Monday, November 11, 2019

T Stands For Cracker Barrel

First, I want to wish everyone a beautiful and joyous Veterans/Armistice/Remembrance Day. On my way home from visiting the Eisenhower Museum, Library, and Boyhood Home, I stopped off at Cracker Barrel in a town just north of Wichita. 

Cracker Barrel is a chain store famous for its country style gifts and food.

Apparently they are also famous for

their colorful rocking chairs which they sell.

I wonder if they bring them inside in winter when the snow flies, as it does in Kansas, a state in the very center of the contiguous United States.

I couldn't believe Christmas trees were already on display.  For those of you new to my blog, I went to the Eisenhower Museum on Smithsonian Day, which was September 21.  Did anyone else notice that rocking foul (can't tell if it's a goose or swan)?  Obviously rockers don't have to be horses.   They'll still be welcome in my home!

As much as I always try to avoid people in my photos, there was no getting around it inside this store that was booming with business.

At that point, Halloween was over a month away and they were already putting their Halloween items/costumes on sale.  I want that broom.

Next it was time to move on to Thanksgiving decorations.  For my international visitors, Thanksgiving in the states is a Federal holiday.   It is the FOURTH Thursday in November, and this year it lands on November 28.

I really liked that turkey, but at $34.99 (USD) it was too much for my budget.

Since I'd now seen decorations representing all three upcoming holidays, it was time to enter the restaurant area.

To say I was highly disappointed was an understatement.  I'm a vegetarian and this place does NOT cater to those of us who choose not to eat meat.

I had heard you could get breakfast any time, and that was what I was hoping for.  However, every meal came with MEAT (and grits, too)!!!  I ended up getting a double order of hashbrown casserole and buttermilk biscuits.  These were side orders, but I was still full when I finished eating.

Although I had water (no lemon available, apparently), if you get regular coffee, iced or hot tea, lemonade, sodas, or soft drinks, they give you bottomless refills.

By now you probably know it's time for you to share your own drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, ATCs, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday, and not just this year.

This is Day 12 of Art Every Day Month (AEDM), hosted by Leah Piken Kolidas
and I hosted a link-up drink party.

30 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Looks like a fun store with lots on offer. We used to get Cracker barrel cheese when I was a kid, I wonder if it came from them? Sorry they didn't have the food you wanted. The coffee is a good price with bottomless refills, you never get that here! Happy T Day, Valerie

Divers and Sundry said... 2

Cracker Barrel is popular here, and I've eaten there several times through the years. I like their food, but I agree it's not a vegetarian-friendly spot.

I'm embiggening your photo to see those little trees up close :) Since I've switched from the tall tree to a tabletop type, I'm adding a few more trees of different kinds to add to the several I had. These get placed on tables and on the floor (no kitties here).

Happy T Day!

kathyinozarks said... 3

I love Cracker Barrel-for me it is very difficult to find gluten free there, but they did have a very nice steamed fish and they do have allot of sides to choose from. I love browsing in their store too.
there is one on the way home off the highway out of Springfield, mo that we went to a couple times after a long day at the doctors.
Glad you were able to find something to eat. Happy T Kathy

Linda Kunsman said... 4

I have never been to a Cracker Barrel (there is one not too far from me) and hear different reviews from good to bad regarding the food. Glad you could at least find something to eat. However, the shop looks like so much fun!!
Happy T day!

My name is Erika. said... 5

I haven't been to Cracker Barrel for ages. But I see they haven't changed. Sorry you couldn't get your breakfast food meatless. That is unusual in this day and age I think. But at least it was a great trip to the Eisenhower home. Happy T day my friend. Hugs-Erika

Rita said... 6

Thanksgiving stuff out and Christmas at the same time. Of course some places have Christmas stuff before Halloween! :)

Powdered Toast Man said... 7

I would have asked if I could eat in one of the rocking chairs.

Kate Yetter said... 8

Growing up, we frequented Cracker Barrel and living in Pa they always had their rockers out all year round. My favorite thing to get on their menu was the fried chicken and the stewed apples. It has been many years since I have eaten there. My diet has changed so drastically that I doubt they have anything that I could eat anymore. But their gift shop was always my favorite. I had so much fun browsing their novelty items.
So glad that you shared a tour of their store.
Happy Tea Day,

CJ Kennedy said... 9

I love the Cracker Barrel. I love grits, too. Too bad they don't have vegetarian choices. It's always fun to poke around their gift shop. I believe that's a rocking swan. Fit for a Little Princess, wouldn't you say? Happy T Day.

Susan Kane said... 10

Ah, Cracker Barrel! What don't I love? Grits (Yay!), cornbread, and a lot of rural and southern dishes.

I keep hoping there will be one built near our area.

