said. Hope you have a super T day. Hugs-Erika

kathyinozarks said... 5

Your place setting is so pretty Elizabeth, and I am happy you enjoyed the card. I was so glad to see Current still in business and still printing in the usa.
I like your idea of re doing the placements that you don't care for-turn them into gifts for others.
Enjoy your day, I kinda wish we were staying home now-I have to do the same thing, figure out what is food safe for me to eat, although our hostess is very considerate of me in many of the dishes.
Happy T and Happy Thanksgiving-hugs Kathy

Barbara said... 6

I love the patterns on your dishes! Your table looks lovely, and I know you will be at peace there giving thanks while enjoying your special meal. I am also having a bit of trouble seeing detail on the placemats, but anything Christmas green and red reminds me of Christmas. That said, I think you should do with them whatever makes you happiest! Have a wonderfully thankful Thanksgiving day!

Lisca said... 7

What a beautiful place setting. I remember you always show your pretty china. I love this Ole Curiosity shoppe stuff. It is gorgeous,
The place mats are very pretty but floral is not Christmas, although the colours are. She probably thought she'd get away with that because they were red and green.
Stitching some stockings onto them is a good idea. It would certainly make them look more christmassy.
I looked at Eileen's place mats and yes, I spotted the rocking horse!
A very happy T-Day to you dear Elisabeth and give Bleubeard a cuddle from me.

Linda Kunsman said... 8

a lovely table and place setting with things you love- and a meal you'll love too:). I used to buy from Current- years ago - and always loved their cards!
Your place mats definitely show the typical Christmas colors anyway. I'd like to see you update them with stockings (or mittens) to hold utensils:) Happy T day, and a a very happy Thanksgiving too!

Iris Flavia said... 9

A beautiful table and card, but I agree, I see - apart from the colors - nothing Christmassy about the mat.

I think it´s really sad over here we are not thankful. It´s all for granted, it seems.
It must be wonderful to have this, even though it´s probably just a cliché I know from TV shows with families gathering together with wonderful food (and American Football).

I´m looking forward to eventually see what you have on Thanksgiving!

Rita said... 10

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Elizabeth. :)

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said... 11

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving Elizabeth if I do not get chance before the day as i'm playing catch up after being caught out by a virus. The colours of Christmas with the reds and greens are there but I understand what you mean regarding not really Christmas, but your table setting is beautiful. Enjoy the peace and quiet during your meal of choice and a coffee after.
Hugs Tracey xx
P.S Hope you got my email ? x

Meggymay said... 12

Your Thanksgiving table and place setting look very inviting, I'm sure you will enjoy the meal you have planned. Your china looks so special.

The place setting mats do look lovely, they are the colours of Christmas but after going to see Eileen's I can see your way of thinking, it would be a good idea to add the cutlery pockets.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth.
Yvonne xx

froebelsternchen said... 13

A wonderful table for Thanksgiving Elizabeth!
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy T-day, dear friend.

Cath Wilson said... 14

Happy Thanksgiving, Elisabeth, even if it is a little IS on Thursday, isn't it? Or am I mistaken?
Love your place mat and the way you set your table. A lovely thing to do. I often prefer my own company rather than going out - when invited - for Christmas. Much less wasteful, too, lol.
Happy T Day to you!
Cath x

Anne (cornucopia) said... 15

I hope you are healing Elizabeth. Your plates and glass look lovely for Thanksgiving. I like the place mats. The colors (red and green) and Christmasy, but you're right that the actual pattern isn't Christmas. I love that card Kathy sent you. Happy T-Day and Happy Thanksgiving!

CJ Kennedy said... 16

A lovely table setting. I especially love the cup with the inkwell, quill, and parchment. I like your Christmas placemats without traditional designs. Maybe what one would see at Christmas from Down Under where there is no snow and ice. (Heaven!) The placemats also look well made I like that scroll or leaf quilting design. Wishing you and the boys a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Kate Yetter said... 17

Your Thanksgiving table looks lovely! The dinnerware reminds me of something I would see in Williamsburg...very classy. While I agree the print of your place-mats do not speak Christmas, the color scheme certainly does. The decorative stitching is definitely a unique touch. If you don't like them, re-purposing them into stockings sounds like a great idea. Why store something you don't like? Your solution is perfect. I hope that turn out.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and happy tea day,

Darla said... 18

Good morning my friend. What a lovely table setting you have arranged for yourself. it sounds like you have a relaxing day planned. I'm going to go back through your posts I have missed. I know they will be interesting.

Divers and Sundry said... 19

Silverware pockets! That's a genius idea. I've never seen anything like it.

Your table looks lovely. It looks like you're ready. I'll be grocery shopping this afternoon and doing what little cooking I do on Wednesday and then a turkey breast on Thursday morning. Ours is a small gathering.

I hope you're less sore now. Happy T Tuesday!

Let's Art Journal said... 20

Wow, what a stunning table setting! That's such a beautiful card from Kathy, it's a lovely scene and so thoughtful of her to think of you 😀. Those placemats with the leaf scroll stitching looks so pretty too, I think you should add stockings to one of your place mats and see what it looks like, it will be a fun experiment 😉. Wishing you a very happy T Day and Happy Thanksgiving too! Hugs, Jo x

Jeanie said... 21

Your china is just wonderful and it's perfect for thanksgiving. And I love the beautiful glassware too. What a wonderful idea about adding stockings to the mats. I think it would be pretty and certainly worth a shot. And yes, a Current card is always a pretty one. I used to buy a lot of those too! Happiest of Thanksgivings.

J said... 22

Hi Elizabeth, your Thanksgiving china is really pretty and so are the glasses, sometimes it’s good to have a relaxing day, I hope you enjoy every minute of it.
I have a Christmas tablecloth but plain placemats that I’ve just bought, I’ve seen and idea on Pinterest to make a cutlery holders so hopefully I will have time when I get home to make them.
Happy T Day
Jan x

da tabbies o trout towne said... 23

Elizabeth, looks like your holiday will be nice and spent the way YOU want to spend it...enjoy and happy thanksgiving !! ☺☺♥♥

junemac2 said... 24

How beautiful. I love the Thanksgiving celebration day you all have in the USA. I wish we celebrated that so well here in the UK. Have a brilliant Thanksgiving week.

Love June x

pearshapedcrafting said... 25

Your table looks wonderful Elizabeth -I do love that place setting!
I think you should try to give that place mat a you say can't do any harm!
Sorry for arriving late! Hugs, Chrisxx said... 26

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

RO said... 27

That card is absolutely adorable, and perfect for the season. Did you get the one I sent, which is definitely not as festive.(lol) Now that I'm older, I prefer to eat alone too, with a good book or a few movies, and I enter some contests too. I'm cooking a few things right now, but I really hope hubby goes off with his family, so I can curl up with Hallmark or Lifetime.(lol) Happy Thanksgiving and sending lots of hugs your way. RO

Elkes Lebensglück said... 28

Beautiful this tableware and the Christmas place mats that much!!!

Have a happy thanksgiving!

Lowcarb team member said... 29

How lovely your Thanksgiving table looks … have a happy one :)

All the best Jan

Rain said... 30

Hi Elizabeth :) I just dropped in to check out your T post! Your dishes are SO lovely!! I agree it's a good idea to do something with the place mats since you're not even using them! I guess some people think that just having red, green and some white makes it Christmassy! How about some pot holders? Stockings are a lovely idea! :)