J said... 11

Elizabeth I would love to visit that store, especially with my DIL as she loves that kind of stuff. I wouldn’t get Steve within a mile of it, ha,ha.
Cracker Barrel to me means cheese too, I think it was in a long rectangle shape, foil wrapper, I don’t think it’s sold any more.
That’s unusual to get endless refills on everything, I remember going to visit our son in Boston and they had refills, we were fascinated as it never happens in the UK
Have a happy T day Elizabeth
Jan x

Aimeslee Winans said... 12

Hi Elizabeth! You went to MY STORE!! Haha And do you know what I get every single time I go there to eat? VEGETABLE PLATE. Are you sure you just didn't see it? I always get broccoli and kale salad, carrots, greens and okra/tomatoes or fried okra. I'm willing to bet money they have it, or you could have subbed for the meat. I do hope you go back or at least look at their menu online. It's probably my fave lunch or dinner place because it's good home cooking. xoxo

aussie aNNie said... 13

Fun and oh so interesting, would love to browse through a store like this.

Helen said... 14

an interesting store, but a shame they don't cater to a more varied diet.

Iris Flavia said... 15

I want a porch. And such a rocking chair :-)
We have a rocking moose (from IKEA) and also had a rocking Harley, which we (sadly) sold.
Life rocks, Elizabeth :-) Or, well, take a flight on a broom!
Do you know The Simpsons-episode where the pumpkin and the turkey are huge and alive? That and the movie with Chevvy Chase, that´s all I know about Thanksgiving (kinda).

Well, can´t you simply order without meat? That´s where my blog-title originated from, I didn´t like warm ham, so ordered my pizza (back then a number 10) without ham and it never was a worry.
In fact they were so proud when even my Mum (this was my hometown with that pizza) ordered a "Ten Without Ham" and they cheerfully said: "can get cold, right, goes to Braunschweig?".

You made me laugh withe the "bottomless", but, we have the same word, "bodenlos"! Though I think we´d use it in another context like "bodenlose Dummheit" aka "dumbness"! LOL...

Meggymay said... 16

I would really like to visit that store, it looks to have so many interesting items for sale. However part of the joy for me would be 'just looking' as the 'do I really need that mode' would have come to the front.
It must have been a disappointing menu for you and no lemon for the water either.. I wouldn't want to go back there.
Happy T day wishes.
Yvonne xx

Cath Wilson said... 17

What an intriguing little place, Elisabeth...reminds me of Notts Berry Farm (I think) that we visited with a friend when in California...very 'Olde World'. Very festive, too.
Have a lovely day.
Cath x

Anne (cornucopia) said... 18

September is much too early for Christmas items to be displayed for sale. I love those Halloween cat skeletons: I want one! (Although it sounds like their items might be pricey there.) I'm surprised they didn't have any vegetarian meal choices. There's a Cracker Barrel here in Milford, Connecticut, off of I95. Happy T-Day!

TammyVitale said... 19

I remember the first time I ever went into a Cracker Barrel. It was in Tennessee when we were traveling in the Smokies, camping out in a tent and a step van. I am still fascinated by everything they pack into their merchandise rooom.

I have a drink photo from a recent trip to Yellow Fin Restaurant in Edgewater, MD. I"ll have to find it and set it to public so I can share. :)

Let's Art Journal said... 20

I've been to Cracker Barrell many a time and I'm surprised that they don't have a vegetarian option, such a shame! The shop looks amazing, so many lovely things to look at and buy 😀. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

RO said... 21

It's been years and years since I visited Cracker Barrel, but I remember really enjoying the food, and the great little trinkets in the store. You got some really great pics too! Hugs, RO

Lisca said... 22

That looks like a fun shop to go to with lots of different things on offer. I like those old fashioned rocking chairs, although I wouldn't know where I'd put one in this climate.
I think the rocking fowl is supposed to be a swan, for a 'little princess' to sit and rock in.
What a shame there wasn't anything vegetarian. You would expect nowadays with so many people being vegetarian, that they would cater for that. Also not anything gluten free should you need that. Very short sighted of them if you ask me. If it was near me I would avoid it because of their attitude (not because I'm a vegetarian or celiac).
Happy T-Day,

Nancy said... 23

My eye went right to the tall angel in your photo- I'm partial to them as you are to rocking horses (or rocking swans as the case may be). They sure cover every season with lots of appealing items. Love their blueberry pancakes!

craftytrog said... 24

Ooh! What a fabulous store! I love all the rockers, especially the Goose/Swan. And I just scrolled back up after seeing Nancy's comment, to look at that gorgeous angel.
Happy T-Day!
Alison xox

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 25

I've only been to a Cracker Barrel Restaurant/store once. It was a very fun place with many interesting things to see and buy. I love the rocking swan and the turkey.

Happy T-day! Eileen xx

Sandra Cox said... 26

Cracker Barrel is always booming. Don't ya love those hashbrown casseroles? Love the rocking fowl.
YOU have a great one.

da tabbies o trout towne said... 27

I haven't been in a cracker barrel in years; their prices are rather...pricey !!! I do like the rocking chairs they have on display; the purple are very unique and I bet they sell out fast ... :) ♥♥♥

wavez two ewe bleu N squiggles frum uz =^.,^= ☺☺♥♥

pearshapedcrafting said... 28

I'm sure I would love this place Elizabeth! I don't think I would be in a hurry to leave either!! Hugs, Chrisx

Jeanie said... 29

I love Cracker Barrel -- even if I just go there to shop! They always have fun stuff and it's always SO tasty!

NatureFootstep said... 30

that´s a lot of stuff. Smetimed fun to look at :)